The Pride of a Princess

2039 Words

*Isla* A few days go by, and my cousin wants to speak to me, but I refuse. I think it can only mean trouble. He probably feels like he can talk me into going with him to the islands if he can tell me enough information about Maatua and why they need me there that maybe I’ll change my mind and decide to go. But now that he’s told me if I don’t kill my own aunt, she’ll kill me, I can’t really see any reason for going. I do my best to stay busy. It’s difficult with Maddox gone. News of fighting from the front lines comes in to me, and I ask for updates whenever I can find someone who might know what’s going on, but for the most part, no one tells me much of anything. Only that there’s been some fighting, we didn’t have many casualties, and the Alpha King is repositioning his men in case of

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