Chapter 25 Begin to Learn Formation Harnessing Techniques

1898 Words
Treasure Trading Pavilion was the biggest material selling place in Fengjian City. It was also the only auction house in Fengjian City. Ordinary elixirs, medical herbs and weapons could be attained from Treasure Trading Pavilion. Of course, one must have enough spiritual coins first. Treasure Trading Pavilion existed in Fengjian City for a long time, which was established in the same period as Jiuyang Martial Institution. Rumor had it that Treasure Trading Pavilion was supported by a mysterious big family, which was even related to the imperial family. As such, the profits of Treasure Trading Pavilion were astonishingly high but no one dared to have designs on it. Some strong martial artists were willing to work with Treasure Trading Pavilion. Whenever they needed anything, they would buy it from Treasure Trading Pavilion. If they had anything they wouldn't need for the moment, they would have it auctioned at Treasure Trading Pavilion. Of course, Treasure Trading Pavilion would get a 30% commission on the transaction amount. ... Lin Tian was walking in the street of Fengjian City. His large black robe covered his appearance but the tall and thin figure was still shown. Given Lin Tian's current look, even Lin Xi would have difficulty recognizing him. "I'm safe." Lin Tian said inwardly. It was understandable that he was so cautious. He killed Mo Sen. And the Mo Family was a famous martial cultivation family. It couldn't be compared with Jiuyang Martial Institution but it was still too powerful for him temporarily. For the sake of safety, Lin Tian had to act carefully. Shortly, Lin Tian arrived in front of Treasure Trading Pavilion. As he looked up, he found Treasure Trading Pavilion was extremely luxurious and looked like a richly decorated jade palace. Standing before it, he felt he was rather small. There were several strong guards at the gate of Treasure Trading Pavilion. Amidst the guards' vigilant gaze, Lin Tian walked inside. Treasure Trading Pavilion was rather spacious inside. Just like its exterior, the interior was rather splendid and fabulous. "How extravagant!" Lin Tian was awed. Treasure Trading Pavilion consisted of two parts. One was the showroom for weapons, elixirs and raw materials; the other was the auction hall for precious or rare treasures. Standing in the middle of Treasure Trading Pavilion, Lin Tian looked in the direction of the auction hall and found that a lot of people were gathering there, who were dressed nicely. Obviously, they must be quite rich. Lin Tian shook his head and walked in the other direction. Right at the moment, a voice came from the auction hall, "Here is the martial integrating formation pattern scroll of the medium combat craft of body cultivation from a formation master! Inform the auctioneer! Right now!" Lin Tian hedged and couldn't help turning around to have a look. After absorbing some knowledge in his mind, Lin Tian learned what the martial integrating formation pattern scroll was. It was a scroll that contained the martial integrating formation pattern, which integrated with the formation master's combat craft. With the scroll, even an ordinary person could exert powerful combat craft. Of course, every martial integrating formation pattern scroll could be used once. Lin Tian came here to buy the materials for the cultivation as a formation master. Now, as he heard something about the formation master, certainly he paid attention to it. "A martial integrating formation pattern scroll of the medium combat craft of body cultivation?" In the direction of the auction hall, a manager of Treasure Trading Pavilion was thrilled to hear the news. Instantly, he ran to the second floor. At the same time, some customers in that direction also looked surprised and excited. Then, they all scurried into the auction hall. Obviously, their reactions had something to do with the martial integrating formation pattern scroll. Lin Tian was a bit astonished to see the scene. Was the product made by the formation master so popular? He was dazed in situ and then shook his head. "I shall buy the materials first." Lin Tian wanted to look on in the auction hall but the entrance fee cost 50 spiritual coins. In terms of his financial situation, the entrance fee was too much. He hesitated for a bit and then headed towards the place where the raw materials were sold. "Hello, what can I do for you?" A beautiful woman came forward to receive him. Because Lin Tian was about to practice formation techniques, the materials he needed were quite costly. Where these expensive materials were sold, there were sales assistants to receive the customers. Seeing Lin Tian's somewhat weird attire, the sales assistant slightly frowned but very quickly, she put on a professional smile. Many people visited Treasure Trading Pavilion every day. It was not the first time that she saw such a strangely dressed man. Lin Tian said, "I need ten for each of these things." Then, he passed her a list. Before coming to Treasure Trading Pavilion, he had listed out all the things he needed. The sales assistant took the list and subconsciously read it, "Parchment, soul-teeth grass, the blood of the third-grade Spiritual Fiery Ape, frost-breaking rock..." Then, she gave a surprised look and stared at Lin Tian more respectfully, "Are you a formation master?" "You know about the formation master?" The sales assistant answered politely, "I can't say I do. Yet, there were a few auctions about the formation master's works at the auction hall so I know a bit about the formation master." "Oh I see," Lin Tian thought of something and then asked, "On the way here, I heard that a martial integrating formation pattern scroll of the medium combat craft of body cultivation seems to arrive at the auction hall. If it is to be auctioned, how much will the auction price be?" It was said that the formation master could make money easily. He wanted to learn a bit more about this. "A martial integrating formation pattern scroll of the medium combat craft of body cultivation?" The sales assistant was a bit shocked but she calmed herself down quickly and said, "There used to be an auction of the same scroll before. The auction price back then was about 3,000 spiritual coins." Lin Tian was instantly astounded to hear the price. 3,000 spiritual coins? This was insane! However, astounded as he was, Lin Tian also felt quite thrilled! A work of a formation master turned out to be so expensive. If he could succeed in becoming a formation master, he could earn a lot of spiritual coins then! At that time, it wouldn't be a problem to buy the weapons and elixirs he wanted! Lin Tian took a deep breath and said, "Okay. Here is the thing. I don't need the materials on the list for now. Instead, fetch these things for me -- parchment, roots of Yebai Flower, the marrow of a second-grade Black Evil Wolf, and Lingxiang Sulphur. Ten for each, please." Lin Tian wanted to make an energy-gathering formation pattern directly but now, he changed his mind. Energy-gathering formation patterns and martial integrating formation patterns were basic formation patterns but energy-gathering formation patterns were more advanced than the latter, which would cost more expensive materials with a higher drawing difficulty level. Having thought it over, Lin Tian planned to make a martial integrating formation pattern scroll and then have the finished product auctioned in Treasure Trading Pavilion. In that case, he would have enough spiritual coins to pay Su Shu back and then buy the materials for making energy-gathering formation patterns. This was probably the best option for now--killing two birds with one stone. "Okay. Please wait a minute!" The sales assistant said passionately. ... When he returned to Jiuyang Martial Institution from Treasure Trading Pavilion, it was slightly dark. Holding two heavy bags of materials, Lin Tian directly went back to his residence and placed the materials he bought in the attic carefully. "1,000 spiritual coins. I just spent more than 800 spiritual coins. The cultivation of formation techniques is so costly." Lin Tian was quite resigned. However, thinking of the formation master's ability to make money, he was no more resigned but excited. "Phew!" He took a deep breath and started to sort out the materials he bought. Lin Tian made a rough plan. He was going to cultivate the formation harnessing techniques to small attainment, make martial integrating formation pattern scrolls and then have them auctioned. With the spiritual coins he earned, he could buy the materials and draw the energy-gathering formation pattern. While cultivating, he would continue making the formation pattern scrolls in exchange for the elixirs, medical herbs and weapons. In this case, within three months, Lin Tian could be 100% sure to reach the 8th layer of body cultivation or even the 9th layer of body cultivation. Shortly, Lin Tian sorted out the materials he purchased and put them away. "Here it goes!" Lin Tian couldn't wait to start practicing. Having refined the formation patterns in his mind, he learned how he should proceed with the formation technique cultivation. Firstly, he took out the parchment and started to make blank scrolls. It was an easy step, which could be made by even ordinary people. Therefore, Lin Tian finished this step very quickly and made nine blank scrolls. Looking at the ready blank scrolls, Lin Tian gave a smile. The first step was simple but he made the scrolls by himself anyway. They were like his babies. Of course, he was a bit excited. It was like cooking. Even if the dishes were plain, one would eat them with relish as long as they were made by himself. Lin Tian slightly composed himself and then started the second step. The second step was to concoct the pigmented ink. The so-called pigmented ink was the special ink to be used for drawing the formation pattern. The formation master would put some precious materials and the blood or marrow of monsters together. Then mix them with his energy and in the end, obtaining the required ink. With the blank scrolls and the pigmented ink, the formation master could imprint the apprehended formation pattern on the blank scroll and make a finished product. Lin Tian practiced the Siji Scriptures and motivated his energy. With a sudden change of Qi, he started to practice the other cultivation method -- Heavenly Unification Soul Method. He gained the cultivation method while he was refining the formation patterns. It was specially for soul cultivation. The formation master must use it while conducting the formation harnessing techniques. Lin Tian raised his hand and took out a portion of the roots of Yebai Flower and a portion of Lingxiang Sulphur. With his soul power as the anchor, he wrapped the two materials up and then injected his energy within to grind them and extract the juice after they were smashed. After that, he combined the juice and the marrow of the second-grade Black Evil Wolf. His soul power became even more violent and then the pigmented ink was in production. "Hum!" Some light flickered faintly. Before Lin Tian's chest, a ball of liquids was merging in transforming shapes. Gradually, Lin Tian started to sweat on his forehead and his face got pale. Making the pigmented ink was not as easy as making the blank scroll. It was pretty hard!
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