1217 Words

I sat on my bed looking at my phone and I really didn’t want to have this conversation right now because I knew Evelyn would be up here screaming at me soon for having anything to do with Logan. She’ll definitely be pissed that I went to have something to eat with him. ME - Hey Lexie. Just got home and saw your messages. Can I talk to you tomorrow at school? LEXIE - Can you just tell me who he is? Simple answer. ME - My mother’s ex boyfriend. And the one that I liked the most. That’s it. LEXIE - He’s young. ME - These are the questions I don’t want to answer. I’ll tell you everything in full tomorrow. Good night. I went to have a shower and got ready for bed, but when I walked back into my bedroom Evelyn was there. “What do you want?” I asked. “What the f**k were you doing wit

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