The Set Up

2085 Words

During the dance concept at the academy today, I managed to push through it with my foot. I arrive at home and the house is quiet. I can't help but think that I have spotted Connor outside of the academy. I guess that he is following me around in case I'm in trouble. Dan walks down the stairs as I make my way to the kitchen to get some water.  "We will be going out to dinner tonight, there is someone that I would like you to be with" he says, I turn around around to face him. He is standing next to the kitchen counter. I gulp my water down.  "Who is this person?" I ask. "I think that its time for you to have someone in your life. A boyfriend. He is a business man, he owns hotels around the world and I think that he is the perfect match for you" Dan smiles. "I'm not looking for any set

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