Chapter 188 Watch the Fun with Liquor

2163 Words

Lin Tian turned his head to look at the man and frowned. He had seen this middle-aged man somewhere. He frowned and thought for a while. Suddenly, a glimmer of light flashed through his eyes. "You are the drunkard that day," he said in a low voice. Back then, on the streets of the capital city, Leng Feng led the strong warriors of the Leng family to assassinate him. At that time, he saved a middle-aged drunkard in the rain of arrows. It was this man. The middle-aged drunkard looked at Lin Tian and laughed, "Young man, do you have any liquor for me?" "No, I don't like it," said Lin Tian. Then he turned his head and looked at Han He and the other two opposite him again. "No!" The middle-aged drunkard came close and wrapped his arms around Lin Tian's neck, intimately. "You invite me to

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