Chapter 13 Complex Emotions

1500 Words

When I return to the mansion, Mia runs towards me with a look of concern. “Alice, where have you been? Aunt Rose-” Her voice trails off as she notices the marks on my chin and neck, her brows furrowing in confusion. “What happened? Who did this to you?” She enquires, her words laced with worry. “Mia, I went to meet my boyfriend, and his ex-girlfriend attacked me.” I lie to her. I wish he was my boyfriend, but unfortunately, he is already in a relationship with her. “Boyfriend? Ex-girlfriend? What are you talking about?” Mia looks puzzled, seeking clarification. “I’ll explain everything another time. But first, tell me what you were saying about Aunt Rose.” I reply, eager to change the subject. “Aunt Rose had to leave the mansion. The Wilson brothers transferred her to their father’s

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