Chapter 52 Scumbag

1965 Words
Lin Tian was angry. If someone asked him for help, he might not refuse in this situation, but the old man in green robe was in a commanding tone, which made him very disgusted. Taking the hand of the little girl, he pretended to hear no sound and walked into the Dark Forest without looking back. Seeing Lin Tian leaving, the old man in green robe suddenly got indignant. He was a respected formation master. Countless people were willing to associate with him, but now, just a young martial artist, dared to ignore his words like this! "Roar!" The Fiery Dragon roared, and then someone screamed. "D*mn it! Kill the brute quickly!" The green robed old man angrily shouted. Lin Tian clearly heard the sound, but he didn't stop awhile. He soon went out hundreds of feet away. The air in the Dark Forest was stale. After about an hour, it felt a little cold. "Purple, do you feel cold?" Lin Tian asked. "No." The little girl shook her head and blinked her beautiful big eyes. Lin Tian nodded and continued to walk forward. Gradually, it became colder. An hour later, a canyon normal in size appeared in front, and burst of black smoke came out, like ghost fogs from the underworld. "It should be here," Lin Tian whispered. There was a detailed introduction on the paper card. Here was where the shade spectre flower grew. Standing outside the valley, Lin Tian glanced around for a while. After confirming that there was no danger, he went into the canyon with the little girl. As soon as he entered the canyon, Lin Tian couldn't help shivering because it was colder in the valley. "Purple, is it cold now?" Lin Tian asked the little girl. The little girl blinked and said, "Not at all." Looking at the little girl, Lin Tian shook his head slightly. He thought the little girl was shy. After all, it was really cold in the canyon. Even he was chilled when just stepped into it. "If it's cold, tell me immediately, OK?" He smiled and said softly. "Yes!" The little girl nodded earnestly. Lin Tian couldn't help smiling because Purple appeared to be as a docile child as Lin Xi. It was darker in the canyon than the outside. Lin Tian was very careful. He took the little girl's hand and moved slowly. Since the Formation Masters' Guild had offered a reward of 800 points for this task, it was obvious that this task was absolutely difficult and the risky. Therefore, it was necessary for him to be cautious. A quarter of an hour later, Lin Tian stopped. Ahead was a black stone wall, under which were the dead bones of various monster beasts, but there was no way forward. As for the shade spectre flower, he didn't even see the shadow of it. "Weird." Lin Tian frowned. According to the introduction on the paper card, the shade spectre flower indeed grew in this canyon. "Does it grow in other corners?" He said to himself. Just then, there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps behind him. Lin Tian turned around and saw nine figures appear in his vision. Several middle-aged martial artists went ahead the team, five of whom were at seventh layer of body cultivation, three at eighth layer of body cultivation, and the last one was wearing a green robe. These nine people were the group who fought with the Two-headed Fiery Dragon before. Many of them were stained with blood. Obviously, the group suffered heavy losses after they met the Fiery Dragon. There were more than ten people before, but now only nine left. "The one in green robe, is he..." A thought popped into Lin Tian's head. When he was in the Formation Masters' Guild, Mi Fei told him that a formation master had also received the task of collecting the shade spectre flower before him. At this moment, after he stepped into the canyon, the old man in green robe also stepped in. Obviously, it was not a coincidence. The old man in green robe must also come for the shade spectre flower. The old man in green robe surely saw Lin Tian and his face suddenly turned cold. "It's you!" The old man in green robe looked at Lin Tian with anger and coldness, "I asked you to help just now. Why didn't you respond?!" "Do I owe you anything?" Lin Tian asked. The face of the old man in green robe darkened his face immediately. A young martial artist even dared to talk to him like this. "Teach him a lesson!" The old man in green robe pointed at a middle-aged man nearby and ordered. The middle-aged man was at the seventh layer of body cultivation. After receiving the instructions from the old man in green robe, he walked towards Lin Tian indifferently, "Boy, don't blame me. He pays me and I work for him. It's unfortunate for you to have offended Lord Lu Ba. Lord Lu Ba is a level-one formation master. A young man like you can't afford offending him." "Of course, I don't blame you, so you must not do later," Lin Tian said flatly. Hearing that, the middle-aged man was shocked. "So insolent!" The middle-aged man sneered because he naturally understood what Lin Tian said and immediately raised his hand to catch Lin Tian. He didn't care about a 16-year-old young martial artist at all. Lin Tian was expressionless. He slightly tilted his head to avoid the hand of the middle-aged man, and then kicked him on his abdomen. With a bang, the middle-aged man was kicked out thirty feet away, clamping his stomach and screaming on the ground. And his face turned ghastly pale. "He..." "How could he have so powerful strength!" On the opposite, every one of the team was astonished. He was able to kick down a master at seventh layer of body cultivation. His strength was absolutely strong. Among those people, even the three masters at eighth layer of body cultivation also frowned slightly. The face of the old man in green robe looked even more terrible. Now that these people were hired by him, someone of whom were slapped down, it was no difference to lose his face. Lin Tian snorted and looked at the old man in green robe. "Lu Ba, right?" He went straight over Lu Ba with a cold face. In front of Lu Ba, a middle-aged man in yellow who was at eighth layer of body cultivation said in a deep voice, "What do you want?" "Get out of the way. It's none of your business," Lin Tian said indifferently. He wouldn't take the initiative to provoke anyone, and of course he would never be afraid of anyone. Lu Ba made him annoyed, so he wanted to make that person more annoyed. "Young man, don't rage. It's not a good thing," The middle-aged man in yellow said. Lin Tian was expressionless and didn't say anything more. He just pushed forward indifferently. But in the next moment, he halted and looked up to somewhere not far away. He saw two cold bloody light flashed suddenly there. "Spirit of monster beasts." Lin Tian quickly moved back to the little girl's side. Staring at the front carefully, he sensed an extremely powerful spirit of monster beasts, which he had not felt the moment he stepped into the canyon. This spirit of monster beasts was not even weaker than the Scarlet Faced Apparition he killed in Qingfeng Mountain. "Ah!" Suddenly, a scream sounded. Next to the middle-aged man kicked down by Lin Tian, a monster beast suddenly appeared and bit off his throat. The monster was covered with white hair and almost the same size as human beings. But it gave out a terrible aura. "Nether Ape!" Someone exclaimed. "Whoosh!" "Whoosh!" "Whoosh!" The sounds of breaking the air sounded. At this time, about a dozen pairs of blood-colored eyes lit up in the canyon. By a faint light, Lin Tian found that there were more than ten Nether Apes on the way he came. He didn't know when they blocked him and the group led by the old man in green robe. "The Nether Ape is very fast and also comparable to a master at eighth layer of body cultivation. It's terrible!" The middle-aged man in yellow felt hopeless. There was no road ahead, and there was only one entry blocked by more than a dozen monster beasts comparable to masters at eighth layer of body cultivation at the moment. They were trapped in the worst situation, not too much to call it a desperate condition. Just then, a snort sounded. Lu Ba reached into his pocket, took out a bag of powder and sprinkled it at will. After a while, the powder fell and formed a circular arc on the ground, separating the eight of them and a dozen of Nether Apes. At that time, those Nether Apes stopped and stared at the white powder on the ground in fear. "Beast Dispelling Powder! It is useful for monster beasts under grade four!" Someone was surprised. The middle-aged man in yellow was not excited at all, "The Beast Dispelling Powder can only last for half an hour at most. There is no road behind us. After half an hour, we still have to..." The middle-aged man in yellow didn't finish his words, but several others understood what he meant, whose faces suddenly turned pale. "Not time to worry!" Lu Ba snorted, "Nether Ape is agile, but it is lascivious. It likes virgins having a constitution of extreme Yin most." His eyes fell on the little girl next to Lin Tian and said, "Although she's young, anyhow she's a virgin. Catch her and throw her out to attract the attention of the Nether Apes. Then we'll take the opportunity to get out." Hearing the speech, the middle-aged man in yellow and other seven people immediately brightened up and stared at the little girl. Being stared at by so many eyes, the little girl was afraid and hurriedly hid behind Lin Tian. A murderous spirit spread out from Lin Tian. At that moment, Lin Tian's eyes became extremely cold. Like the reaper coming from hell, he stared at the old man in green robe cruelly, "You're courting death!" Lu Ba was surprised by the expression in his eyes. And he darkened his face once more, "What's wrong with trading her life for the survival of us all? Besides, she is not doomed to die. She may just be deprived of her virgin Kidney-yin Qi." Hearing that, the middle-aged man in yellow and the others nodded. "Lord Lu is right. Young man, you should know, the life of one and ten, which is more important." "Sometimes we must make the choice." "Yes, hand over the little girl!" Those people stared at Lin Tian. Among them, some even began to approach Lin Tian, obviously trying to grab the girl. Looking at these people, Lin Tian was expressionless, with his eyes as cold as a frigid geyser. "Purple, step back," He said without emotion. The little girl was afraid, but she loosened Lin Tian's clothes and took steps back carefully. Lin Tian raised his hand, held the Regression Origin Sword tied to his back, and slowly pulled the long sword out of the scabbard. At that time, a sharp sword spirit spread out, and a wild wind swept to all directions. With a clang, Lin Tian shook his right hand. As the harsh sword howl resounded, the middle-aged man who advanced on him was immediately attacked by eight streaks of sword Qi of Wind-startling Sword, and fell into the blood with a bang, "Wait to die, you gang of scums!"
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