A Vision of Blood

2040 Words

*Isla* It’s not even 5:00 in the morning when my toes touch the floor, cool to the touch. A day had passed since my nightmare of ice cold water, and tonight I dreamed of much more violent things. I was restless, unable to fully shut my eyes, and when I could, Isaac would wake. I’d eventually taken him to the nursery across the hall to be tended to by one of the nursemaids so I could try to get some rest. I’d felt guilty, and found it hard to sleep, but eventually I’d drifted back into my fitful dreams. More nightmares just like the first one. Soundless shadows wove through gnashing teeth and tearing claws until I woke again, sweating, and feeling like something was very, very wrong. Was it only in my dream that I tasted and smelled blood? Or was my house, my very room, now thick w

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