Chapter 3

1030 Words
Chapter 3 There’s life, then there’s crazy Lucille Lucille I didn’t work today because of working last night. Thank God. I slept in, then harassed someone. I had the perfect person in mind. I traveled to the store to discover if my favorite crabby boss is working. Sure enough, he was. This dude needs to have some fun. I strolled into the store, hopping on his L-cart only for him to turn around and gave me a look. I grinned while swinging my legs back and forth. “You’re off. Shouldn’t you be out, wreaking havoc on someone’s life?” He asked me. “I am, and he’s crabby.” He rolled his eyes before returning to work. “Grayson, you need to lighten up. You’re tense,” I said. “Lucille, it’s called work. Unlike some people, I have rent, utilities, and food to buy.” He set a display. “But it doesn’t mean you can’t have fun.” He fixed the display until it was perfect. “One day, you’ll realize, not everything is fun and games.” “And one day, you’ll realize that life is crazy, then there’s me.” He glanced at me. “Why are you here?” “You need fun in your life. I thought, Lucille, Grayson needs to smile. So, here I am.” He shook his head and let out a soft chuckle. So he laughs. That was intriguing. “Whelp, I’m out of here. I got places to visit and people to harass.” I grinned as he laughed more. “Later, boss man.” I strolled away. “Bye, Lucille.” ***** Grayson It’s weird for Lucille to come to work on her day off. I’m glad that she did. There’s something about her. Even though she’s crazy, she kept things interesting. I finished my shift and walked out of the store. As I walked to my car, someone yelled, “Where are you going?” I turned to see Lucille leaning against her car. “Home! Shouldn’t you do the same?” I asked her. “Why? The night is still young.” She waved her hands in the air. I walked towards her until I stood in front of her. “Is it your life’s mission to harass me?” She tapped her finger to her lips. “Nope, that’s a perk.” She laughed, causing me to laugh. “How about a cup of coffee?” She asked me. I looked at her and took a deep breath. “One cup, then you harass someone else.” “Deal,” she said. She extended her hand as I took it and shook, then received a spark. Our hands lingered for a few minutes until we both pulled away. “I’ll meet you there.” “Sounds like a plan, Stan.” She smirked as she got into her car. I walked to my car, thinking about what had happened. I shook the thought away. She is Lucille, my crazy employee. I got into the car and pulled out of my spot, driving to Ram’s Horn to drink coffee with Lucille. I pulled into the parking lot and got out of the car. I strolled inside and spotted her sitting in a booth. I walked over and took a seat across from her. I ordered a coffee. “I figured you would have gone home,” she said. “And prove to you, I’m no fun,” I said. Quit it, Grayson. It’s coffee. “Touché,” she said. I watched her drink her coffee. I never noticed her pretty eyes. They were golden brown with little gold flecks in them. Wait. What? I sipped my coffee. “Tell me about yourself, Grayson.” She leaned on the table with her chin on her fist. “Why?” “Because you have more than work. I mean, you have a personal life. So, tell me a little about yourself.” “Well, I’m twenty-three. I graduated from college, hoping to one day, own a business of my own.” “What about the family? I’m sure they didn’t spawn you from the depths of hell.” “No, I was born normal. Mom stayed home, and Dad worked. There’s not much to tell.” I shrugged. “Interesting. Is there more?” “Not that I know.” I drank my coffee, as I glanced at her lips. Wait. What am I doing? I need to finish this coffee and leave. I’m her boss and shouldn’t want to kiss her. What the hell is wrong with me? ***** Lucille There’s something about how tight-lipped Grayson is that intrigues me. Most people are an open book. It’s not him because he gave little away. I studied his facial expressions when he reacted to me. He fascinated me. I found myself attracted to Grayson Gray. As soon as he finished his coffee, he pulled out some money. “I need to go.” “What? Why?” “I shouldn’t be here.” His tone was curt as he stood up and left. I sat there, confused. I thought we were getting on well. With a snap of my fingers, he changed moods. This guy has more mood swings than I could count. I paid for my coffee and headed home. I don’t know why I had become slightly disappointed when Grayson left. It’s nothing. Grayson would always be Grayson, a real fuddy-duddy. Once I got home, I observed my mom washing the dishes. “How was your evening?” She asked. “It was okay.” “What happened?” “Grayson and I had coffee. Then he went off on me.” I waved my hand in the air. “Why?” “It’s Grayson.” “He might have things going on with him.” “I doubt it. Grayson Gray will be alone for the rest of his life. He prefers it that way.” Mom gave me a glimpse. I sighed, retiring to bed because I get to work with mood swings Sally tomorrow. Oh, yay. Tomorrow should be so much fun.
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