Chapter 43 Scarlet Faced Apparition

1921 Words
The amazing sword spirit spread out and shrouded the void at once. Then, dense sword shadows emerged. Each sword shadow turned into a long sword with energy. The scene was very frightening. "The last movement of Wind-startling Swordsmanship? How could it be!" Mo Ning was astonished. Mo Ning had not practiced Wind-startling Swordsmanship, but he had read the introduction of it in the Treasure Trading Pavilion, which was exactly what he saw at this moment. "The last movement? Isn't that no one can master it?" Mo Fei was shocked. A shadow of smile touched Lin Tian's mouth, which covered him with a horrible air. "Su Shu, step back," Lin Tian said. "I know that!" Su Shu curled her lip. In fact, when Lin Tian let out his sword spirit, Su Shu had guessed what combat craft Lin Tian was going to use. At this moment, after seeing the dense sword shadows, she immediately dodged and retreated to one side. The last movement of Wind-startling Swordsmanship was even highly praised by her master Mu Qing. She surely knew how horrible it was. "Move back!" Mo Ning shouted, pulling Mo Zhong away with Mo Fei. A cold hum sounded, and the dense sword shadows shook together. "I didn't let you go back." Lin Tian sneered. He lowered the long sword in his right hand slowly. Suddenly, all sword shadows fell straight, as if it was raining. The scream sounded immediately. Facing this sword curtain, ordinary people could not fend off it. It was only for a moment. Mo Zhong was pierced by several sword shadows and nailed directly to the surface. Blood flowing on the ground, Mo Zhong breathed out his life. "Poof!" A blood flower blossomed in the air. Mo Fei was not spared. He was stabbed through his throat by a sword shadow and died on the spot. Finally, among the three, only the most powerful Mo Ning survived. However, he was also covered with bloody scratches. He staggered back, while his eyes full of fear. "How terrible! No wonder no one has accomplished big attainment all the time. Only the last movement is enough to compare with the advanced combat craft of body cultivation," Su Shu's eyes widened with surprise. "This guy has accomplished big attainment of this set of swordsmanship within a month. Is the nine-star talent that overwhelming?" Lin Tian controlled the sword momentum and pointed it to Mo Ning. "You're still alive, congratulations," Lin Tian ridiculed Mo Ning. With the sword in hand trembling slightly, Lin Tian walked slowly towards Mo Ning. "What... What are you doing?" Holding a knife in his hand, Mo Ning blocked Lin Tian with the knife, retreated and stared at Lin Tian in a panic. "What am I doing? Guess." Lin tian laughed grimly. Mo Ning's face took on a ghastly expression. He stepped back and lowered his voice, "You have killed four of us. Now it's still time to stop. I can forget everything has happened! I may not report anything to the Institution." Lin Tian sneered at him and said, "Are you talking in sleep? They are all killed by monster beasts." "You..." Mo Ning's face froze and suddenly became blue. These words were said to Lin Tian and Su Shu before, but now were back at them. "You want to kill me?!" Mo Ning stared at Lin Tian. "That's right." Lin Tian chuckled. "Unfortunately, I have no prize for you." "You!" Lin Tian's attitude made Mo Ning angry but scared. He stared at Lin Tian and pretended a fierce look, "You'd better not kill me. If you dare to do so, you must get in trouble later. Uncle Mo will not let you off, nor will the elders of the Institution. You will die whatever!" "I'll get into more troubles if I don't kill you." Lin Tian sneered. He took the long sword and closed in on Mo Ning. Looking at Lin Tian's action, Su Shu's heart was softened and opened her mouth wanting to say something, but finally held back her words. She didn't want Lin Tian to kill the fellow disciples, but she also knew that those people were here to kill Lin Tian, even five people together. It seemed that she had no reason to stop Lin Tian killing them. "Forget it," She whispered. Lin Tian was already in front of Mo Ning. The long sword in his hand was raised and a faint silver glow flickered. "Bye." He gave a faint sneer. The long sword glowed and slashed down. The cold sword edge streaked through the air and made a hissing sound. However, at this time, Lin Tian suddenly halted and turned to look in Su Shu's direction. "Su Shu, get out of there!" He exclaimed. Su Shu was puzzled and surprised. However, at the next moment, suddenly, a cold air surrounded her. A figure like a fierce ghost appeared abruptly behind her, being wrapped in a gray robe, like a ghost in legend, which made anyone not help being scared. For a moment, Su Shu felt powerless, and her energy seemed to be frozen. "Lin..." Su Shu stretched out her hand, but the next moment, her body suddenly became weak and fell into a coma on the spot. Haha! Weird sounds came from the mouth of the figure covered with gray robe. Its face was similar in form of that of a human, but very ugly. Its eyes were red and very strange. "Let her go!" Lin Tian roared. At this moment, he gave up Mo Ning temporarily, turned round and rushed towards Su Shu. Lightning Sword with the fastest speed slashed down like a thunderbolt on the figure of a fierce ghost behind Su Shu. "Swoosh!" The sound of breaking the air could be heard, that meant Lin Tian's sword missed the object. A gray light flashed. The demon shadow of the devil was really fast like a ghost. It was fast to the extreme that it appeared hundreds of feet away in a blink, and then disappeared in Lin Tian's sight after it dodged several times. There was still a cold air left, which made Lin Tian feel a little chilly. However, he was rather anxious at the moment. "D*mn it!" Holding the long sword in his hand, his face was covered with ruthlessness. Under his noses, Su Shu was caught by the ghost! Without hesitation, Lin Tian turned around and came to Mo Ning. He grabbed Mo Ning's collar and said, "What was that just now? Tell me everything you know!" Mo Ning shivered, with a little fear in his eyes. "That... That was..." Crack! Lin Tian slapped Mo Ning at once, grimly. "Tell me!" He said coldly. There was no time for Mo Ning to be afraid now. Facing Lin Tian's extremely cold eyes, Mo Ning trembled subconsciously and showed a sense of fear in his eyes. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said, "That's the third-grade monster beast Scarlet Faced Apparition, comparable to a master at ninth layer of body cultivation. It enjoys watching its prey struggling in fear before it dies, then eating it up..." "Scarlet Faced Apparition!" Lin Tian clenched the long sword in his hand, turned it in the opposite direction, and cut open Mo Ning's throat in a trice. "You... You..." Mo Ning clamped his throat with two hands. The blood flowed through his fingers. His body was shaking. But he didn't die immediately, he could clearly feel that his life was losing, which filled him with the blankest dread. However, shortly afterwards Mo Ning breathed several times, the white of his eyes could be seen. Finally, he lay on the ground without a sign of being alive anymore. He died! Looking at the five bodies on the ground expressionlessly, he glanced in one direction and felt vaguely from there dozens of familiar monster beasts approaching rapidly. He remembered clearly the spirit of monster beasts, and was sure which belonged to the Blood Wolves that had smelled the blood here. "Swish!" He left with the Dual Position Step fast. The Blood Wolves would deal with the corpses of Mo Ning and the others. . Running in the area of third-grade, Lin Tian was a little anxious. He kept using the Heavenly Unification Soul Method, covering himself with his soul power to sense the spirit of the Scarlet Faced Apparition. At that time, the reason why he could sense the Scarlet Faced Apparition when he was ready to kill Mo Ning was just because his soul power was extremely strong. "I must catch up it!" Lin Tian's said inwardly. He learnt the taste of the Scarlet Faced Apparition from Mo Ning. It enjoyed watching its prey struggling in fear before it died, then eating it up. This process usually cost one or two days. Moreover, the Scarlet Faced Apparition liked to capture young women most, and it would watch them for a longer time before feasting itself. Lin Tian secretly said that it was so abnormal, but he felt more or less lucky because this abnormal habit saved him time to rescue Su Shu. "The Scarlet Faced Apparition often haunt the east of the area of third-grade," Lin Tian muttered to himself, and moved faster. With Dual Position Step, he flashed pace by pace, running quickly in the old forest. Lin Tian kept using the Heavenly Unification Soul Method. He still remembered the spirit of the Scarlet Faced Apparition, which was very strong and cold. It would take a long time to dissipate in the air. In this way, it left him a clue. Knowing the common nest location of the Scarlet Faced Apparition informed by Mo Ning and feeling the icy coldness left in the air, he quickly chased after it guided by the Heavenly Unification Soul Method. Qingfeng Mountain covered a wide area. Sensing the monster's track, Lin Tian ran through there even as fast as a cheetah. Su Shu was his first true friend after he came to this world. Though she was a little naughty and narcissistic, she always cared for him and Lin Xi. When Su Shu was caught by a monster beast, he was very anxious for sure. "Swish!" "Swish!" "Swish!" He used Dual Position Step to the extreme. Like a sticking image, Lin Tian rushed through the area of third-grade, crossing tiny gaps and leaving behind hundreds of feet away in a twinkling. If someone saw such movement and such speed at the moment, that person would be scared stiff. When he was scuffling, suddenly, Lin Tian's gaze sharpened. "Found it!" He stopped and leaned behind an old tree. There was a dark cave in front of him. A ghost in a gray robe was entering into the cave with its back to Lin Tian. It was exactly the Scarlet Faced Apparition. At the same time, he saw vaguely a corner of Su Shu's clothes. But in an instant, the Scarlet Faced Apparition had completely disappeared into the dark cave. Lin Tian took a deep breath, and slowly approached the cave with the long sword in his hand. The Scarlet Faced Apparition was one of the most formidable third-grade monster beasts, comparable to a master at ninth layer of body cultivation. It was much more powerful than him and could definitely overwhelm him face to face. The most important thing was that the abnormal taste of the Scarlet Faced Apparition gave him enough time to save Su Shu. Therefore, at present, what he needed most was extreme caution.
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