The Other Half

2932 Words

    The sound of struggling came from the lobby. I made my way from the small library to the sound of the struggle to see Preston and Young trying to restrain another boy who's snapping and growling at them. It would have been really simple for them to restrain him if he had both his arms. His left arm is missing and they're trying not to hold on to the bandaged stump that's left of his forearm. Talia shut the door behind her.      "Sup," she greeted me with a nod.      "Hey," I awkwardly waved back at her.      "What the hell are you guys doing down here? What is all that noise?" Mrs. Malory shouted from the top of the staircase.      "We have a prisoner. Go back to what you were doing," I called back.      "A- Jesus, my life is a f*****g mess," the sound of a door slamming was the l

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