Chapter 4

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~ Princess Mylie’s PoV The next day after I saw the cute and sad guy, I was restless and couldn’t keep calm, it started to tell in my attentiveness to issues especially during the day’s petition hearing, oh I made a lot of bad judgement that day and I later felt sorry for the poor merfolks that had their hearing on that faithful day. Why was I restless? wanted to see my prince charming, yeah there was no doubt I had fallen head over heels for the human. Surely he wasn’t the first human guy I had seen, so what made me fall so deeply for him so much so that he ridded me of smooth thoughts was beyond me. Was it because he had looked so lost and sad and alone? Did something about him being like that appeal to my own inward loneliness? I really couldn’t say for sure why I felt so drawn to him, but one thing I know was that I had to go to the surface to see him again. This time, I didn’t bother to tell Selena because I very well know she wouldn’t want to follow me, she might even try and succeed in stopping me, so I went on my own to the surface. I got there and hid behind the same boulder close to where he had been the first time but then when I checked where I saw him sitting yesterday, he wasn’t there, I felt a profound sadness at that moment, I had foolishly thought this was a place he had to come to frequently but now thinking about it, he shouldn’t have been that sad if that was a favorite place of his, meaning it was a one time thing. I stubbornly tried looking around some more despite my head telling me better, unsurprisingly I couldn’t find him anywhere, yet I stubbornly waited for many more hours hoping to see him come by, hut alas I still didn’t see him, my head knew better after all. I felt so sad and disappointed as I swam back to my palace in the deep, finding out I had stayed out later than I should have and have been missed, the first person I encountered was my mother goddess of turbulent waters. “Mylie where have you been? No one has seen you around since the petition hearings” Mother said to me in a stern voice. “I’m sorry mother, I swam far and lost track of time, I was lost in thought” I replied twisting the truth, Mother can’t be lied to directly, she’ll sniff it out. “Hmm, Okay fine, but why is your face like this and what are you thinking about? you look so sad” she said to me in a much tender voice now that she was feeling concerned about me. “I am fine mother, right now though I am a bit tired so I’d like to go rest” I said and bowed then went into my quarters, I dismissed the maids so I could be alone to think some more. I sat in my room thinking about my human crush, also thinking about why his matter got to me so much, I know it is quite forbidden to fall in love with a human, I am trying not to fall bit still I couldn’t get him off my mind, the picture of his self has been burned in my mind. I felt very pained to not have seen him today, and before I knew it I was already thinking of going again tomorrow, just to satisfy the urge in my eyes, just to see him again. I was still rather deep in thoughts, thinking about this when Mother came in, she gave me a worried look as she came to sit by my side. “My princess, do tell me what the problem is, are you having problems with anyone?, I can’t bear the sad look in your eyes” Mother said stroking my exceptionally long black hair. “I am fine mother” I replied, I couldn’t out rightly tell her about this particular issue, and I didn’t want to lie to her fixing in what is not the issue to be the issue. “No dear daughter, don’t lie to Mother, I know you’re not ok, I just want to know the reason” she said to m so I decided to cave in just a bit. “Ok mother, I want to ask a question do indulge me” I said looking straight to her most beautiful face, I had been told that I was almost an exact replica of my mother amongst all her daughters, but I find it hard to believe because she is exceptionally beautiful as she is fierce yet kind, caring and adorable, I don’t know if I could fit into those descriptions as of yet. “Ask on daughter, I’m all ears” she said with a gentle smile that hid her true turbulent and fierce nature perfectly. “Why is it forbidden to go to the surface and have interactions with the humans up there?” I asked her hoping I was subtle enough not to arose her suspicions. “Mylie? Why do you ask this all of a sudden?” she said and ut was obvious that I had failed and her suspicions were well raised. “Oh no particularly strong reason mother, I would just love to know should in case anyone asks me that question as well or should in case it comes up at the petition hearings for one reason or the other ” I lied to her once again hoping I was subtle enough to put the flames of her suspicions down. “Hmm, Ok, well we are very different creatures compared to the humans, and one thing about humans is they fear anything they do not know about, anything different from their own being and nature and their fear turns quickly to hatred which in turn turns to malice, From history of quite some ages ago, whenever they see a mermaid, they kill us or make an example of us of put us in laboratories and cut us up to “study” us, besides, they have two legs while we have a tail, there is just so much a difference between us even to our way of life, living and our lifestyles okay?” Mother said to me and although I saw so much right reasoning to her words, I still wanted to draw my query to the finish. “Ok mother, but, what if a mermaid is caught being in love with a human?” I asked not bothering to be so subtle this time. “Such mer will be put to death in the most gruesome way possible” she said to me jarringly making me flinch to which she chuckled with humor. “Oh mother” I said joining her in the chuckle and even though I got her humor, I still most definitely got her message. “So one more thing mother, is there a way a mermaid can turn into a human, I know I read somewhere that if a mer gives up the life of the deep for that of the surface by turning human, such a mer will not be prosecuted for falling in love with a human, since technically he/she is human as well already” I asked pointedly, no more subtlety needed now. “Princess Mylie, why are you asking such questions about human interactions and where the heck did you read such adept books” Mother said now not in a suspicious way but rather a curious one. “No serious reason mother, I just got curious and so went to the deeper parts of the library, I know so much about the mer already, almost all there is to know even, so I just want to know about the others we share the world with, taking the humans first seeing as they are of also relatively large population as well” I said to her blending truth with untruth. “Hmm, fine, well there are a couple of ways to turn human, most are temporary but the permanent one has just one method I know of but then whoever is caught trying it will be sent to the deepest prison for ever” Mother said to me trying to put in a note of stern warning but then I wasn’t really moved by the punishment, I have my ways of achieving things in way that I won’t be caught. “So what is that only permanent method?” I asked with utmost curiosity. “Oh but I can’t tell you dear daughter, it is the ocean's secret” Mother said jokingly and faced sideways in a fake pout. “Oh please mother do tell, please, please, please, pleeeaaassssee” I pleaded and whined like a baby mer. “Okay, okay, okay dear one, there is a pearl, a very special pearl of an ancient oyster, if a mer is chanced to put it on, either as a necklace or bracelet or even anklet, such a mer can turn human when on the surface above ground and can as well turn back into a mer when back in the water, but should the pearl be ingested by a mer, once it is sunset of that particular day such a mer will forever remain whatever he or she is at that very moment be it mer or human” Mother explained. “Whoa! But how can the pearl be found?” I asked awed and still curious. “It is closely guarded by the ocean spirits of the deep, no one knows who exactly amongst them has the pearl because they pass it amongst themselves in an unknown cycle” Mother answered in utmost sincerity. “Whoa! Okay, Thanks mother” I said to her genuinely satisfied. “So I hope you are satisfied now and will stop moping around being sad? Mother asked me with such care. “Yes mother, really, thank you” I replied her then she smiled and gave me a tight hug before she left. Now how do I get the pearl from the spirit of the ocean? Wait, which spirit of the ocean? I might need help, I thought to myself.
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