Fuck... It's been a while since I felt this helpless... And I mean a while, A really long time.... I feel like, as long as I have Diablo... I never really feel helpless... The helpless feeling that I ever felt is just the time where I first reincarnated... Even when I ruin Ruu relation with her friends, I felt... Good... Because I get Ruu for myself... Fuck... I talk about how people is corrupt... While... This corruption inside me is really strong... I'm a hypocritical bastard... Ruu... Help me... I need you... Please, tell me that what I do at that time is not wrong.... And as I beg in my own mind... For Ruu to come help me... A really warm arms reach around my neck and then someone whispers. "I heard you want my help Dear...." Ruu voice pierce my brain... She hug me from behind and