Just Dropping In

2200 Words

*Maddox* Leo was right about the mine shaft. I feel my way through the tunnel, the walls damp with condensation and crudely carved. Leo is ahead of me, holding a flashlight as he walks into the tight, seemingly endless darkness. “You really came here to play as a kid?” I ask, my words feeling wet and heavy in the sudden humidity. There must be an underground river somewhere beneath us, because everything I touch is wet, and my hair is so damp it’s sticking to my face. “Not play,” Leo says with a short laugh. “We’d dare each other to go in. Some say a demon lived in here, a spirit of some guy who died while it was being built.” A shiver runs up my spine but I shake the thought away. “Ah, here, s**t–” Leo drops the flashlight, and a loud bang echoes through the tunnel. “Are you a

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