Chapter 109 An Unexpected Surprise

1872 Words

With its special status in Fengjian City, Formation Masters' Guild was highly respected. Every day, most pedestrians passing by the guild in the city would stop, looking at the plaque at the top of the guild with awe before they left. The hot summer had gradually passed, and now the weather was much moderate. Lin Tian was wearing a long white shirt. When he came to the Formation Masters' Guild, people immediately paid attention to him with awe. "It's him!" "That genius formation master!" "The one who has the subsidiary plate of General-in-chief!" Many people stared at Lin Tian and whispered with shock in their eyes. "Mr. Lin," Mi Fei greeted him with respect and a hint of affection in her eyes. Lin Tian's story had spread all over Fengjian City, so Mi Fei heard about him. Just at t

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