
2138 Words
Isla I sit on the bed in my new room, not sure what to do, grasping my bag. I look around, but I’m not sure what to do. Why am I here? If I touch anything else, will someone come flying out of the closet and slap me again? Beta Seth has assured me that this is my room, and I can do whatever I want, but I am still hesitant. I can’t help but think that this is all a huge mistake. Mrs. Worchestshire or whatever her name was had mentioned that she thought I was meant to go to the maids’ quarters, and while Beta Seth said that wasn’t right, I can’t help but think maybe someone will come and take me there soon. If I get too comfortable in here, I will just have to go. And this is the nicest room I’ve ever seen. I haven’t been sitting here too long when there is a knock at the door. I look up, and a girl with brown hair and wide hazel eyes is staring at me, just her head sticking in the door. “Hello, Miss,” she says. “May I come in?” “Yes, of course,” I say, starting to get up. “Oh, no, don’t get up!” she insists, flying into the room like a flurry, a small, contained tornado. “I’m Poppy, Miss Isla,” she says with a small bow of her head. “How do you do?” I hesitate to respond because I’m not used to being addressed this way, but then I say, “I’m f-fine, thank you.” “Good! Beta Seth sent me to take care of you. I will be your personal maid. So… what can I do to assist you, miss?” she asks standing at attention with her hands folded in front of her. I don’t know how to respond to her because I have never had anyone bring me anything in my life, not since I was a child and needed my mother’s help. “I don’t know,” I admit to her. “Do… do you know why I’m here?” The last part is a whisper. Poppy laughs, and it sounds a bit like a melody. “No, miss, I’m afraid not. But don’t fret. I’m sure there’s a good reason, if you don’t know. Now, let’s see…. Food is on its way from the kitchen. A meal should be arriving shortly. Is that your bag?” I look down at the pathetic bag I’m clutching in my hands, my knuckles white, and I nod. “May I?” she asks, extending a hand. I don’t want to let go of it, but I do. She takes the bag from me, and looks through it. “All right,” she says. “We have plenty of clothes in the castle. We keep them in case guests forget their bags. Or so they say.” She takes my things over to the armoire and begins to put them away. “Although, I have to say, I think it’s also in case they are robbed on their way to the castle. You know there are plenty of rogues out there. And some Alphas who can’t seem to remember who is king.” She shakes her head, and I am surprised. I didn’t know that there were any Alphas who would rise up against the Alpha King. “At any rate, I will go and get you more clothing. You should have a regal wardrobe. I will get what I can, but we will see that you have everything that you need. Beta Seth said that you are to be treated as the finest ladies in the castle.” My eyes bulge. “He did?” “Yes, he did. Now, what size are you?” I have no idea. I shake my head. “My mother makes my clothes.” “Well, do you mind standing up?” I manage to slide off of the bed, and she looks me up and down. “Tiny thing, aren’t you!” Poppy proclaims. She is rather thin herself, but she is much taller than me. My hands are trembling a bit, and I don’t know what to do with myself. I’ve only been here a few hours, and I already miss my family. “What happened to your face?” she asked, staring at the spot where that woman hit me. I can only shake my head. I don’t want to tell her. “Oh! That’s why they hauled Mrs. W. out of here by her hair, isn’t it?” “By her hair?” I ask, my eyes wide. I can hardly believe it. “Yes! She deserved it anyway, awful witch! She treated everyone like that.” Poppy shook her head. “Well, it’s good she’s gone. Now, why don’t I go draw you a hot bath so you can soak? You’ve had a long day. Then, I’ll go get you something proper to wear, and you can eat something and lie down.” “All right,” I mutter, even though I’m fairly certain the king himself will be in soon to tell me it’s time for me to go home—or go to the maids’ quarters. Poppy goes into the bathroom, and soon enough I hear water running and smell roses. She comes back a moment later with a big grin on her face. “Do you need any help getting undressed?” “No, thank you,” I say. I can’t imagine needing help with that. Rich people are… strange. “All right. Do you need anything else before I go?” “No, thank you.” She smiles at me and says, “I’ll be back soon.” “Thank you, Poppy,” I say before she goes. She nods and then heads for the door, and I can’t help but think that we might be friends—if I stay here. Even if I do end up being a maid. *** Maddox “Alpha Jordan?” I say, eyeing the man across from me and wondering what he’s doing in my office when we are meant to have dinner in less than two hours. “What is it that you need?” He looks at me and a small chuckle escapes his lips as he rubs his chin with a fist. He’s at least twenty-five years my senior, maybe more, and it’s easy to tell. His hair is gray, his face is wrinkled, and he looks worn—tired. Will I look like that in a couple of decades? Being an Alpha takes its toll. Being an Alpha King is worse. “Thank you for seeing me, Alpha Maddox,” he begins, withdrawing his hand from his mouth. “I do appreciate you letting us stay here for a few nights. Travelling all the way through the kingdom is tiresome.” “Of course,” I say, folding my hands on my desk. He still hasn’t answered my question. I am a patient man until I am not. He clears his throat. “I guess I should get straight to the point, then?” he says, that rumbling chuckle back. I wait, not needing to say that he most certainly should do just that. “A few of the Alphas have been speaking about the… conflict that is going on now. The problems we’ve been having.” “I know all about that,” I say, not wanting to get into it right now. “What have you been discussing?” “Well, only that… with the instability in the kingdom and the unrest, it would be best for the people if they had something to celebrate, something to… cheer them up and stay focused on that is more positive.” I continue to look at him, my forehead wrinkled. I am trying to figure out where he is going with this, but I don’t want to attempt to guess because if it is where I think it might be… I might leap over my desk and cause bodily harm to the man. “What are you getting at?” I finally ask him. He shifts his weight in his chair. It creaks under the strain as if it also wants to protest whatever it is he’s about to say to me. “You need an heir.” It is exactly what I thought he was going to say, and exactly what he should have never let come out of his mouth. Keeping my face stoic, I glower at the man. “I have a beautiful daughter who is a few years younger than you. She has gone through her first few heats. She is ripe for breeding. She could give you an heir, Your Majesty. It would be good for the kingdom. Zabrina would make a wonderful Luna.” He takes a deep breath as if he is satisfied that he has gotten the message out. The air settles around us, and I lean back in my chair, remembering what Seth always tells me about thinking before I react. The man is introducing the idea of his daughter to me in similar language to the way Alpha Ernest mentioned the girl he brought me, though there was no talk of her heats. I suppose that’s only because he had no way of knowing. He had told me the girl was a virgin, though. Alpha Jordan had not made any mention of that for his daughter…. I shake my head. “Alpha Jordan, I thought I had made it clear that I didn’t intend to marry again. Your daughter deserves to find her mate and—” “She’s found him,” he says, interrupting me. Waiting, I stare at him, anticipating he’ll tell me more. “It was the son of a Beta from a neighboring kingdom. She met him at a ball. The mate bond was not strong, but it was there. She rejected him, and he left.” Alpha Jordan shrugs like this is of no consequence. “But everyone knows rejecting one’s mate has consequences,” I remind him. “I believe that the consequence was that our territory was attacked shortly thereafter, but we were victorious. Nothing else has happened. Zabrina is fine.” “And she’s had no physical pain from the rejection?” This goes against everything I’ve ever heard. “No, not that I’ve heard her complain of,” he says nonchalantly. “Strange.” I have to wonder if perhaps this man wasn’t actually her mate. Losing my mate has caused me nothing but torturous heartache. And the only way it will ever end is if the Moon Goddess grants me another mate…. “Nevertheless, I don’t intend to take another Luna, Alpha Jordan,” I tell him dismissively. “But what about an heir?” he asks. “Our kingdom must have an heir, Alpha Maddox.” “I am aware,” I tell him, my tone sharp. “Why don’t you let me handle that for myself, Alpha Jordan?” His face turns a bit pink as I put him in his place, but then, he feels it is necessary to tell me, “Of course, but… know that the other Alphas are discussing the situation. There’s… chatter.” I clear my throat and lean forward in my chair a bit, looking into his eyes. “I hope that those Alphas who are speaking against me understand that there will be consequences for traitorous behavior.” I see his eyes widen slightly. “Oh, yes, sir. No, nothing like that. We are all loyal to you, sir. Only… concerned. That’s all.” I nod, but I don’t trust him. I’m not sure I trust any of them. “Thank you, Alpha Jordan. I appreciate your concern, and I’m sure your daughter is a lovely person, but I am not looking for another Luna. Rebecca was my Luna and that’s how it will remain.” He adjusts his tie and cannot look at me as he says, “Yes, of course, Alpha Maddox. But if you change your mind—” “I won’t.” I stand, and he does as well. He offers his hand, and I shake it before showing him to the door. Once he is gone, I got to the cabinet and pour myself a drink. Downing it, I refill my glass. I need to go get ready for dinner soon. I am so tired of hearing about how we need an heir, as if I don’t know that. The whisky burns my tongue as it goes down. Maybe Alpha Ernest isn’t such a fool after all.
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