Chapter 14 Dual Position Step Shows Its Strength

746 Words
Lin Tian appeared in front of Mo Sen. He brought the long knife down and left a deep cut on Mo Sen's chest. His blood spurted out in the air instantly. Lin Tian kicked Mo Sen on the underbelly. With a thump, Mo Sen screamed, fell backwards and flew away. This reversal shocked everyone. Mo Sen propped himself up on the sword and stood up with his hand covering his chest. His face was ferocious. "Bastard, how dare you hurt me!" Mo Sen thundered. Lin Tian's face was grim. He said nothing and rushed towards Mo Sen. Lin Tian's facial expression enraged Mo Sen. "You're dead!" Mo Sen roared in anger. He exploited Setting Sun Swordsmanship to the full and left countless sword shadows in the air. For a moment, this drill platform was completely shrouded in the ferocity brought by the sword. Many people were shivering with fear. Mo Sen was terrifyingly overwhelming since he was at the fourth layer of body cultivation and also applying his medium combat craft. However, everyone underestimated Lin Tian's speed. His eyes were glinting coldly. Lin Tian didn't dodge Mo Sen's attack, but rushed towards him instead. At this moment, each time Lin Tian made a step, there would be a soft silver glow under his feet. He seemed to be floating in the clouds and flowing in the water, and each of his moves looked so natural. "This is..." Mu Qing and the other two were taken aback on the high platform not far away. Shi Dong even rose to his feet suddenly. While they were still in astonishment, Lin Tian already dodged all the sword attacks on the drill platform and appeared behind Mo Sen in an instant. He struck a blow and threw Mo Sen away again. Such a scene shocked everyone. "No! This can't be happening!" Mo Sen shouted. Lin Tian actually warded off his Setting Sun Swordsmanship, which shocked and irritated him. Mo Sen roared, wielded the sword in his hand insanely and left countless shadows on the drill platform instantly, making a lot of examinees cower. Lin Tian's expression didn't change at all in the face of the countless sword shadows. Holding the long knife, Lin Tian took each step deftly just like a hopping crane, and the sword never touched his body. A few days ago, the mysterious iron sword disappeared in Lin Tian's body. Then, there was much weird information popping into his mind. At first, Lin Tian sorted out Siji Scriptures, and later, he summed up a set of movements from the information: Dual Position Step! Now, Lin Tian was exactly applying these matchless movements. "Patter!" "Patter!" "Patter!" Lin Tian was walking in Dual Position Step, and his whole body seemed to blend in with the space. Lin Tian kept swinging the long knife in his hand at Mo Sen, drawing lines of blood in the air. Lin Tian thought of the humiliation Lin Xi had suffered, and his eyes grew more ferocious. He wielded the long knife ruthlessly. "Ah!" Mo Sen screamed in pain. Within moments, there were more cuts on his chest, shoulders, back and thighs. At last, Lin Tian brought the long knife down at his right arm. Mo Sen suffered sharp pain and the sword in his hand fell to the ground. Everyone was astonished at such a scene. "Mo Sen lost." Someone muttered. Xiao Yun turned extremely pale among the crowd, and her lips started to tremble. She couldn't figure it out. It had just been few days, but how come Lin Tian had become so terrifying. Was this Lin Tian still the one she had used to know? "Stop!" Someone burst out. Mo Yi rose to his feet on the high platform and dashed onto the drill platform at lightning speed. Coldness flashed across Lin Tian's eyes. He gripped Mo Sen by the throat, drew back to the corner on the drill platform in Dual Position Step, and rested the long knife in his hand against Mo Sen's neck. Feeling the cold blade on his neck, Mo Sen had fear written all over his face. He said with a trembling voice, "Uncle, help... Help me!" Mo Yi saw that Mo Sen's body was covered with blood stains, and his face darkened. Mo Yi stared at Lin Tian and said in a grim voice, "How come a young fellow like you acts so viciously!" Mo Yi said this in a domineering manner, which frightened everyone.
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