It's Difficult

2675 Words

    "You're lying," there's no way I can get to the door before she grabs me. She shrugged. Taking a seat in the armchair.      "You have instincts Liliann. Use them. Am I a threat to you or not?" she asked.      She's right. There are certain people I can't be around. Yet, I didn't know William was different. With the others, I knew right away. Even with Young. He always stood out to me. He drew me in the first time he walked by me. There's something familiar about this woman, almost the same familiarity there is with Cat. I thought it was just because she was one of the adults that aren't full of s**t.      "Why are you here? Where is Khan?"      "Khan passed in her sleep a couple of months ago. The night your defensive cannon was triggered. It woke me from my sleep and I'm not easil

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