Chapter 6

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~ Princess Mylie’s PoV I sat in my room all day thinking of nothing else but best way to get this pearl from whichever spirit of the ocean without being caught. I was baffled to a fault, I had initially thought turning to human could be achieved by something as simple as a spell, oh if it was a spell then no matter how hard it is I can definitely achieve it by myself. But now I had to find a way to deal with the ocean spirits just to achieve my aim, there were five known ocean spirits, all known to be very powerful and dangerous in their own domain. I am powerful yes, very much so even, but even I don’t think I can take on an ocean spirit not to talk of all seven, besides, fighting them would be the wrong approach, I didn’t want to be caught after all. Just then, my best friend Selena came in after a couple of knocks I hadn’t heard “Hi princess” she said to me with head bowed, she was my best friend but she always followed the rules and the customs. “Where have you been all this while” I asked frowning at her, my emotions were all mixed up because of the issue I was facing. “I’m sorry princess but I had been busy, so what’s wrong? you look bothered and dare I say flustered even” she asked me. “Bothered? Flustered? Not at all, I am perfectly fine” I lied to her, can I trust her with what was bothering me? Its true she is my best friend but she is as well loyal to a fault. “Remember I am your best friend and I know you enough to know when you’re happy or not and when you’re being bothered by something, so don’t you lie to me” she said and drew closer to me, now her attention and curiosity was perked up to get to the root of my matter. Do I really have a choice in whether to tell her or not? I doubted it, Selena might not be the trouble attracting type like I am but she is just as curious and nosy. “Hmm… okay, I’ll tell you” I said and signed. “Ok good I’m listening, remember no lies” she said sternly and for a moment she reminded me of one of my strict elder sisters. “Okay, okay, I want to become human” I said to her “Only temporarily!” I quickly added. “Wait what?” she asked me then her eyes open wide as she pieced together a few things “Is this coming from you because of that human we saw whilst we went to the surface?” she asked totally figuring me out at the moment. “Well, Yes and No” I answered her and hid my face as I blushed despite her rising frustration. “Princess!!! Do you hear yourself?” she yelled at me. “Oh stop shouting would you” I said to her in a hushing tone. “Well how could you say such a thing when you know it is forbidden added to the fact that the very reason is because of a human?!” Selena said to me in a harsh whisper. “I know, I know, but like I said he isn’t the only reason even though he is really fiercely cute, I just really need this experience else I’ll run mad” I explained to her bending the truth. “How can a mermaid want to leave her beautiful world behind to turn human and go to their rough and ugly world, all because of another human?” Selena said in mock amazement. “Well it is possible, in fact it has happened now my only problem is how to become human, remember I said it’s only temporary” I said to her trying to win her over. “Heck no, I don’t even think that is possible, such a spell would need a very powerful power source, it would probably take a life too” she said to me totally disagreeing. “Like I said it is possible, no spells required even, Mother told me there is a pearl being guarded by the spirits of the ocean, and it has the power to turn a mer human and back when put on” I said to her to settle her doubts. “Hmm, so what do you plan to do? Wait, which spirit is it with?” she asked me getting a bit in line. “I don’t know which one and I don’t have a plan yet, I am looking for a way to get it from them though and that is what I need help with, I can’t do it alone, will you please help?” I said to her pleadingly “Hmm, you know it is not looking possible as it stands, but then, I’ll help, only because I really want to see this power that can turn a mer human” she said her curiosity finally got the best of her to get her on board. “Awesome, If anyone can come up with something, I know it’s you, with your vast knowledge of the deep and all, so what do you suggest we do first?” I asked Selena. I was confident of her joining in my plan because I also knew Selena for one thing, she was a power monger and would always want to find out about any new type of power she hadn’t known about before. “Oh well, first we need to hit even the deepest part of the library and archives now, those forbidden sections should have a least something tangible on either the pearl or the spirits to give us a start, right now though, I have some more work to do, so if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be back when I know more” she said and left after we hugged, from her expression I knew she couldn’t wait to get started on this quest, she was almost as giddy as I was. “Ok now, I need to set some things in order then try to go see my human crush again” I said to myself then stood up to start on the things in a rush as I couldn’t wait to see him again. * ~ Mike’s PoV I waited in the lounge to my father’s office, I had been here for hours and all the secretary told me every time I asked was “He will soon be with you, he is in a rather important meeting at the moment”. So why had he sent for me? To come here and die of boredom? I was at my wits end with him, I hadn’t even gotten over my anger and hate towards him and now he pulls this. I got up and moved towards the window, we were about forty stories high and I could see the speedy highway below, I started to wonder if a fall from here could really end things permanently unlike the fall from the fourth story at home. I shook my head to bring myself out of my haze, I had decided to stop being suicidal, I had my life ahead of me now, a whole lot of things to achieve and get done, no way I was dying now, I would live out my almost immortal vampire life, not just by simply existing but by living my life how I want it. I was changing though, those few deaths had gotten me closer to being a vampire in nature more than being human. I don’t like normal human food as before, I get irritated easily by it now, and I take more blood rations than before. I found myself looking at the human secretary like she was food the last she came to inform me of my Father’s current status. But then, I could do even more than normal, I was faster, stronger and with sharper reflexes than before, I started seeing that there might be a lie in the fact that turned vamps are weaker than pure bred vamps. “Your father is ready for you now” the f… uhm secretary said. I heaved a deep sign as I entered into the office only to find the whole board still present, I slowed my approach as I saw the mix of vamps (both pure breeds and turned) and even humans amongst them, they were all distinguishable by my sharper sense of smell now. “Welcome son” My father said to me, “Come, have a seat as we discuss the future of this company and yours as well” he said to me. Now while it was true that all my life I had only studied in preparation for taking over the company one day, I hadn’t expected to be called forth to join at this time, not whilst my father was still able bodied and even young as regarding vampire age. What could be going on? My head hammered as I took a seat close to the head of the table, the seat directly opposite me was empty next to me at the head of the table was my father. “So Son, we are at a stage where just one company is bottlenecking our resources, input and output, we can hardly contain what we have coming in and our supply hardly reaches demand, hence why we are having this first split” father explained. “The split will be forty-five, thirty-five and twenty, the forty-five percentage of the company will remain with me, the thirty-five goes to you and the twenty goes to another party, the goal is to expand each percentage as large as it can get so that we can meet our demands and conveniently earn all that is meant to come in for us” he said to me. I was baffled at the thought of the split, the company was worth millions of dollars, splitting it would harm that. “Don’t you think doing that will harm the value and worth of the company as a whole?” I asked. “There is no business without its risks and no gain without pain, nevertheless this decision was made after careful analysis which showed that the worth of the three parts will in turn double and become even more than the current worth” father answered. Fine I thought to myself, well at least this will give me a definite purpose, something to spend my time on, something for me to build. “Ok, I accept” I said after which they all clapped. They brought forth some papers for signing and after signing father announced “Congratulations to the latest co-CEO of Hearth & Pierce” he said and stood up clapping which every other person in the room followed suit. I put on my sternest look and nodded as they came and shook my hand one after the other, a new age is coming after all.
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