Chapter 13

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The present ~ Princess Mylie’s PoV I really did not know who to thank, The universe? The pearl? My stars? Luck? Or is it just meant to be, that in the whole world above ground the first person to make contact with me (harsh colliding contact, but contact nonetheless) was my human crush. He had carried me into his car after giving me his cloth, I hadn’t really cared about being naked, I had only cared about being in his arms and looking into his eyes, He had wanted to carry me to the hospital but I had said no and for a while he was silent and indecisive. Then he turned a corner and brought us to a mall (I had read about places like these, they had everything you could possibly want), he seemed to be in a hurry and he even seemed to have forgotten why he was in a hurry. “So uhm, let’s get you some clothes ok?” he said to me and we exited the car and headed in, I was so excited. First day on the surface, scratch that, few moments on the surface and I was already about to go into the mall alongside my human crush, what an experience I was having. “Are you sure you are okay?” He asked again as we moved along, seemingly distracted by something on his mind. “Yeah, I’m fine” I said to him, their language was a bit different from ours but I had studied it for most of my existence ever since I had the knowledge about the surface and had gotten infatuated with it. He seemed skeptical about something, he wanted to ask me more but then he just didn’t, I didn’t mind though so we kept moving. Getting to the clothes store we entered and he asked me to pick the clothes I want, I had no preference, I didn’t know what to pick, but in order not to look as if I had absolutely no idea at all I started to pick some that I felt would look good on me. After picking a few I told him I was done then he told me to go try them on, I had no idea how to do that but then an attendant came to my rescue and took me to the changing room. After a few trials we discovered that all I had picked were either not fitted or not matched or didn’t even suit me at all. The attendant once again came to my rescue and selected clothes for me afresh, picking pairs and singles. When I tried them on as they matched we found they were all a perfect fit for me, I thanked the attendant very well, I was glad he wasn’t here to see the issues I had with selecting clothes, it would’ve been embarrassing. When I came back out, I saw him raise his eyebrows in wonder, I must look good in what I’m currently wearing I guessed which was a tightly fitted jeans, slightly raised heel sandals and a light fashion top which I wore underneath his sweatshirt. I saw he had gotten another top for himself as well, oh well, those few moments in close contact with his strong and slightly wise chest was satisfactory for now. “You look good” he said and I caught him staring at my hair, I had tied it in a high ponytail but it still got to my thighs. “Thanks Sir” I said, I still didn’t know his name and right now I didn’t know how to ask. “Oh where are my manners, I’m Mike, let’s say we’re just officially for the first time shall we?” he said as he paid and we started moving back out. Mike, what s wonderful name I thought to myself “I’m Maya” I lied in hopes to play it safe, if I threw my name around here on the surface, Mother might discover it’s me, she is that powerful. “So where are you from and why were you in such a state before we met” he said scratching his head, he didn’t want to keep referring to the incident, how cute. But then I can’t really tell him anything, I have nothing to tell him in fact so I answered “I don’t know” I said lying again, dammit I hadn’t wanted to lie to him, but I have no choice. “You don’t know? Where you’re from, where you’re going? What about Your family? He asked again. All underwater in the deep, I answered in my mind, why was he like this? Is this concern or care I can see in his eyes or he is just eager to be done with me? “I don’t remember anything” I answered again. He looked shocked “Is that from the crash? Did you hit you head?” he asked with worry and I confirmed that it was concern not an eagerness to be done with me, even though there is a bit of that too. “Oh no, I woke up suddenly like that, not remembering a thing about me except my name, also not wearing anything” I said hoping that would dissuade him of further enquiries. Please let’s just be together, no talking about me and no questions, I pleaded in my mind. “Oh my, well then, I can help with that, my company has resources to help you find your relations, and where you are from, although from your accent I feel you might be from the European part of the world, maybe Finland or Sweden” he said. I almost laughed when he said Finland, more like Finwater, I would like to claim there since it has Fin in it though, I thought to myself with humor. “I don’t want to bother you with my problems, you’ve done enough for me really, getting me clothes and helping me out, you need not bother” I said wondering how my accent was really sounding for him to say I might be from Finland, I almost laughed again. “Oh no, it’s no bother at all, I insist, it’s the least I can do as an apology for hitting you with my car and you’re not pressing charges” he said although I had no idea what pressing charges meant and I don’t think I could even press them right now, I’m busy swooning over my crush. “Ok if you insist it’s ok” I said as we got to his car, he gave me his card and I thanked him then started walking away after saying bye to him. * ~ Mike’s PoV My phone was ringing again in the car, seeing my Mother’s ID made me remember why I had been in a rush before, the dinner she had invited me to. I also remembered her instruction to bring along a partner, I looked at the lady Maya as she was leaving, she looked like a princess and I’m sure Mother would approve of her. Oh my, what am I doing I thought to myself as I drove the car towards her and stopped at her side, “Say, Maya, do you have a place to stay tonight?” I asked her. “Uhm no I don’t” she answered me, of course she doesn’t, she woke up with amnesia, she doesn’t even know who she is not to talk of where she’s from, it gad been inconsiderate of me to send her off initially with just my card. “Would you like to go with me to my parent’s place for dinner first before we find you a place to stay for the night, I’m you must be hungry as well” I said to her. She seemed to contemplate this for a while, I can’t blame her, it must be harsh waking up to a different reality, but it was a good thing she met with me first, I can sincerely help her. She was as well safe from me, that sea smell from her repels me like an insecticide to an insect, I definitely can’t suck her blood. “Ok, I will” she said and I opened the door for her to enter after which we drove to my parent’s, it’s not fair but for now I’ll use Maya to appeal to Mother so she can get off my case for a while.
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