Chapter 66 To Destroy the Xiao Family (2)

2018 Words
Xiao Nan was surprised, not only because the man in the black robe grabbed his wrist quickly, but also because he was very familiar with the voice coming out from under the black robe. "Who are you!" Xiao Nan bawled. "Me?" Lin Tian gave a faint smile, "The man that you tried to kill by spending 600,000 spiritual coins!" "What?!" Xiao Nan's facial expression changed, and he instantly guessed who was under the black robe. Since his right hand was held, Xiao Nan raised his left hand without hesitation. He struck a palm at Lin Tian. Lin Tian snorted coldly and gave Xiao Nan a kick. "Bang!" Xiao Nan was kicked in the abdomen and flew out awkwardly, banging on the ground. "Master!" The disciples and servants of the Xiao family changed their faces, and some of them wanted to rush up, but the Qin family's two teams of guards were not useless. Their knives and spears were aimed at everyone with cold light. Qin Luo stood behind Lin Tian with fear in his heart. Xiao Nan killed the leading guard of the Qin family with one blow, who was at the third layer of body cultivation, but now, Lin Tian kicked Xiao Nan out easily. How powerful Lin Tian was! Xiao Nan coughed and stood up with his chest covered. "You..." Xiao Nan stared at Lin Tian with his face extremely dark. Under the black robe, Lin Tian sneered, "You want to ask, why am I still alive?" Staring at Xiao Nan's dark face, Lin Tian said lightly, "Because those who came to kill me are all dead." Xiao Nan's face changed, "All dead? Where's Yun? Where's my daughter?" "In hell," Lin Tian answered lightly. "You... You..." Xiao Nan exclaimed angrily, "Did you kill her?" "She wanted to kill me, so I killed her. Isn't that fair?" Lin Tian smiled faintly. "You beast!" Xiao Nan's chest heaved with anger and his eyes were bloodshot, "You have spent several years together anyway. How could you kill her? Why are you so vicious!" "Spent several years together?" Lin Tian laughed, "During those two years, she utilized my kindness to her and cheated our Lin family out of all property. About two months ago, she colluded with Mo Sen and threw me down the cliff; a few days ago, she paid others to kill me. Now you have the face to mention the past in front of me!" When Xiao Nan heard that, his face became extremely dark. With bloodshot eyes, Xiao Nan clenched his fists and shouted up to the sky, "I will kill you beast today to soothe Yun's soul!" Xiao Yun was his only daughter and the apple of his eyes, but she was murdered! At this moment, he would have his guts for garters! "Boom!" A wild and overbearing air rushed out of Xiao Nan's body. Xiao Nan roared angrily. Then a layer of golden light emerged on his palms respectively, interwove like thunderbolts and struck Lin Tian hard. Such a powerful attack shocked everyone at once. "It... It seems to be the medium combat craft of body cultivation!" "How could Xiao Nan have such a combat craft?" "Was he a disciple of Jiuyang Martial Institution?" The guards of the Qin family were surprised. Lin Tian squinted and instantly recognized Xiao Nan's boxing technique. It was indeed the medium combat craft. He had seen it in Martial Scriptures Pavilion of Jiuyang Martial Institution. It was named Golden Palm. If one cultivated it, his palms would become as hard as gold. "Beast, go to hell!" Xiao Nan roared. Lin Tian sneered, "It's me that should be angry!" After a step forward, he threw his right fist straight away. When the fist and the palm met, Xiao Nan trembled. With a crack, his hand was fractured. Lin Tian lifted his leg and gave another kick in Xiao Nan's chest. Xiao Nan flew out again. Recently, his body had been incomparably strong after all those trials and tribulations in wild wave formation. His strength could be comparable to that of a master at the ninth layer of body cultivation. Although Xiao Nan could exert the Golden Palm, he was categorically no match for Lin Tian. People around them gasped in surprise. "He's so powerful!" The guards of the Qin family were shocked. Xiao Nan was at the eighth layer of body cultivation. Even though he showed his medium combat craft, he was still repelled by Lin Tian with one punch and got sent flying away with one kick. How powerful Lin Tian must be! On the other side, the Xiao family's disciples' faces were drained white. "Mas... Master..." Someone said, shivering. As the powerful master of the Xiao family, he was dignified in the past, but now he was so miserable. Xiao Nan fell to the ground. He looked at Lin Tian in disbelief, with blood running out from his mouth. "How is it possible? You... How come you've become so strong!" Xiao Nan was startled and angry. He had practiced martial arts for decades, but today, he was defeated by a sixteen-year-old man! Xiao Nan struggled to get up, his face full of disbelief. "Swoosh!" Almost instantaneously, Lin Tian appeared in front of Xiao Nan and struck a slap out. With a crackling sound, Xiao Nan was slapped away and fell into the corner of the compound. "Master!" The Xiao's disciples were anxious. However, the Qin's guards just stopped them from helping Xiao Nan. Lin Tian utterly ignored them and walked towards Xiao Nan indifferently. Before Xiao Nan fully stood up, Lin Tian lifted a leg and gave Xiao Nan another kick. Once again, Xiao Nan spat blood and flew away. "You have to pay for the Lin family's property!" After this kick, Lin Tian didn't stop his steps but approached Xiao Nan once again. "Lin Xi has been badly treated by your Xiao family for those two years. Do you think I'll forget it?" With a bang, Lin Tian raised his leg and kicked Xiao Nan in the head. This kick was so hard. As strong as at the eighth layer of body cultivation, Xiao Nan still cried out for ache. Lin Tian walked faster and came to Xiao Nan's side. He stepped on Xiao Nan chest. "Ouch!" This kick directly broke one rib of Xiao Nan. Lin Tian slightly bowed his head and looked down at Xiao Nan, "Nine days ago, that night when you and Xiao Yun that b***h conspired to kill me, I happened to be right outside the door." After a pause, Lin Tian said, "It was also that night that I took back all the property deeds of two families. I guess you have never thought of this." "It's you? You..." Xiao Nan's eyes widened. He stared at Lin Tian with his eyes full of fear. Under the black robe, Lin Tian smiled grimly and lowered his voice, "Maybe you have the same doubts as Xiao Yun that b***h. How could I silently sneak into the heavily guarded Xiao's mansion alone, and then take away all the property deeds, right? Here is the answer. I am a formation master and the three medium martial integrating formation pattern scrolls you bought in Treasure Trading Pavilion were made by me. Moreover, the one who bid against you and made you offer a high bid was me, too. A formation master has many means. With some formation patterns, I can easily sneak into your mansion." "You..." "Bang!" Lin Tian waved his fist and punched Xiao Nan in the chest. Xiao Nan screamed with another new mouthful of blood vomited. Looking down at Xiao Nan, Lin Tian sneered, "Do you know why I tell you and Xiao Yun all this at the same time? The answer is quite simple. That is, to make you feel hopeless and regret! Isn't it frightening if you offend a level-two formation master is awful? This level-two... No, to be precise, the level-three formation master can have been on your side, but you have forced him into the enemy. Do you regret it?" Xiao Nan's eyes widened. "You... You..." His blood was flooding from his mouth. Xiao Nan's face was full of anger and yet more of regret and despair. It was a nightmare to offend a formation master, especially when this terrible formation master, could have been his son-in-law. However, now, this formation master had become his enemy! Xiao Nan trembled with regret, despair and unwillingness. All kinds of emotions instantly filled his heart. Lin Tian stamped his feet on him with more force and looked down at Xiao Nan, saying, "From now on, the Xiao family will be gone, which will disappear from Fengjian City forever. All the members of the Xiao family will be living in the streets. You are not happy to see that, aren't you? Unfortunately, you can change nothing," With a squint, Lin Tian said, "Finally, say your last words." Xiao Nan shivered with fear in his eyes. "Let...go of me. Please," Xiao Nan said, trembling. However, the killing intention in Lin Tian's words was so obvious that Xiao Nan felt chillingly cold. "Let you go?" Lin Tian sneered, "You and Xiao Yun conspired to kill me before and now, you are asking me to let you go? Do you think I am an i***t?" "No, don't..." Xiao Nan was frightened. Lin Tian crouched down when a shiny dagger suddenly appeared in his right hand. He said, "Farewell." The dagger was stabbed straight into Xiao Nan's heart. Xiao Nan goggled at Lin Tian and with his head hung down, he breathed out his last. Lin Tian harrumphed and stood to his feet. Around him, both the Qin's members and the Xiao's looked at this scene with pale faces. "Dead... He's dead." Qin Luo swallowed hard. The master of the Xiao family at the eighth layer of body cultivation was killed so easily! "Master..." A Xiao's disciple said with a shiver. Lin Tian turned his head and swept the Xiao's disciples here. Then, he swung his left hand and struck silver lights of soul into their bodies. Lowering his voice, he said coldly, "I have implanted a mark in all of you. After going out, you had better not mention me. Otherwise, you will face the same consequences as Xiao Nan did!" Although he had grievances with the Xiao family, Lin Tian wouldn't slaughter the entire Xiao family. However, if what happened today was really spread, he would be impacted more or less. Hence, he must threaten these men in this way. These men of the Xiao family must fear death. The disciples of the Xiao family trembled and looked frightened. "We won't..." Someone said in a panic. Lin Tian stepped forward and came to Qin Luo with an impassive facial expression. "Lin Tian, you, you..." Qin Luo said discreetly. Having witnessed what Lin Tian had got, Qin Luo was very afraid of him. "Xiao Nan killed a leading guard of the Qin family in the dispute regardless of the property deed, and then, the Qin family's guards mistakenly killed Xiao Nan in self-defense. You know how to handle this?" "I see! Got it!" Qin Luo nodded his head without hesitation. Lin Tian said indifferently, "From now on, all the properties of the Lin family and the Xiao family, including this mansion, belong to the Qin family. As to the Xiao family's existing assets and the future profits from two families' properties, 20 percent are yours, 80 percent are mine. That's it! A word of warning, don't try to fool me, otherwise..." With a cold sweat on the back, Qin Luo shook his head, "I won't! Absolutely not! I will definitely not dare fool you!" He didn't have the guts to make an enemy of a level-two formation master who could easily kill a master at the eighth layer of body cultivation. Only a mad man or a fool would do that. "Alright." Lin Tian smiled faintly. He walked past Qin Luo, pushed open the Xiao mansion's door to go outside, saying wickedly, "See you, Partner."
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