The Understudy

2383 Words

    Lucille's door is always closed. I didn't know it was because she was hiding. I thought she just didn't want the others to see her upset about losing the mark. I put Andre's fish in my room after making sure he wasn't in there. I knocked on the door lightly and waited for her to come open it. She opened the door a tiny bit probably thinking I was Young.     "M'lady. I'm sorry," she apologized opening it all the way.      "It's cool. You busy?" I asked.      She shook her head motioning me in. Her room is dark, just like I like it. She had put an extra set of sheets over the curtains to make sure the sun doesn't come in. The bed is a mess just like her desk and the floor where she's been playing video games. She has the Witcher series stacked next to the gaming laptop. All of her acc

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