Chapter 2

340 Words
Chapter 2 The man did as the note suggested and used the money to clean himself up and go looking for a job. It turned out, the gentleman was a financial wizard and landed a job at a top-notch accounting firm. Within two months, the man had had enough money to get his new apartment and buy some furniture. His supervisor, who was pleased with his performance, gave the man a generous bonus to help. The man decided to visit the homeless shelter he had stayed in and asked if he could help volunteering once a week. The volunteer, who remembered him, said that he could come in every Saturday and help. The man had wanted to help with those less fortunate like the man who left the note had helped him. Jerry was pleased he could help the man and saw that his generosity help when he saw him on the street in a three-piece suit carrying a briefcase. He didn't let on that he saw him or let him see him, however. Jerry didn't want others to know who he was. He wanted his services to be anonymous. Jerry would soon be on another quest to find the next person who needed his services. He didn't have far to look. Jerry saw a pregnant young mother being beating by a man that appeared to be her boyfriend, probably the babydaddy, at a run-down slum of a apartment where the young woman obviously lived. He knew what he had to do. Jerry called the police and reported a domestic disturbance at the address he saw the man abusing the pregnant woman. Cops were at the apartment within minutes. The two officers had the man in handcuffs and put him in the squad car. Then they put the young mother in the other car and drove her to the hospital to be checked out before taking her to the shelter. Later, that night, Jerry would be leaving a care package for the woman the police had left at the shelter.
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