Chapter 82 Twenty-four Men vs. One

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About half a quarter, Lin Tian felt that the energy in his body had become full and he had fully recovered. "This Energy Recovering Pill is highly effective," Lin Tian whispered. Just then, the middle-aged man who presided over the selection of the tryout for interior disciples gave a dry cough. "Qualified disciples are Lin Tian, Hua Yongchang, Rong Xiu..." The middle-aged man read twenty-five names in a row, "Please gather on the high platform." Lin Tian was surprised that among the 24 people, there was no Su Shu's name. "You didn't pass the assessment of the Inner Combat Cave? Impossible!" Lin Tian asked Su Shu. "Of course, I passed, and I'm the last fourth person!" Su Shu snorted. "Then why..." Lin Tian was even more curious. Su Shu said, "I abstained from the third round of melee." "Abstaining?" Lin Tian was bewildered, "You're not going to have fun?" "Hey! Mind your turns of phrases!" Su Shu ground her teeth and then snorted, "After all, my master is an Elder. I have stayed in the Inner Combat Cave for nearly two hours, which can earn some pride for my master. So, I do not want to compete with others for the resources of the Interior Ministry. And I do not like the struggles in the Martial Institution." Lin Tian was shocked by her confidence, "Sounds like you can win and enter the Interior Ministry." "Say that?" Su Shu raged. "I said you're noble and considerate," Lin Tian changed his tone. "That is more like it!" Su Shu snorted, "Okay, go." Lin Tian nodded and walked toward the high platform. Soon, along with the others, Lin Tian ascended to the top of the platform. The platform was wide and square, covering an area of about a few hundred square meters, which was large enough for two hundred people to combat at the same time. It was naturally an easy task to hold twenty-five people for the platform. At this moment, dozens of people standing on the platform, with some vigilance between each other. In the following scuffle, everyone would be their enemies! Lin Tian stood on the high platform and could even hear the heavy breathing of the others. "Everyone is nervous," Lin Tian spoke to himself. At this moment, everyone was ready. An order from the middle-aged man could begin the last round of battle. Below the stage, hundreds of disciples stared at the twenty-five participants on the stage. "Four of twenty-five people will stay on stage at the end. Which four people will win in the end?" "That Lin Tian will stay, absolutely!" "Yes, Hua Yongchang and Rong Xiu, too. These two men are excellent, likely to win. It is said that they've cultivated hard this month. They should have also reached the ninth layer of body cultivation." "It's strange that Su Shu, who has the hope of entering the Interior Ministry but abstained." "Nothing strange! As the last disciple of Elder Mu Qing, even if Miss Su doesn't enter the Interior Ministry, she is not short of martial cultivation resources. Currently, Miss Su abstains and doesn't compete for a place in the Interior Ministry with the other twenty-five people. For this, we should respect her!" "Well, that's right." "By the way, it's a pity that Zhan Feng isn't in the last round! If he were not killed by the monster beasts of Qingfeng Mountain, he should have reached the ninth layer of body cultivation, too. Before his death, he was already at the peak eighth layer of body cultivation, ranking the third in Exterior Ministry." "Yes, it's a pity! Qingfeng Mountain has become more and more restless lately, and we have to be careful as well." "Yes!" A lot of people talked about it. On the platform, Lin Tian listened to these voices and laughed secretly. Zhan Feng was killed by him, but he was considered to be killed by a monster beast. Luckily, Zhan Feng was just an ordinary disciple, so Martial Institution would not care much. In Su Shu's words, being killed by a monster beast in Qingfeng Mountain could only show that he was very weak. The Martial Institution wasn't the disciples' parent after all. A cough rang out from the corner of the platform. All eyes fell on the middle-aged man as they looked in the direction of the voice. The middle-aged man looked at the twenty-five people on the high platform, "Anyone who loses the combat capability and falls to the ground, or is thrown out of the platform, will fail this round!" After a little pause, the middle-aged man shouted, "Start!" After saying this, the middle-aged man jumped off the platform. In a flash, under the high platform, all eyes lit up, staring at these twenty-five people. "Clang!" The sword howl sounded, incomparably harsh. Among the twenty-five people, someone brandished a sword towards Lin Tian! Such an action brought strange color to many people under the stage. "Who's this guy? Is he crazy?" "It is Zhao Lin, ranking the sixth in Exterior Ministry, at the peak of the eighth layer of body cultivation. Why does he attack Lin Tian, that genius? Does he want to challenge the strongest man? But isn't it unwise for him to do that right now?" "He..." Many people were puzzled. Lin Tian's powerfulness was obvious. He was at the ninth layer of body cultivation, ranking the second in Exterior Ministry. He was absolutely much stronger than Zhao Lin but at this moment, Zhao Lin attacked Lin Tian without hesitation, which puzzled a lot of people. However, in the next moment, a more amazing thing happened. With the sound of knives and spears, more people around did the same things. They all attacked Lin Tian as if they had reached a deal. "It's... What's going on!" "Yang Zheng, ranking the seventh of the Exterior Ministry, Zhou Qi, ranking the eighth of the Exterior Ministry, and other people, why all..." "What the hell is this?" Hundreds of people goggled. Even Mu Qing and Shi Dong frowned while Su Shu was very angry. At this moment, on the high platform, everyone attacked Lin Tian, relentlessly. "Why are these people doing this? That's too much!" Some freshmen said so. Among 25 people, Lin Tian was the only freshman. He reached such a high level after three months in the Martial Institution, which was not only the glory of Lin Tian's own, but also of other hundreds of freshmen. At this moment, seeing Lin Tian was surrounded by a group of old disciples, many new disciples were angry. Next to them, someone snorted, "This is a melee! Things happen like that!" "He is too confident and self-righteous, and he doesn't know how the art of modesty. He must have offended the seniors!" "One should keep a low profile." "Exactly." A few old disciples gathered and said in a voice dripping with sarcasm. Lin Tian had entered the Martial Institution for three short months, but as a freshman, he outshone all old disciples of Exterior Ministry except Zhou Hao, which annoyed many old disciples. "You..." Some freshmen were angry, but they dared not to express it. They were not as strong as Lin Tian, so they had no strength to challenge the old disciples. Not far away, Zhou Hao and Lyu Sheng stood together, looking ahead. "It's a bit of a surprise." Zhou Hao had a smile on his face. Lyu Sheng said coldly, "This little bastard is just a freshman, but he gets so much attention and praise, which should have annoyed all the old disciples." Lyu Sheng was also eligible to participate in the tryout for interior disciples, but he knew that he was not strong enough to enter the Interior Ministry, so he did not participate in it. Further afield, behind the artificial hill, a few interior disciples got together, all frowning. "Shameless of them." "Lin Tian is very strong, but when he is surrounded by more than twenty people, I am afraid that he will be in danger." "His chance of finally standing on the podium is less than 20%." "What a pity," Several interior disciples shook their heads. . There were twenty-five people on the high platform. At this moment, all of them attacked Lin Tian. Of them, most were at the eighth layer of body cultivation while Rong Xiu and Hua Yongchang were at the ninth layer of body cultivation. Rong Xiu held a long spear, waving it with overbearing momentum while Hua Yongchang held a halberd, with momentum more violent than Rong Xiu's. Lin Tian frowned and dodged quickly between dozens of continuous attacks. Surrounded by dozens of people, he smelt a rat. "Strike!" The big shout followed. Rong Xiu looked cold, with sinister flashing across his eyes. He leaped up and brandished the long spear hard at Lin Tian. Lin Tian changed his face slightly and faced that attack with his long sword. "Clang!" A loud noise came out and spread around. Rong Xiu's long spear was hundred pounds in weight, which pressed on Lin Tian's long sword. The strong force made Lin Tian frown. If he did not remove most of the power from the long spear with techniques, his long sword would have been broken into pieces. But even so, Lin Tian was still hit slightly back. "Clang!" Just then, a shrill knife howl came. On a blind corner, a knife light cut at Lin Tian. In the beginning, this knife light was only one, but it suddenly turned into many knife shadows, which rain down on Lin Tian. Under the stage, many disciples were surprised by this scene. "It's the Thousand Spirit Knife," Some old disciples said in surprise, "Similar to the Ghostly Swordsmanship, the Thousand Spirit Knife's knife trajectory is extremely sophisticated, so it is difficult to see the knife light's track. Who uses that? This level of Thousand Spirit Knife Qi demands the ninth layer of body cultivation!" "Buzz!" On the high platform, when the dense knife lights came, people around Lin Tian were all back away. Lin Tian's eyes flickered, he raised his right hand and swept away the knife lights that had been forced to his face. Immediately, he put a long sword unhurriedly across his chest to block the attacks. "Clank!" With a crisp sound, the long sword in his hand blocked a long knife. Opposite, a young man was holding the long knife with both hands. His knife collided with Lin Tian's long sword, with a distance fewer than three feet. Hiss! This scene made more people frightened. Dense knife shadows, equipped with a cold solid long knife made a perfect attack. Many people thought that if they had been stood in the position of Lin Tian, they would be killed but at this moment, Lin Tian dealt with it easily, as if he had known from the beginning where the long knife came. When they recognized the knife-wielding man, many old disciples showed their surprise again. "Mo Kong? The one ranking the tenth of the Exterior Ministry? Isn't he at the eighth layer of body cultivation? How does he suddenly reach the ninth layer of body cultivation?" Someone was surprised. On the high platform, the young man with the long knife in his hands was in a blue gown. A little surprise was on his face. Just now that attack was his proudest blow. He thought that following Rong Xiu's attack, his Thousand Spirit Knifes at the big attainment would defeat Lin Tian on the spot, but unexpectedly, this strong blow was easily blocked by Lin Tian. The young man stared at Lin Tian while Lin Tian was also looking at him as well. "Mo Kong, from the Mo family?" Lin Tian said indifferently. Mo Kong snorted, "Yes! You don't expect this scene, do you?" Staring at Lin Tian, Mo Kong sneered, with the voice only himself and Lin Tian could hear, "When faced with dozens of people on your own, even at the ninth layer of body cultivation, you can't win!" "Do you instigate them?" Lin Tian glanced around, "They shouldn't have said yes, by reason." "Money makes the mare go, and our Mo family is not short of money! When you were in the Inner Combat Cave, I have persuaded them one by one to help suppress you and I promised them a great sum of money. That twenty-four people besieged you was not a big problem. Easy cooperation will bring them lots of spiritual coins and one less strong competitor. It's a good deal, isn't it?" Lin Tian looked calm, and he said lightly, "You have done so much work, just to weed me out? To prevent me from entering the Interior Ministry?" "Of course not!" Mo Kong snorted, "Not long ago in the Dark Forest, you escaped, for which my master is very angry. Learning that you will participate in the tryout for interior disciples, my master gave me a precious pill to help me reach the ninth layer of body cultivation. All is in preparation for this moment! I only told them that I am preventing you from entering the Interior Ministry, but what will actually happen?" Staring at Lin Tian, Mo Kong smiled evilly, "Although the Martial Institution forbids killing among the disciples, accidents happen in fighting. If I accidentally kill you, even though the Martial Institution will be angry, it will at most banish me from the Martial Institution." Lin Tian felt something strange, "Why do you tell me all? Aren't you afraid that I will now report directly to the elders?" "I investigated you." Mo Kong sneered, "You seem to be gentle on the surface, easy to get along with, but you are extremely proud inside. So, even if you know what this is all about, you will never tell the truth to the elders of Martial Institution!" The sword and knife intersected and they two were deadlocked. Lin Tian gave a faint smile, "You know me well. Indeed, as you said, I will not tell the Martial Institution." "But I'll kick everyone out of you down this main stage." At this point, Lin Tian's face suddenly turned cold, and a sharp sword spirit suddenly swept away, "As for you, according to you, the sword in my hand may bring an accident, too."
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