Chapter 8

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~ Mike’s PoV I hurt everywhere, all my brain sent to my body was pain and all my body sent to my brain was pain as well, a harsh reminder that I was still very much human as I am a vampire even though one side is more dominant now. I eased myself into my bath tub and winced at the sharp pain of the icy water that was added to the already lingering pain from all about my body. Claw marks here, scratches there, scrapes here, bruises there. It had been a mighty some battle and we had won despite the odds that were stacked against us in terms of the large numbers that the enemy had against our few numbers. As I relaxed in the pool of water that was quickly turning red, I reminisced about the battle and how it had gone, in truth I was surprised at how strong I had gotten. It was a few days after the constitution site incident, on that day I had gotten there with my entourage and we had made a bold stand and confronted the werewolves that had been sent to disrupt the work. It had quickly turned into a hot argument and it got to the point that I had to bare my fangs at the mini mob before they backed down a bit and then after a few threats that I thought were empty at the time, they left. Now on this day which was about five days after, they made good on their threats, and they laid an ambush for me on my way back from a business meeting. My driver saw the road spikes a bit too late and even as he tried swerving so as to rather hit the spikes sideways (a neat movie trick that didn’t work so well) instead the back tires got caught and burst. Thankfully the speed we had on wasn’t enough to flip the car so instead it skidded and swerved into the bushes at the side of the road where it almost flipped us down into the woods. Seeing that their plan did not work well, the werewolves quickly descended on us even before we were able to get out of the car. My driver had immediately sent out an SOS message with the push of a button (I only got to know what he had done after the battle) so in a way he saved my life. I was dragged out of the car by multiple arms trying to over power me, immediately I got out though I quickly turned the tables around by flipping out my hunting knife which I had slid out of the seat of the car. Some lost their arms and others had a very deep cut because of the strength of my swing, there my surprise started. I hadn’t expected to cut so many of them with just that swing, and then as they tried to regroup and attack once again I myself took the fight to them. I sliced and diced and cut and stabbed, I heard yelps of pain, howls of pain, shouts of pain and grunts of pain as some couldn’t shout probably because I had hit their kidney or their throat. All the while I as well kept my reaction to pain to grunts only as I was being scratched, and clawed, punched and kicked and if not fir my vamp senses on high alert, I would have been overwhelmed for sure. As a vampire I was faster than they were, I had a much slimmer frame compared to their bulky own and I was as well more flexible than they were. All these gave me the upper hand to be able to last for the few moments I did before the sound of an helicopter drove them all away in fright. Vamps landed at once without rope guides and some gave chase catching and killing them straight away, no questions asked no prisoners taken. I crawled to meet my driver who had been torn open by claws and I discovered he had been bitten as well so even if we did manage to sew him together, there wouldn’t be enough time to get him an antidote to the venom of a werewolf. His last moments were spent gasping and choking on his own blood as he tried to talked to me, “I tried master, I’m sorry” this was what I pieced together in what he was trying to say before he finally died. I am pained by his passing, he was a diligent pure breed vamp and he had a family as well, we packed up his corpse and the chopper brought me home after I gave them the order not to let any of my family members know of the incident just yet. I suddenly started hearing footsteps (my hearing had been affected even in the battle), I quickly got up as quietly as I could out of the bath tub and wore shorts. Should it be an assassin from the werewolves again I didn’t want to be killed in a bathtub or in bathrobes. “Oh my! Michelle stay back!” I heard the voice of my mother say, I relaxed at that point and realized she must have seen the blood all over the floor of my room leading to the bathroom. “Hey Mom I’m here and I’m okay” I announced first before going out to face them, I know how fierce mother can get, so it’ll be a mistake to just walk out to meet her, she’d definitely attack straight up. “Oh my goodness, son, what happened?” she asked as she hugged me tight, drawing a wince out of me as she hurt my wounds. She quickly released me after hearing me wince, “what kind of trouble did you get in?” she asked me looking at my body all over at the wounds I’d suffered. “It’s nothing I can’t handle mom, please stop worrying about me” I said blandly. She took a moment and just gazed into my eyes, “Is this zone too hot for you?” she asked. I got irritated by the question and snapped at her “c’mon mom, I said I am fine, it is not about the zone as much as it is about the job I’ve been given” I said. She looked a bit hurt and I felt bad for snapping at her, “I’m sorry mom, I didn’t mean to snap at you, I am just saying this is nothing, I can handle myself, the job and this zone perfectly well, as it stands now all they need is a lesson in kind to set them straight” I apologized to her. She loved my last statement though and nodded her consent “fine I’ll agree with you this time, but I had better not come again next time and find your room soaked with blood and you covered in wounds” she said sternly. “Fine, so what are you guys doing here at my place?” I asked them. “Is it wrong to come visit my son at his house? Especially after I had tried his phone and it wasn’t reachable?” she answered with rhetorical questions. I remember that my phone had suffered greatly from the battle and had been crushed, “Hmm, ok, was there something we needed to talk about?” I asked as slowly took my seat so as to not stress the wounds on me lest they start bleeding again. “Yes there is, the issue of you being alone all the time” she said in response. I could almost immediately guess where she was heading with the topic “But I’m never alone mother, I’ve got my workers, drivers, security detail etc” I answered her. “You know what I’m talking about goes beyond that, ok let’s do it like this, hire for your PA or secretary or maybe even a maid, hire a nice lady that you like, or that is at least capable of meeting most of your charges and demands and needs and all other” she said to me. I saw the wisdom in what she said also because the reason I haven’t hired anyone yet was because I wanted to do it for the very reasons she mentioned. “Fine, I have heard you mother, I will do as you have instructed” I said to her. “Good now let us take you to our hospital to get the care you need for those wounds” she said in a that showed she wouldn’t take no for an answer. I groaned as I stood up to comply to her demand and made a mental note to hire someone who would have medical skills as well so I don’t need to always go to the special vamp hospital every time I get hurt, because there is no assurance that this won’t happen again despite all I said to placate my mother. I noticed Michelle had been silent all through, usually she was a talker, but she had sensed the change in me especially after the Jenny issue so she couldn’t bridge up the gap created between us anymore and frankly even I don’t know how to. I mean, I was supposed to be a good example to her, a leader, brother, friend and perhaps a father figure, but at the incident I had crumbled and had even been suicidal. I hadn’t been there for her, as a brother or anything else, I had neglected the whole family and withdrawn to myself, now I don’t know how to comfortably go back to them, how to be as one with them again. Quite frankly I don’t even think I’m ready to, she was just going to have to bear with me a little while longer. As we drove to the hospital I kept thinking on my new task, to hire someone, preferably a lady as mother wants. But where will I get a lady who can be a personal assistant, a domestic maid, a nurse and a body guard all in one person? I started having an headache as well in conjunction with the pain of my wounds, ‘damn, I’m still too human’ I thought to myself.
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