Chapter 35 Accepting My Feelings

1664 Words

Alexander’s P.O.V. Fuck! I want her in my room right now because I miss her and want to take care of her. She’s having periods, but her punishment hasn’t ended. She must sleep in my room. “Did you forget about your punishment, kitten?” I ask, a sly grin spreading across my face. Great! I have a perfect excuse to summon her to my room. “I remember my punishment, but I can’t come.” She responds in an apologetic tone. How do I tell her I’m calling her because I want to take care of her? “No worries. Just like last night, I’ll carry you to my room, and after your period, you will face the consequences of not obeying my orders.” I tell her, a smirk tugging at the corners of my lips. “Such an evil Master he is.” She mutters to herself, momentarily forgetting that she’s still on the call w

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