Chapter 77 The Ninth Layer of Body Cultivation

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Lin Tian was a bit surprised. Zhou Hao had stepped into Divine Meridians Stage!? That was really bad news. Noticing Lin Tian's silence, Su Shu said, "Don't worry too much. I will tell this to our master. What's more, although Zhou Hao is not a good guy, he dares not kill you anyway." Lin Tian smiled and reached out his hand to flick Su Shu's forehead, "What an innocent girl." In Qingfeng Mountain, Zhou Hao had plotted to kill him, so, on the oncoming battle day, for which they had set up a life-and-death contract, how could Zhou Hao show mercy to him? In front of the crowd of Martial Institution, Zhou Hao might not dare kill him directly, but he definitely would use some despicable tricks, to maim him at least. Su Shu covered her forehead and gritted her teeth to Lin Tian, "What are you doing!" "Nothing." Lin Tian smiled, "I just want to say, don't worry. After all, he is just at the rudiment of Divine Meridians Stage." "Rudiment of Divine Meridians Stage, just?" Su Shu's eyes widened with surprise. She was worried about him at hearing the news while this guy didn't care a nut! Though Zhou Hao was merely at the rudiment, he was at the Divine Meridians Stage! "Anyway, don't worry," Lin Tian said. "Since you're not worried about yourself, why should I worry about you?" Su Shu puffed out her cheeks. Lin Tian smiled. He was very grateful to Su Shu's worry about him. "By the way, where are you going?" Su Shu asked. "The wild wave formation. I'm going there to hone my fitness," Lin Tian said. "The wild wave formation..." Su Shu thought for a while before saying, "Good, I am going there, too. Let's go together." Soon after, they came to the wild wave formation. "Monster boy, here you come," Seeing Lin Tian, Luo Xiao said. Lin Tian was speechless. Since Luo Xiao saw him show Vigorous Thunder Swordsmanship in the triple gravity area, Luo Xiao had changed his way of calling Lin Tian. He called Lin Tian "monster boy", which made Lin Tian embarrassed. "Monster boy?" Su Shu stared at Lin Tian, looking curious. Lin Tian resigned himself to this embarrassing nickname and didn't want to argue. Having greeted Luo Xiao, Lin Tian went towards the wild wave formation. Su Shu followed him to walk into the formation. "It's such a messy formation," Just into the huge formation, Su Shu muttered with complaints. Although she was at the eighth layer of body cultivation, she was a girl, which meant she had weaker physical strength in nature. In this wild wave formation, that huge gravity and oppression along with it made her uncomfortable. "Pain is a normal part of martial cultivation. Otherwise, why are the martial artists more powerful than an average man?" Lin Tian laughed, "No pain, no gain." Su Shu stared at Lin Tian with surprise, "Unbelievable. You said such golden words." Lin Tian was speechless. He wondered what kind of person he was in this girl's eyes. Walking through the double gravity zone, both of them were relaxed. Lin Tian had been used to here while Su Shu was already at the eighth layer of body cultivation so double gravity was nothing to her. And this was not the first time she entered here. Soon, they walked a distance to the junction of the triple gravity area and the double gravity area. Lin Tian headed for the triple gravity area. "Hey, where are you going?" Su Shu pulled him. "Where?" Lin Tian was a bit startled and pointed to the triple gravity area, "There." "There?" Su Shu glared, "That is the triple gravity area where anyone under the ninth layer of body cultivation will suffer! Are you looking for trouble?" Since the founding of the Martial Institution, this wild wave formation had been there. After so many years and after generations of disciples, men's adaptability to the wild wave formation had been summed up by some smart disciples. To step into the triple gravity area, one's level had to be at least at the ninth layer of body cultivation, otherwise, it was difficult for him to bear that huge oppression. That environment would cause great damage to anyone who was under the ninth layer of body cultivation. "Don't worry, I know how far to go and when to stop," Lin Tian said, and then he casually stepped into there. Having walked a few steps, he looked back at Su Shu, "Look." During these days, he had spent several hours every day on cultivation in this wild wave formation, so he had already got used to the triple gravity area. "You..." Su Shu's eyes widened with disbelief. If Lin Tian's actions in the triple gravity area now had been slightly difficult, she would have accepted it, but it seemed that Lin Tian was relaxed! Lin Tian shrugged, "Do you want to come in and try it?" "No!" Su Shu rebuffed. She had just reached the eighth layer of body cultivation, if she got into the triple gravity area now, she would suffer for sure. Lin Tian smiled. He didn't say much but started his cultivation in the triple gravity area. Because Su Shu was there, he did not take out Regression Origin Sword from the stone ring. The stone ring was very rare, and its market price was at least 1.5 million spiritual coins. If Su Shu asked, he didn't know how to answer. In the blink of an eye, four hours passed. Lin Tian and Su Shu got out of the wild wave formation. On their way back to the residence, Su Shu looked at Lin Tian as if he were a monster. At the eighth layer of body cultivation, he was able to act freely in the triple gravity area of wild wave formation, which was a bit unbelievable. "But it's still too far from Divine Meridians Stage. If you have cultivated two years earlier, Zhou Hao would have been no match for you at all!" Su Shu curled her lips. Lin Tian's amazing speed of cultivation always renovated her understanding of cultivation. However, his fast speed couldn't fill the huge gap between the Divine Meridians Stage and Body Cultivation Stage. Lin Tian was now at the eighth layer of body cultivation, so he couldn't beat a master at Divine Meridians Stage! Su Shu's voice was very low, but Lin Tian still heard it. "If I have practiced two years earlier, I will have killed him with one finger!" Lin Tian said. Su Shu rolled her eyes, "You are too confident!" "I am telling the truth." Lin Tian laughed. It had been long since noon, so Lin Tian and Su Shu separated at the crossing. Since that in ten days would be the tryout for interior disciples, Su Shu had to prepare, too. Back to the residence, Lin Tian washed up and as usual, he walked into the room to rest. In the evening, he got up on time, came to the Top Pavilion, and painted the energy-gathering formation patterns for cultivation. "Divine Meridians Stage? Ten days later, when I step into the ninth layer of body cultivation, I might win," Lin Tian spoke to himself. A cold light flashed across his eyes. Lin Tian took a deep breath and began to practice seriously. After learning that Zhou Hao had stepped into the Divine Meridians Stage, Lin Tian more or less felt pressured. Thus, during the next few days, he stopped going to the wild wave formation, but painted energy-gathering formation patterns crazily to practice the Siji Scriptures. Previously, he used only one energy-gathering formation pattern per cultivation, but in the past few days, each time, he used three! In a flash, six days passed. During these six days, except the time on bed and dining table, Lin Tian had spent all day cultivating himself. On this day, late at night, Lin Tian sat in the Top Pavilion where the bright starlight fell and spiritual energy gathered from around, completely covering him. The spiritual energy was richer than ever before. Lin Tian closed his eyes tightly, and he frowned. At this moment, the pain of cultivating the internal organs was enhanced several times. It was as painful as thousands of arrows through the heart. Gradually, Lin Tian couldn't help but snort. "It hurts!" Lin Tian gritted his teeth. With the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and the strong star power covering him, after half a quarter, the rumbling sound of thunder and the whistling sound of wind came out of Lin Tian's body. At this time, Lin Tian felt intenser pain. However, he endured. "Buzz!" Around his skin, the silver light glowed and became brighter and brighter. In this way, after another half an hour, just as Lin Tian was struggling to bear such inhuman pain, the sound of thunder and wind in his body became more violent. "Boom!" A tremendous force appeared, filling every corner of his body. The intense pain disappeared, and Lin Tian gasped for breaths before he recovered. Lin Tian stood up and felt the body was lighter several times than before. He slightly clenched fists and felt more powerful than before. "The ninth layer of body cultivation!" After a thought, Lin Tian's eyes lit up. Through six days of hard training, with a total of nearly a hundred energy-gathering formation patterns, he finally stepped into the ninth layer of body cultivation! By taking a deep breath, Lin Tian found that his breathing was more relaxed than before. Then he tried holding his breath and found that he could do that for more than half an hour. His journey of Body Cultivation Stage was coming to an end! He once again exerted the Siji Scriptures and found that the flesh and blood, muscles and bones, internal organs, the energy of these three parts had formed a large circulation, which brought more energy and more blood into his body. "I am about three times more powerful than when I was at the eighth layer of body cultivation," Lin Tian spoke to himself. His eyes lit up with delight. Lin Tian sat down again on his knees and ran the Siji Scriptures to consolidate his level of the ninth layer of body cultivation. As the construction of housing, the foundation was the most important part of martial cultivation. Without a solid foundation, the following parts couldn't go well, and Lin Tian was very clear about that, so, after each promotion, he would consolidate the promotion carefully. Soon, the stars were hidden, and the morning sun came out. Lin Tian walked downstairs from the Top Pavilion and went back to his room for a few hours' rest until he woke up in the afternoon. After a simple meal, Lin Tian went toward the wild wave formation again, straight into the triple gravity area, and began to practice the Vigorous Thunder Swordsmanship. "Clang!" The sword howled shrilly instantly, and the sound of thunder spread all over the place. Outside the huge formation, Luo Xiao was looking at the wild wave formation. Although he couldn't see Lin Tian's figure clearly, he recognized Lin Tian from the noise since he had witnessed Lin Tian's power in the double gravity area. He was stunned, "This little monster seems to be stronger again, that's really..." Luo Xiao didn't know what to say. Lin Tian had cultivated his swordsmanship for a whole four hours in the wild wave formation, which greatly deepened his understanding of Vigorous Thunder Swordsmanship. Then he came out of the formation and went back to his residence where after a short rest, he began to practice Siji Scriptures. Time flew, and soon, the last four days had passed. During these four days, Lin Tian almost spent all his hours in the wild wave formation. By the fourth day, he had been able to barely enter the quadruple gravity area, and he had fully digested the 30% of Vigorous Thunder Swordsmanship in hand. Now, each of his sword attacks could be compared to a medium combat craft of body cultivation. It was amazingly strong.
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