Dealing With Her Again

2021 Words

*Maddox* Well, I f****d up again. Obviously. Leaving Isla alone to get some rest or maybe visit with her brother if he comes back, I head back to my office. Now that I’ve had the relaxing diversion of arguing with my breeder–or lover–or whatever the f**k you want to call her–I’m ready to get back to work. I see Seth in the hallway walking at a brisk pace, and the way he’s flying down the hallway, practically running, I have to wonder what the hell has happened now. I don’t even want to know. But I ask. “What’s going on?” Seth shakes his head. “It’s Zabrina,” he says. “She’s just down there in the dungeon throwing a fit, and the guards want to know if they can sedate her. I told them to go ahead, but somehow, when they went in to give her the shot, she managed to rip it out of the guar

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