Chapter 73 The Light of Miracle

2345 Words
With a heavy heart, Lin Tian glanced at the sky and immediately ran towards the depths of the old forest. In the face of such two people, he had no chance of winning so the only thing he could do was to escape. The snort came from the sky, and the dense sword lights fell down suddenly, as if it was raining. Around him, the old woods collapsed one by one, and Lin Tian was also in a difficult situation. He ran all the way to the depths of the old forest. A moment later, Lin Tian stopped. He looked up at the sky where Tremendous Flight Bird was flapping its wings. However, fast as his Dual Position Step was, it was slower than birds in the sky. After all, birds were born to fly while he was not. He was innately at an absolute disadvantage. Having fallen on a boulder, Lin Tian looked up at the sky. "Run! Why don't you run?" The cold voice fell. Mo Hai stared at Lin Tian with his numbingly ruthless eyes. Lin Tian said nothing but stared at the sky and didn't take any actions. Rather than run away under the chase of the Tremendous Flight Bird, he would stand still now and saved physical strength. The Tremendous Flight Bird circled above him, and the sword lights cut down again. Lin Tian exerted Dual Position Step and made a continuous shift of position in this small space to avoid the sword lights. "Bastard!" Mo Hai's face contorted with hatred. Mo Yi said in a booming voice, "This brat is very fast. It was because of this speed that Sen took a beating." "I'm going to kill him!" Mo Hai said in a cold voice. Mo Yi nodded, "Go ahead, it's best for you to do it." Mo Hai stared at Lin Tian. He leapt, jumping down from the nearly six-hundred-feet-high sky, and firmly landed on the ground. Lin Tian's eyes moved, the master at Divine Meridians Stage was indeed extraordinary. He could jump from such a height safe and sound. "Go to hell!" Mo Hai landed. With saying that, he directly waved his arms at Lin Tian. His young son was killed by Lin Tian, so he hated him so much that he wanted to eat Lin Tian's flesh alive. The punch of a strongman at the fourth layer of divine meridians seemed simple, but the power was great. Lin Tian stepped on Dual Position Step and whooshed away to avoid the punch of Mo Hai. He looked up at the sky where Mo Yi was standing still on the back of the Tremendous Flight Bird, with his hands on his back, looking down at Lin Tian coldly. This made Lin Tian relaxed but also stressed. He was relieved because Mo Yi did not come down. But at the same time, with Mo Yi standing high in the sky, it was impossible for him to escape the vision of them. Lin Tian swore secretly and dodged again to avoid Mo Hai's another attack. Mo Hai's face fell because his several consecutive attacks didn't hit Lin Tian. His right hand was slightly raised and then a long sword appeared in his hands. Suddenly, Lin Tian saw something. Faintly, he saw a ring on Mo Hai's middle finger in his right hand. It was a stone ring! "Clang!" The shrill sword howl sounded instantly. Mo Hai waved his sword and made a lot of sword lights. Lin Tian was shocked. This random attack of Mo Hai was as strong as his Wind-startling Sword at full strength! He took out Regression Origin Sword to exert the Wind-startling Sword, making many sword lights. "Boom!" When the two weapons intersected, Lin Tian flew out instantly. With pain in the chest, he spat a mouthful of blood. The masters at Divine Meridians Stage were too strong to overthrow! Without hesitation, Lin Tian covered his chest, and after an attack of sword, he quickly headed for the depths of the old forest. The face-to-face battle with Mo Hai had made him suffer a heavy loss. He felt like all his internal organs were shifted. "Bastard, you will not escape! I will take your head today, for my son in the grave!" Mo Hai said coldly. Lin Tian said nothing but devoted himself to escaping. He exerted the Dual Position Step to the extreme, succeeding in maintaining a certain distance with Mo Hai. On strength, he couldn't compete with the masters at Divine Meridians Stage, but on speed, he could barely be compared with the fourth layer of divine meridians. Just then, in the sky, a lot of sword lights spread down. Mo Yi looked down at Lin Tian and blocked him. Mo Yi was even stronger than Mo Hai, the level of the ninth layer of divine meridians was basically overwhelming for Lin Tian. Although without a sword in Mo Yi's hand, his sword light was still terrible. Lin Tian was blocked and had to change direction. "Clang!" Mo Hai rushed over to Lin Tian and pressed him down with a long sword. Lin Tian was shocked, with Regression Origin Sword across his chest. With a clang, Mo Hai's sword cut on Regression Origin Sword, and suddenly broke into pieces in his hands. Even though, a strong force was passed through the sword to Lin Tian. He was blown off on the spot and banged on an old wood. Lin Tian groaned with a mouthful of blood spraying out. "It's a spiritual armament." Mo Hai threw away the broken sword and stared at Lin Tian, with even a darker face. Mo Hai shook his right hand, where a sword appeared. Lin Tian took a closer look and could tell this sword was more exquisite and gorgeous than his Regression Origin Sword. It was an advanced grade spiritual armament! At a hurried glance, Lin Tian's heart became heavier. Struggling to get up and suffering from severe pain, he headed deeper into the Dark Forest. In a head-on confrontation with them, he was by no means an opponent. So, he had to escape with speed. If he could attract some terrible monster beasts out, he might have a chance to live. "Just give up! Today you can't go anywhere, neither to the sky or the ground," Mo Hai said. Lin Tian ran away and exerted Heavenly Unification Soul Method. Soon after, he sensed a fourth-grade monster beast. This was a Wood Cracking Chimpanzee, a fourth-grade peak monster beast, which was comparable to the master at the third layer of divine meridians! Lin Tian gritted his teeth and cut at that direction with a sword. The Wood Cracking Chimpanzee came out, roaring. The earth trembled. Lin Tian changed direction, cleverly guiding the Wood Cracking Chimpanzee towards Mo Hai. "Clang!" An ice-cold sword light came from the sky at an extremely fast speed. The Wood Cracking Chimpanzee was thudded through. After a cry, it fell to the ground, unable to stand up. Mo Yi stood on the back of the Tremendous Flight Bird, looking cold. Lin Tian was shocked. Mo Yi was so strong that even a fourth-grade peak monster beast couldn't take just one blow of him. "Die!" Mo Hai caught up with him from behind and cut at him with the sword. Lin Tian fought back with the Regression Origin Sword, which shook fiercely. And he flew out once again. After several harms, Lin Tian hit an old tree, with blood from the mouth dying the chest red. Mo Hai carried the advanced grade spiritual armament and approached him step by step. "Run away! Keep running!" Mo Hai said coldly. With his back against the old tree, Lin Tian handed the Regression Origin Sword to his left hand. When Mo Hai was near, he suddenly jumped up and exerted the Vigorous Thunder Swordsmanship with his left hand. Instantly, a thunderous sound rang around. "Vigorous Thunder Swordsmanship!" On the back of the Tremendous Flight Bird, Mo Yi's face was serious. As the Elder of Jiuyang Martial Institution, he naturally knew this combat craft, "I did not expect this bastard to choose this set of combat craft. And he has practiced primary level of it. No wonder Mo Heng and the others were in trouble." Vigorous Thunder Swordsmanship was the most difficult combat craft in Jiuyang Martial Institution. Although the initial practice was very dangerous and 70 percent of it had gone missing, its power was strong. Lin Tian chose this combat craft and had cultivated to this extent. Vaguely, Mo Yi felt a little threatened, "This bastard must die today!" "Boom!" The sword whistled like thunder. In Lin Tian's left hand, the Regression Origin Sword almost turned into a bunch of thunderbolts. Mo Yi looked down with hands behind his back. He said to himself, "His level is not enough, it is useless, anyway." Mo Hai was at the fourth layer of divine meridians, which meant that he could completely ignore the Vigorous Thunder Swordsmanship exerted by Lin Tian who was at the eighth layer of body cultivation. "Humph!" With a snort, Mo Hai waved casually with the long sword in hands to block the Thunderous Regression Origin Sword. With a clank, the two swords collided. Thunderous sword whistling came with interwoven and crackling silver arcs of lightings. Just then, Lin Tian showed a cruel smile. He lifted his right hand, spreading a world-beating sword spirit. He made the Lightning Sword to the extreme. Then, a sharp sword light was emitted from the right palm and struck forward like lightning, going straight towards Mo Hai's throat. Without a sword in his hand, he exerted the Illusory Sword Dance! "Be careful!" In the sky, Mo Yi changed his expression. At the same time, Mo Hai also felt the chill on the back and a deadly threat in the heart. Mo Hai dodged while pulling back the long sword to block it. "Poof!" Blood splashed and Mo Hai flew out, with blood all over his chest. Lin Tian was also shocked back by an attack of Mo Hai, and blood went out of his mouth again. Staring at Mo Hai flying backward, Lin Tian cursed secretly. The master at the fourth layer of divine meridians was indeed terrible. So close to his attack, Mo Hai dodged his killing blow. He thought for a moment. Then, without any hesitation, he turned around and ran. Though Mo Hai had fallen to the ground, with his strength now, he could kill Mo Hai definitely. But Lin Tian didn't think he could kill Mo Hai under Mo Yi's eyes. That was impossible. Mo Yi jumped from the sky and landed beside Mo Hai. "Are you okay, Mo Hai?" Mo Yi helped Mo Hai up. "It's all...all right." Mo Hai was spitting blood. He had protected his vital parts from hurting, but unfortunately, he still suffered a heavy blow. Staring at the escaping Lin Tian, Mo Hai's face darkened with hatred. Mo Yi took out a pill and asked Mo Hai to take it, "Stay here for self-healing. I will kill him." "Thank you, Brother," Mo Hai said. Mo Yi nodded, got up, and chased Lin Tian coldly. ... Lin Tian fled fast, leaving the old trees on both sides back quickly. With blood in his mouth, he ran much slower. "Clang!" A sword light rushed from behind with threatening momentum. With a boom, the sword light landed beside him and exploded like a bomb. The old trees were cracked, and boulders were broken. Lin Tian was directly blown out by this strong force and coughed blood in the air. After a glance back, Lin Tian's heart sank. Mo Yi came! "Damn it!" Gritting his teeth and bearing the severe pain, Lin Tian ran towards the depths of the Dark Forest. Mo Yi did not hurry, and he just ran after Lin Tian. From time to time, he attacked Lin Tian with sword winds, breaking up old woods and leaving blood marks on Lin Tian. In a short moment, Lin Tian's clothes were almost cut into broken cloth strips. His whole body was stained with blood and looked very miserable. Mo Yi was faster than Lin Tian. In the blink, he came near Lin Tian and kicked Lin Tian in the chest. With a bang, Lin Tian flew upside down and hit an old tree hard. "Keep running," Mo Yi said grimly. With both hands behind his back, Mo Yi was treating Lin Tian who at the eighth layer of body cultivation as a toy. Lin Tian used the Regression Origin Sword to support himself to stand up. With a swoosh, Mo Yi appeared before him and kicked him again. Lin Tian coughed blood in the air and banged on the ground, with the crackling sound of broken bones. He struggled again to get up, but Mo Yi's third kick came. "Bang!" He hit the old tree again, with the Regression Origin Sword falling to one side. Lin Tian lost all his strength and couldn't move even his finger. With hands behind the back, Mo Yi looked at Lin Tian coldly. He walked towards Lin Tian. Looking at the Mo Yi approaching, Lin Tian tried his best to stand up, but it was in vain. At this moment, he was covered in blood and his vision was blurred. Just a little move would bring him intense pain, which was more painful than that in the internal organs refinement. Lin Tian felt as if all his internal organs were crackled. Mo Yi walked close to him with energy running in his right hand. He pressed his hand towards Lin Tian. "I will abolish your cultivation and decapitate you at Sen's grave," Mo Yi said grimly. Looking at Mo Yi's right hand, Lin Tian struggled, but it was useless. Mo Yi looked cold, and his right hand finally came close and pressed down. "Buzz!" Just then, a faint light spread from Lin Tian, which was seemingly soft, but overbearing in fact. Then, Mo Yi was blown away.
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