
2002 Words
    There's something addicting about being able to come out on top of something that can potentially end with you and everyone you care about. Cam and I had hustled our way through car shows since we were kids. It was kind of a right of passage for him since his dad did it before him and his dad's dad before that. I just got to tag along for the ride. I regret nothing.     "What is this?" Talia asked.      "This is called the Coliseum. It used to be a Grand Prix race track a really long time ago. It was abandoned when Gustav Malory's car flipped and killed him and eighteen others along with it. He was a rookie. People thought he was going to be the next big thing. Died at age twenty- two,"      "Tragic. All the greats die young," she sighed. I smiled looking over at her. She likes getting into trouble. "Are you racing tonight?"      "I haven't raced in a while. I'm not sure what he wants me for,"      "You race for someone?"      "No, a friend of mine and I used to do this together but it's kind of hard to explain to an orphanage that I'm leaving every night to drag race with my friends when I'm supposed to be in bed by ten," she laughed.      "Barred windows are the worst," she shook her head. I pulled up in front of the Demon. Cam motioned me to reverse my car next to his. "That is beautiful,"      "She's a beast. Her name is Lilith," she laughed.      "Yeah, it is," she beamed approving of the name.      I got out of the car and she followed. Cam's eyes went from me to her instantly. He pointed at her as she began to walk around looking the rest of the cars over. I smiled when she stopped in front of Lilith. She crouched down looking it over with a smile on her face.      "She's a friend. Her name is Talia,"      "From Cyrilla?"      "Of course not," Talia said coming over to us. "From work. I'm Talia Tristan. You are?"      "Cameron Malory," she looked at me.      "Any relation to Gustav Malory?"      "Yeah, he was my grandfather," the way he looked at her made me laugh.      "What you bring me down here for?" I asked. He sighed. I rolled my eyes at him and extended my hand out for his keys. He dropped them in my hand. "What did you do?"      "She spun out at one-twenty on the track," I looked over at him shaking my head. "I know what you're going to say,"      "Then you shouldn't have done it," I started the car. The sound that it's making isn't a good one but it definitely wasn't all bad either. I motioned Talia to come over to me. She took my place as I walked to the back. She revved the engine. "Are serious?"      "What?" he asked coming over to me.      "Noob, your exhaust is plugged again. Was the track wet?" He grinned. "You're a dumb ass. You can turn it off, Talia,"      "She called you a noob," she laughed tossing him the keys. He smiled at her. I don't think I've ever seen him smile at anyone like that.      "You just wanted me out here,"      "I haven't seen you in a few days. Missed my little sister," he shrugged patting the top of my head.      "Cute," Talia laughed.      "You want to use my car," I corrected. He scratched the back of his neck.      "I'll give you half," Talia laughed looking over at me.      "Pendragon, you have the coolest friend,"      "Pendragon?" he asked looking down at me.      "Half," I agreed, handing him my keys and ignored his question.     "Can I ride shotgun?" she asked leaning against his car. She crossed her arms like she was daring him to say no. I laughed.      "I am not one to deny a beautiful girl anything," he shrugged going over to my car.      "Talia," I stopped her from going over to him. "Ease up on the Pendragon crap. That's not who I am here and the world you guys claim to be from isn't a thing here. It's just a story. So, keep that to yourself,"      "So, lie?"      "Basically," I nodded. She shrugged.      "Whatever you say, your highness," she didn't say it playfully. She actually took it as an order. I checked my engine to make sure everything would go smoothly.      "You like to play hard to find," a shiver went crawled up my spine. I know that voice all too well.     I remember when it was kind of girly. Before he grew up, before he became the king of streets, before the money. Grayson Young was the golden boy of Saberton. They expected things from him and he exceeded them all until his mother past away and his father preferred to whiskey to playing football with his son. They lost everything when they lost her and he found his calling in being the opposite of who he was when she was around.     "Young," I greeted shutting the hood to my car. His perfect smile makes me want to slap him and kiss him at the same time. He looks even better than the last time I saw him. He's gotten bigger but I'm not going to compliment him. No, that just serves to make his massive ego worse. "Are you buying tighter shirts again? We talked about that,"      "No," he bit out before zipping up his hoodie. I had questioned his manhood then and it had bothered him deep into his arrogant soul. "Where have you been?"      "Here and there. A little of everywhere," I shrugged. I looked away to see Talia looking at me with a smirk.      "Who's your new friend?" he asked leaning into me. He barely glanced at her as she walked away.     "Young, get away from her," Cameron called out making me laugh.      Grayson pulled away from me with a heavy sigh. Odds are Grayson would pulverize Cam if he really wanted to. But he doesn't do that for both our sakes. Cameron hates Grayson for existing. I don't know what their history is but it dates back to before I came along. Neither one of them wants to tell me what their deal is.      "Malory," Grayson greeted him much to his distaste.      "Lily," Talia came over to me holding two cups of what looks like hot cocoa.      "Where did you get this?" I asked her. She pointed back at the Asian girls by the pink car. "This has liquor in it,"      "Nice," she smiled taking a sip. I laughed. Grayson cleared his throat catching my attention.      "Oh, um. This is Grayson Young. Talia Tristan," I introduced her.      "Sup," he nodded his head once as he shoved his hands in his pocket.      "How do you two know each other?" she asked, looking him over. It's weird but it kind of feels like they know one another.     "I'm her boyfriend," he stated like it was the truth.      "He's really isn't," I shook my head.      "You two look amazing together," she laughed.      "No, no they don't," Cameron finally came over to us. "I told you not to talk to my sister,"      "I told you to blow me but looks like neither of those things are going to happen," Grayson answered.      "Explains the tight shirt," I laughed looking over at him. He rolled his eyes.      "I'd be more than delighted to remove the tight shirt if it bothers you that much,"      "Do not flirt with each other while I'm standing right here," Cameron shoved him. "Do not flirt with each other period. Go away, Young,"      "Are you running?" I asked looking back at his car. His Shelby has potential but he has never let me get my hands on her. He said, and I quote: Not until you agree to go on a date with me.      "Not tonight," he smiled. "Are you?"      "Nope, Cam wants to use my car," I smiled looking over at Cam. His face reddened with his realization.      "We should get going huh?" Talia laughed placing her hand on Cam's shoulder. His face changed from anger to slightly embarrassed.      I think I'm the only girl he's ever talked to that he didn't instantly become awkward with. Talia's smile is a little scary. I feel like it means more than she leads on. The two of them walked away without another word. Someone called Grayson over. He took my hand and pulled me with him.      "What?" he asked the boy with glasses close to him.      "I can't figure out the wiring," the boy informed him looking at something on his mini laptop. He looked up at Grayson like he was expecting a scolding.      "What are you working on?" I asked him. I let go of Grayson and for once he let me go. I crouched down next to him to see that he's trying to do. I stood up looking at the car. "Can I?"      "If I say yes are you finally going to agree on our agreement?" he smirked.      "Why do you want to go on a date with me? Is it to piss Cam off?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest.      "Of course not. That's a really shallow accusation," he said rolling his eyes before looking away. He does that when I upset him. "If that's what you think of me then maybe no is sufficient,"      "Okay then," I let my hands fall to my sides and began to cross the road to get back to Lilith.      "You have no right to be mad with me," he grabbed my arm and turned me to face him. "You're the one who insulted me,"      "It was a real question. I didn't insult you. You never approach me or try to talk to me other than when I'm with Cam. Half the time you spend bitching with him. If I did the same to you. You wouldn't take me seriously either,"      "It's the only time I see you," he sighed. "I know that you love cars. Especially imports even though you drive muscle. I know your favorite color is ink. I know you like days like this because your favorite shade appears behind the cloud banks with the sun is going down. The fact that you're a Malory has nothing to do with my interest in you,"      "I'm not a Malory," I laughed.      "What?" he asked.      "My last name is Heart. My name is Lilianna Heart," he bit back a smile.      "Why does Malory call you his sister?"      "I am. Kind of. His parents were my foster parents," his entire demeanor fell apart.      "You're a foster kid?" he asked. I nodded. "That explains why you're so reserved towards everyone,"      "The race is about to start, y'all," someone called out.      "Yeah," I shrugged backing away from him. It always changes something in people when they find out the truth. He reached for me stopping me from moving away again.      "Why did you think you had to hide something like that from me?"      "I don't know," I answered truthfully.      The crowd rushed towards us. I took the opportunity to walk away from him. I went over to Cam's friends who happily greeted me with smiles as we watched him pull up to the starting line with Talia in the passenger seat. She looked over at me with a disapproving glare. I looked back at her with a confused expression and mouthed 'what?' She glared harder like I should know what she was upset about.      I know. I mean I don't really know this girl but I know what she's going to say. The same thing Cam and his mother have told me on more than one occasion. I'm being self-destructive, I'm pushing him away for no reason. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I know. I just can't do certain things anymore. No matter how much Young tries to change the outcome of this conversation, I don't think I can ever let him or any other man in. 
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