Chapter 71 Thunderous Sword

1944 Words
Dozens of powerful breaths pressed to him together which were potent and extremely terrible. Lin Tian retreated and rushed at one direction. Facing dozens of people at the same time, he didn't have any confidence. "All exits of the Dark Forest have been blocked by the masters of our Mo family. You can't escape!" The middle-aged man in cyan said coldly. Lin Tian's fleeing steps stopped for a while with a cold light flashing across his eyes. He changed his direction rapidly. His face was dark, and he gradually exuded a killing intention. "With so many men together, even if I'm stronger than them, I'll get into trouble anyway. I have to separate them." Lin Tian thought. He didn't doubt the man in cyan's words that the exits were blocked. Lin Tian rushed deep into the Dark Forest. "Catch him!" The middle-aged man in cyan shouted. Lin Tian had Dual Position Step, so he was very fast. But these men of the Mo family had similar footsteps. Although their footstep was no match for Dual Position Step, coupled with decades of cultivation, they were almost as fast as Lin Tian. Lin Tian glanced back and ran the Heavenly Unification Soul Method to sense around. Moments later, he smiled and rushed to the left. "No matter what tricks you are playing, you will die. Catch up with him!" The middle-aged man in cyan said coldly. The other men looked indifferent, like dozens of killing machines. They changed direction as Lin Tian did with swords and knives clanging. Soon, these men chased Lin Tian through a large area of old woods. Just then, Lin Tian suddenly cut a sword forward, then turned back and rushed toward them. "Here is a little gift for you guys." Lin Tian smiled evilly. The middle-aged man in cyan frowned, and heard a roar suddenly. Not far away, where Lin Tian cut with sword Qi, the old woods collapsed into pieces and a huge monster beast emerged. It was nearly forty feet high and scarily big. "The third-grade peak monster beast, Iron Bull!" The middle-aged man in cyan said seriously. Iron Bull was impetuous. After attacking by Lin Tian, it suddenly became angry and crushed towards this side crazily. Facing the third-grade peak monster beast, the men of the Mo family were shocked. A third-grade peak monster beast was comparable to a master at the ninth layer of body cultivation! "Howl!" The Iron Bull roared, which rolled up a hurricane! Lin Tian smiled coldly and avoided the Iron Bull easily by exerting Dual Position Step while the men of the Mo family were all exposed to the vision of the Iron Bull. With another roar, Iron Bull didn't care who attacked it but went straight towards the men of the Mo family. "Attack!" Someone cried out. In a flash, lights of swords rushed forward. "Bastard! Don't lose your head!" The middle-aged man in cyan rebuked. Iron Bull's skin was so thick that ordinary swords couldn't do any harm to it. After the Mo family's attack, it was even angrier and rushed more crazily. It was a disaster for the Mo family. "Ah!" In the blink of an eye, someone screamed -- he was crushed by Iron Bull! Several seconds later, the men of the Mo family were separated. It was difficult for them to come together. At this time, not far away, Lin Tian laughed. Since their team was separated, it was not easy to re-aggregate into a whole team in a short period of time. Staring in one direction, Lin Tian moved and went past in a flash. Here were seven men of the Mo family. "Clang!" Without hesitation, he cut with the Regression Origin Sword. A shrill sword howl sounded. "It's you!" "How dare you to attack!" "Suppress him!" The seven men of the Mo family were angry. Five of them were not weak and at the eighth layer of body cultivation. They wielded their weapons at the same time. Holding the Regression Origin Sword, Lin Tian smiled coldly. He crouched slightly, and rushed out like lightning. "Poof!" Blood was sprayed out. The first man's throat was pierced, and fell into a pool of blood with a bang. The Lightning Sword! "There are six men left. See if you can hold on long enough for the others to come to help." Lin Tian sneered. The six men's facial expressions slightly changed. Just within a moment, one of them was killed! "Watch out, this guy is not simple. Let's kill him together!" One of them said seriously. The death of one person was not enough to make six men afraid. They worked together with hissing swords to kill Lin Tian. "Boom!" All six were strong, so their combined power was terrible. Lin Tian smiled and did not dodge. He rushed at them. When faced with dozens of people at the same time, he would be scared. But with six, it's nothing for him. "Clang! Clang! Clang!" Lin Tian waved the sword, and the weapons of three people were directly cut off. "It's... It's a spiritual armament?!" One of them said with fear and surprise. Staring at Lin Tian's sword, these men were startled. Lin Tian was apathetic, and he swung forward. Stepping on Dual Position Step, Lin Tian shuttled inside the circle made by six men and used the first move of the Wind-startling Swordsmanship. Sword Qi rolled and killed one of the six men. With his blood splashing, he flew out on the spot. "Mo Heng!" Someone was yelling. Just then, a light came towards the man like lightning. Lin Tian rushed over and used the Lightning Sword to cut through the man's throat in an instant. With a bang, the man fell to the ground and died at the scene. "There are four left." Lin Tian looked at the last few men apathetically. Seeing that three people were killed in a flash, the remaining four men were astonished. They looked scared now. Just then, footsteps came from the distance. The middle-aged man in cyan and the others had fled from the Iron Bull and rushed over. Seeing this, the last four men were relieved. "Bastard, our Mo family has sent many hands to kill you. Today you will die!" One of them said coldly. Lin Tian glanced away before his eyes fell back on the four men. He smiled, "I will not die. At least, not before you." The four men suddenly changed their facial expressions, "You... What do you want to do?!" "Kill you," Lin Tian said indifferently. He turned around the long sword in his hands. A sharp sword spirit suddenly appeared. He exerted the Wind-startling Sword. Suddenly, the place around them was completely covered by sword Qi. Seeing this scene, the four men were terrified. The sword spirit let them feel the fear. "Stop it!" In the distance, the middle-aged man in cyan was also afraid and he shouted. Unfortunately, it was late. "Die," Lin Tian said coldly. Like the autumn wind sweeping the leaves, the dense sword Qi submerged the four men in an instant. "Poof!" "Poof!" "Poof!" "Poof!" Blood splashed. The four men of the Mo family were impaled by intensive sword Qi, falling on the ground. It was also at this time that the man in cyan arrived. "You bastard!" The middle-aged man in cyan looked at the seven corpses on the ground. His face contorted with anger. These men were their family's elites. It was a huge loss for the family to lose seven elites at a time. Lin Tian stood with the sword when his eyes swept to the middle-aged man in cyan and the others. "It's you want to kill me. After I killed some of you, you rebuke my killing. Isn't it ironic and disgusting?" Lin Tian satirized. Counting the middle-aged man in cyan, thirteen men were surrounding him now. These men together made him feel pressured, but not as pressured as before. So, he would not escape any more. "What did you say?!" The middle-aged man in cyan roared. "I said you're disgusting," Lin Tian said, "Your Mo family is disgusting." The middle-aged man in cyan looked angry, and so did the others. Staring at Lin Tian, the middle-aged man in cyan tried to calm down. He said coldly, "Don't think that it is great of you to kill our seven men with tricks. I know you well! You've practiced the Shadow Fire Boxing, an elementary combat craft, and the Wind-startling Swordsmanship, a medium combat craft. Now you are at the eighth layer of body cultivation. You are strong but it is all over. You might cope with seven men, but now we have thirteen here at the same time. How can you resist!" "Your investigation job's well done, but are you sure there's nothing missing?" Lin Tian squinted. The middle-aged man in cyan changed his expression, "What do you mean?!" Lin Tian stepped ahead with the Regression Origin Sword shaking lightly. Suddenly, a dangerous thunderous sword whistling came. "That's what I mean!" It was like the sky was thundering. Silver lights were interwoven on the Regression Origin Sword. Everyone was frightened. Immediately, Lin Tian rushed out. "The first sword," He said coldly. Lin Tian slightly raised his Regression Origin Sword and made an attack at will. "Poof!" In a flash, one of the thirteen was killed, lying in a pool of blood. Such a scene made everyone discolored. "You..." The middle-aged man in cyan was shocked and angry, "This is neither Wind-startling Swordsmanship nor Shadow Fire Boxing. When did you learn other combat crafts?" While roaring, the middle-aged man in cyan shouted to command the others to attack. In a flash, the lights and shadows of swords filled the space. Including the middle-aged man in cyan, twelve men surrounded Lin Tian in the middle. "The second sword." With a thump, another man of them was cut. His wound was scorched, as if it had been struck by lightning. In this space, thunder resounded. Around Lin Tian, the silver lightings interwove, giving him the resemblance of Thor. This swordsmanship did not have the fast speed of the Lightning Sword, but the power was stronger than the Wind-startling Sword. Each sword was overwhelming. "The third Sword." His sword roared like a thunder dragon. One man was cut through the eyebrows and his head banged open. Each movement of the Vigorous Thunder Swordsmanship was like thunderbolts. It must bring death! Holding the Regression Origin Sword and with Dual Position Step, Lin Tian moved violently in the circle made by the Mo family's men. At this moment, every action he took was with thunder power. Even the middle-aged man in cyan who was at the peak of the ninth layer of body cultivation was shocked. "The fourth Sword." With the sound of thunder rising loudly and a dazzling thunder light flashing over, another man of the Mo family fell to the ground. In Lin Tian's hands, the Regression Origin Sword was almost covered by strong thunder lights. With the energy flowing in his body, the Flame Thunder Pig's thunder power was infinitely enlarged, and then integrated into the sword spirit, into the sword light, bringing the power of thunder to the sword. This was the Vigorous Thunder Swordsmanship! "The fifth Sword." His cold voice came again, like the call of death, and once again took the life of a Mo's man. Looking at Lin Tian at this moment, everyone was scared out. "Damn it!" The middle-aged man in cyan trembled. He was brandishing the two-hundred-kilogram Black Aerosiderite Halberd when he said, "Signal to inform the Master! The information is wrong!"
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