Chapter 68 Vigorous Thunder Swordsmanship

1914 Words
This world worshiped martial cultivation. In many places, one's power was everything and Jiuyang Martial Institution was no exception. Naturally, Lin Tian, who had an amazingly good flair and cultivated shockingly fast, was treated specially. This was normal. Lin Tian was slightly surprised, but he quickly understood and bowed, "Thank you, Sir." The time of the disciples of Martial Institution choosing for combat craft was an hour. Now that he was not restrained by the time limit, he could choose a better combat craft, which was good for him. Lin Tian walked upstairs to the second floor. This was the second time Lin Tian came to the second floor of Martial Scriptures Pavilion, so he was very familiar with this place. He went straight to the area of advanced combat crafts of body cultivation and looked up attentively. "Thousand Spirit Knife." "Air Teasing Palm." "Ghostly Sword." "Blurring Footwork." "Immortal Fists." Lin Tian flipped through the books, and constantly put them down. Among them, he had seen a lot in real battles, such as Thousand Spirit Knife and Ghostly Sword, but they were not suitable for him. Soon, almost an hour passed, Lin Tian had carefully leafed through nearly a hundred combat craft books, among which he had found some good ones, but he did not immediately decide. Since he had no time limit, he wanted to see more and compare them before making the final decision, which was the wise action. "Dragon Claw." "Bone Knife." "Breaking Spear." After another half a quarter, Lin Tian still didn't find the one he wanted. Having flipped through sets of combat crafts, just as Lin Tian tried to decide, he saw a set of combat craft called "Vigorous Thunder Swordsmanship" in the corner of a shelf. He wondered why this seemingly good combat craft book was thrown aside so Lin Tian took it and started reading it. Lin Tian was taken aback by this craft book instantly. The sword moves of Vigorous Thunder Swordsmanship, as powerful as thunderbolts, were of extreme Yang and potent momentum. When the sword was struck out, it roared like thunder. Even one blow could be comparable to medium combat crafts. It was extremely difficult to learn this craft. Before cultivation, one needed to wash his body under Flame Thunder Pig's thunder attacks so that his body could obtain a certain degree of familiarity and cognition of the thunder power. Having learned the requirements of practicing this sword, Lin Tian couldn't help gasping. "No wonder people don't like it." Lin Tian shook his head. Firstly, Vigorous Thunder Swordsmanship itself was difficult to practice. Secondly, the requirement of going through the thunder shower of Flame Thunder Pig was too unacceptable. Flame Thunder Pig was a fourth-grade monster beast. Although at primary level, it was comparable to a master at Divine Meridians Stage! To practice this combat craft, a disciple at Body Cultivation Stage had to bear the thundering blow of Flame Thunder Pig, which was obviously courting death! Most importantly, the monster beasts like Flame Thunder Pig was rare, almost impossible to find. "Which genius created this swordsmanship?" Lin Tian widened his eyes and continued reading. Then he saw a note and subconsciously read it out, "70 percent of this swordsmanship was missing. Think twice before you choose it." Lin Tian was completely speechless. He put down Vigorous Thunder Swordsmanship and went to the other side, but just after a few steps, he could not help but stop. His eyes fell on the swordsmanship. The difficulty of cultivating this combat craft was indeed amazingly high, and the book was incomplete, but the power of it was amazing. One blow of it was comparable to the medium combat crafts of body cultivation, which made it very attractive! Staring at this combat craft for quite a long time, Lin Tian clenched teeth and grasped it. "Now at the eighth layer of body cultivation, I can withstand a hit from a fourth-grade primary monster beast narrowly and then flee invisibly with a moderate gale formation pattern. What's more, it doesn't matter if I couldn't find the missing 70 percent part since that the remaining 30 percent part alone is strong enough. It may be as powerful as the elementary combat craft of Divine Meridians Stage!" Lin Tian said to himself. As for the whereabouts of Flame Thunder Pig, though this kind of monster beasts was rarely seen, he happened to see one when he was on the mission of the shade spectre flower in the Dark Forest on the other side of the canyon. After making up his mind, Lin Tian stopped hesitating and walked to the first floor. "Sir, I've picked this combat craft." Lin Tian handed over Vigorous Thunder Swordsmanship. The Martial Scriptures Pavilion Elder would register for disciples' choices of the combat crafts after they finished picking. The Martial Scriptures Pavilion Elder nodded, took the book and instantly put on a surprised look, "Vigorous Thunder Swordsmanship?" Looking Lin Tian up and down, the Elder appeared quite confused. "Young man, I know you are exceedingly talented, but I strongly advise you not to choose this swordsmanship. Firstly, if you practice it, your life will be in danger. Secondly, it is extremely difficult to practice the swordsmanship, and most importantly, its incompleteness rate is too high." The Elder shook his head and sighed, "Although the combat craft choice can't be changed, I can make you an exception. Go and choose another one." Genius always had preferential treatment. Lin Tian was a nine-star talent with an amazing speed of cultivation. The Elder cherished the talent so he did not want Lin Tian to suffer a big loss because of a mistake in selection. Lin Tian bowed gratefully to him and said, "Thanks for your kindness, but I have thought it over carefully. This is the one." The Elder sighed, looked at Lin Tian and asked, "To what extent have you cultivated the Wind-Startling Swordsmanship?" "I have reached the big attainment," Lin Tian modestly said. "Big attainment?" A ray of surprise flashed across the Elder's eyes, "Show it to me." "Yes, Sir." Lin Tian nodded. After a shake of his body, a rush of fierce sword spirit suddenly came out. The Elder squinted, "Yes, it is indeed the Wind-Startling Swordsmanship at Big Attainment." Lin Tian withdrew the sword spirit and stood aside quietly. "You reached the Big Attainment in such a short time! To be honest, even though I know you are a nine-star talent, your speed of cultivation is beyond my expectation. With such amazing comprehension, perhaps you really can manage to grasp this Vigorous Thunder Swordsmanship." After the registration, the Elder handed the combat craft book and the jade pendant back to Lin Tian and said, "Vigorous Thunder Swordsmanship was created by a weird talent hundreds of years ago. Its complete version is said to be at Mentality Vessel Stage, but because it has too many parts missing, it was finally assessed as an advanced combat craft at Body Cultivation Stage. However, because it is too difficult to practice the swordsmanship, almost no one has chosen it. It is at least ten times harder than the Wind-Startling Swordsmanship to practice." Lin Tian was startled. A combat craft at Mentality Vessel Stage? "Mentality Vessel Stage... If only I could find the missing part," He muttered. Close to him, the Elder of Martial Scriptures Pavilion obviously heard his words. He laughed and pretended to scold him, "In your dreams! Boy, the possibility to find the missing part is less than one-tenth. Stop dreaming." After a pause, the Elder of Martial Scriptures Pavilion switched the tone, "But nothing is really impossible! Perhaps one day, you can find the missing part." "I hope so," Lin Tian said politely. "Okay." The Elder waved and smiled faintly, "Go back for cultivation." "Yes, Sir." Lin Tian bowed to him. Then he withdrew from Martial Scriptures Pavilion and headed for his residence. When he was back at the residence, it was getting darker. Lin Tian thought for a while and decided to leave for the Dark Forest tomorrow. He threw what he needed into the stone ring, and then continued his cultivation in the Top Pavilion. Having just reached the eighth layer of body cultivation, he should consolidate that. So, a night soon passed. At dawn, Lin Tian took some deep breaths facing the sunrise. Having washed up, he came to Lin Xi's door. The girl was still asleep, so he did not wake her up but left a note, telling Lin Xi where he was going. Then he left. In the early morning, there are few disciples in Martial Institution, emphasizing that Lin Tian's diligence was extraordinary. Wrapped in the black robe, Lin Tian walked out of Jiuyang Martial Institution, took several tasks when he passed by the Formation Masters' Guild, and then went to the Dark Forest. If he wanted to practice Vigorous Thunder Swordsmanship, he had to find Flame Thunder Pig first. By the time he arrived in the Dark Forest, it was nearly noon, and there were many people standing outside the forest. Lin Tian took off his black robe in a corner where there was no one and put it into the stone ring before entering the Dark Forest. Everything was in the stone ring, so he didn't carry anything with him. Thanks to the stone ring, he felt the trip was much easier than the last one. "It cost me 700,000 spiritual coins, but it's worth it," Lin Tian looked at the stone ring on his middle finger and said to himself. Many people outside the Dark Forest were clamoring for forming teams, but Lin Tian preferred to go alone, so he just ignored that. This was the second time that he had entered the Dark Forest. He walked through the old trees and smelled the dense spirit of monster beasts. He followed the previous route and soon came to the canyon. He walked to the stone wall and took a deep breath. With the help of the Dual Position Step, he ascended to the stone wall as high as tens of feet in an instant. Then, he leaped slightly and fell to the other side of the stone wall. "Boom!" The moment he landed, a giant monster beast jumped out from the other side and brought a hurricane. This was a Fire-tailed Scorpion with foul-smelling black mist around it. This Fire-tailed Scorpion was biologically toxic, but after all, it was only a third-grade primary monster beast, just comparable to a master at the seventh layer of body cultivation. Now Lin Tian was at the eighth layer of body cultivation, so naturally, the monster beast brought no threats to him. A long sword suddenly appeared in Lin Tian's hands. Without hesitation, he cut at the Scorpion. "Poof!" With blood sputtering, the scorpion fell to the ground with a bang and twitched before death. He swung the long sword again to dig out the scorpion's core. Then Lin Tian continued to walk forward. Soon he walked about five hundred feet far away from the stone wall. "Well, I remember, Flame Thunder Pig jumped out of a bush in the distance that time," Lin Tian thought. Without hesitation, Lin Tian walked in that direction, because the weakest monster beasts in this area were the third-grade ones, he had to be very cautious. He should save his strength for his goal -- the fourth-grade monster beast as well as its thundering blow.
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