Chapter 227 The Refreshing Stone and the Bloody-Scaled Venomous Corpse

2015 Words

Chu Xuan from the Burning Sun Sect, the young man from the Seven Mysteries Pavilion, and the young man in black from the Thousand Refining Workshop were all at the Mentality Vessel Stage level. At this time, all three of them stood in front of Lin Tian, and only these three dared to stand out to stop him. "Sir, young master Mu is the grandson of Elder Mu. It will do you no harm to help him," the young man in Black said in a deep voice. "Brother Lin, we are all disciples of the sects. It's reasonable to help each other. That's why you have saved the three women from the Qin Valley, isn't it?" said Chu Xuan. The young man from the Seven Mysteries Pavilion also nodded and said, "It's just a little blood. It's not a big deal. Why can't you be generous?" Lin Tian kept a poker face. Mu Haogu

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