Bloodlines and Cannons

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    I escorted Cat all the way to her classroom this morning. Her teacher greeted her as Catherine when she saw me. Cat glanced back at me with a coy expression on her face. She mouthed a little thank you before sitting at her desk in the back of the classroom. I have the day off today and I need some answers.      They're all parked in front of the new cafe that opened up a few weeks ago. It's called The Order Cafe. Why didn't I make the distinction before? I walked in to see them all seated at a big booth joking around like the greatest squad in the multiverse.      Young looks so at home with them. Something I rarely see. He turned and smiled at me. Talia motioned me over to them. I took a deep breath and decided that this is where we lay all our cards on the table. As insane as it all sounds, I can't avoid all the crazy happening around me starting with the lizard following close behind. I had to hold the door open for him to come in with me. They can see him making me feel a little insane.      "Good morning," I said as I took a seat next to Young.      "Your highness," they all greeted. All except for Young who just bumped my arm playfully.      "Lily is fine," I felt my face heat up with their formalities. "Okay, so there are things happening. Things. I can't begin to try and comprehend. So, I think we should all introduce each other and give fun facts about our lives to start. Is that okay with you guys?"      "Yes," the all answered.      "Alright. My name is Lilianna Heart and I can do things normal people can't. Like I can move things with my mind and apparently make people burst into flames. I can also see and hear s**t I shouldn't be able to. That's my pet lizard. He talks. I haven't given him a name yet,"      "Dragon," the lizard scoffed. "I can turn into a giant dragon,"     "My name is Grayson Gwaiin. I am the son of Sir Gwaiin of Lot and the Lady of the Lake. I can cancel out most spells by purifying them with water. I too have out of this world senses. Especially when I have my holy sword in hand," Young introduced himself.      "What's the Lady in the Lake's real name?" I asked.      "Lady of The Lake," he smirked. "Her name is Elise,"      "Cute," Talia smiled. "My name is Talia Tristan. I am the daughter of Sir Tristan and Iseult. My specialty is ride. There is not a single machine or animal that I wouldn't be able to use as transportation. I can also move things with my mind and have heightened senses. Probably not as amazing as you two. I am one of the more ordinary knights of the realm,"      "Ordinary is not a word any of you should refer yourself as," I scoffed.      "I love compliments," she beamed before sitting back to play on her PSP.      "My name is Preston Percival. Son of Sir Percival of Court. I never met my mother. She died shortly after I was born. My abilities are chaotic and yet to be completely determined. I volunteered to be here,"      "Your such a narcissist," Meerlyn shook her head. "My name is Meerlyn. Just Meerlyn. I am a sorceress of the Merlin bloodline. When the next Pendragon heir comes of age I will inherit my father's power in order to keep the Pendragon bloodline alive,"      "That sounds really sad," I whispered.     "Are you kidding me? Sounds like fun," she laughed. "Pendragons are all crazy. We have yet to determine your calling,"      "She has a calling," Young smirked. "Which reminds me. You're quitting your job,"      "I'm not," I scoffed looking over at him. They all turned away as if they were giving us space.      "He did say it was going to get messy," Talia giggled.      "Yes, you are. We don't know what bloodline William belongs to," Young continued.      "You can figure it out without me quitting," I shrugged. He groaned.      "No, you're quitting or I'm getting you fired,"      "No, I'm not quitting. You will do no such thing because I will f**k your entire life up,"  Gabrielle covered her mouth as she tried to stop her giggles.      "She's scary," one of the guys I haven't met laughed. "Hi, my name is Leon Lionel. Son of Lionel's second prince of Bor. I am as of today Princess Rose's personal Knight. I've got the rose mark and everything," he lifted his sleeve to reveal the rose tattooed on his forearm. "I can manipulate objects. Turn literally anything into a weapon of my choice. I am also immune to most curses,"      "Nice to meet you, Leon. Cat is in school right now," he nodded lifting up his phone. There's a video of Cat talking to her teacher on it.      "Creepy, how are you doing that?"      "Molly," he smiled placing back down on the table.      "My name is Gabrielle Galahad. I am the daughter of Sir Galahad the Gallant. My mother is the Mage of the element ice and hates me because my soul preferred fire," she lifted her hand forming a fireball in the palm of her hand before making it disappear.     "I am Lucille Lancelot. Daughter of Sit Lancelot. Heiress to the Camelot armadas. I can summon soldiers as needed and if they die in this realm they just get sent back home,"      "Intense," I nodded. "Is that everyone?"      "As far as we know. The more dangerous your situation gets the more of us will be summoned," Lucille informed me.      "We don't know why so many of us were brought over," Talia added. "It should have been fine with Luc and Meer. Especially since Gray is already here,"      "Nothing you need to concern yourself with, princess," Preston tried to reassure. "You have questions?"      "Yeah," I nodded.      "We're all ears," Lucille smiled.      "Do all of you have a magic clicky pen?" they all reached for their coat and held out their pen. Young has a phone. "Do I get one?"      "Do you think you need one or is it because you think it's cool?" Meerlyn asked.      "Both," I shrugged. "Definitely both,"      "Handful," Young sighed placing a rose gold pen in front of me. "Do not click it here,"      "We have to teach you how to use it," Lucille laughed.      "Okay," I sighed pocketing the pen. "The thing that happened at the track. What the hell is happening to me?"      "That's not very easy to explain," Young bit out tightly. "You're seventeen and none of that should have been triggered until after you came of age,"      "You said that before," I looked away from them.      "We're not going to pressure you into telling us what happened," Lucille interjected. "We just want you to know that whatever it was caused a cosmic change in you. We spent our entire lives training to wake what we call our cannons. My cannon comes from my father. Gray has two because of his parents. So one and so forth.      "You didn't grow up as we did. The amount of trauma to trigger a cannon as strong as yours has to be immense. With that being said, when did you first notice that you were different from other people and not the car thing,"  I sat back taking in a deep breath.      "I was eight," I answered. They all looked over at me. My heart started beating really fast as the memory of the anger and pain I felt when it happened rushed through my head. "I-I-I was cornered. There was a really big bookshelf and I made it fall. It crushed him,"      "Was he trying to hurt you?" Talia asked. My arm instinctively came up to my shoulder.      "He pulled my shoulder out of place,"      "What happened after?" Lucille asked.      "I was rehomed three times before it happened again. I was ten. A motor almost fell on Cam and I was able to catch it with whatever it was I used to bring the shelf down,"      "Does he know?" Young asked. I nodded.      "That might be a problem," Lucille sighed.      "He wouldn't tell anyone. I'm completely sure of it,"      "Your cannons are different from the rest of ours. They're a lot stronger, a lot more dangerous. We don't know the extent of them because of who your parents are. You might have your father's mental cannon and your mother's ice flame cannon but that doesn't mean that those are the only ones. We potentially develop our own over time," Talia added while she continued to press away at her game.      "There might be some changes to our outcome. Since your cannons were awakened the way they were, people who have protected you here might be worthy of the honor of a knight," Meerlyn sighed.      "Or mage," Talia added.      "So, people who have helped me. I screwed up their lives and involved them in all of this?" I asked shaking my head. "People like Cameron?"      "Yep, he's been chosen," Talia confirmed. "Thank god. I think I love him,"  They all laughed.      "This isn't funny. We're just going to disappear. Just like that. His mom has been through enough,"      "They're coming. Any immediate family. Mom, dad, sisters, brothers. They're his kin. They ensure that his bloodline is established in our realm," Talia smiled. "His dad would be spending the rest of his life in a cell if he stayed,"      "Anything else?"      "These alterations aren't your fault," Young tried.      "Anything else?"      "Anyone you've ever met will forget you. If you spent large amounts of time with them, they will have large periods of time wiped from their memories," Preston spoke up when no one else did. "Some lose their mind if they've established a strong connection with you. It won't matter to those who didn't care,"  I can think of one person who this might affect like that. Maybe two.      "Can I help them?" I asked.      "No," Meerlyn answered. "What you can do is-"      "Don't," Young smacked his hands on the table making us all jump. "Let's go, Liliann,"      "I'm not done," I swallowed back the knot forming in my throat.      "You are for now. We need to start teaching you how to defend yourself. We can get back to questions later,"      "You're overstepping your authority," Lucille challenged angrily.      "She doesn't need subordinates right now. None of this is alright. She can barely think about the things that make her who she is and you want to add more darkness on top of that? You really think that's a great idea?"      "Luc, he's right," Talia interjected.      "Pampering her is not the way of the light. Lying is only going to make her angrier. It will only ensure more pain," Lucille argued.      "I'm not lying to her. She doesn't need to know all of this when we have so much time until we have to go back," Young lifted his sleeve to reveal what looks like a pink Lilly imprinted on his arm. She stood up staring at it.      "When did that appear?" she asked her hand covered her forearm.      "This morning around the same time it disappeared from your arm. Destiny has marked you compromised hasn't it?" they all looked at her.      "What did you do?" Talia asked.      "Answer her," I demanded.      "I gave away your location because I didn't trust that you could keep her safe," she whispered looking over at Talia. "There were eight of them. Three got past me,"      "You've been this way from the start. Lance did say you weren't ready," Preston sighed. "We stand with you Gwaiin. No matter where it takes us,"      "You know this world better than we do. We'll follow your lead," Gabrielle added.      "We'll talk about this later. We have all morning to teach her how to use her mental cannon and the defender. Leon, Talia come with me. The rest of you get back to your positions,"      "I don't have a permanent one like the others," Lucille whispered without looking up at Young. "What will you have me do?"      "Stay with Gab. I want you two to watch William. Call if there's anything out of the ordinary with him," he instructed.      "Yes, sir," they both agreed.      "Princess," he smiled looking down at me. He grabbed my arm and began to lead me out of the Cafe.      "Don't call me that," I said once we were outside.      "I think you like it," he smirked. "In fact, as far as I am concerned. Your name is Princess from now on,"      "I hate you," I groaned.     "You wouldn't be as red as you are if you didn't like it," he let go and opened the passenger door for me.      "He's right you know," Talia giggled as she got into the back seat.      "Do not encourage him," I warned.      "Oh, baby. You give him enough of that," she laughed.      "Ass holes," 
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