Chapter 95 His Identity Is Exposed

1848 Words

Now that Lin Tian entered the Divine Meridians Stage, his strength in all aspects had been improved several times. How could a soldier at the sixth layer of body cultivation bear his kick? That he was still alive had shown the mercy of Lin Tian. "We are ordered to send the war letter to the mayor. How dare you attack us! How dare you!" The leader shouted in anger. Without any words, Lin Tian grabbed the man's collar, slapping him in the face. They were sending the war letter? Did these people think he was so stupid that he couldn't sense their hostility? "You." "Bang!" Raising his leg, Lin Tian directly sent the man flying away. Another man of the three people looked pale and hadn't expected Lin Tian to be so dominant. All around, the crowd was stunned at the scene. "Who is the you

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