Chapter 80 Four Hours

2194 Words
Seeing Lin Tian coming, the monster beast roared, and its tail stabbed Lin Tian with a sharp barb. However, Lin Tian's speed was too fast, with just a flash, he disappeared, and the long sword in his hand cut the throat of the monster beast. "Poof!" The monster beast's head flew out and its blood gushed out. It was normal for Lin Tian to kill a third-grade medium monster beast in just one blow. Lin Tian nowadays had such strength. "Argh!" The angry roar sounded again. This time, more than ten third-grade medium monster beasts came into being. Lin Tian rushed into the group of monster beasts and turned the long sword in his hand. In this nearly double and a half gravity area, the long sword was wielded freely, and the sword Qi was potent. Each strike penetrated the throat of monster beasts accurately. Every monster beast was slain in just one strike! It saved them time and physical strength! Because there was also a wild wave formation in the Inner Combat Cave, the consumption speed of energy was much faster than that in the outside world. Lin Tian knew this very well. Therefore, he was very skilled in attacking and killing monster beasts. He would save every strength as much as possible. Up to now, he had attacked and killed the monster beasts with ordinary sword momentum without using any combat craft. Soon, Lin Tian killed these third-grade medium monster beasts, and the space was quiet for a moment. But it was just for a moment. After about a few seconds, with the sound of a fierce roar, a ghostly figure appeared in front of Lin Tian. The figure was wrapped in a grey robe, which was like a ghost in a legend and extremely terrifying. The third-grade peak monster beast Scarlet Faced Apparition! "Here we meet again." Lin Tian narrowed his eyes. Scarlet Faced Apparition made a burst of evil laughter which sounded like glass friction, and its eyes were as red as ghost eyes. It roared and rushed towards Lin Tian. It was just an illusion, but Lin Tian felt a terrible cold. Lin Tian squatted slightly, and his eyes were as bright as a torch, staring at the throat of Scarlet Faced Apparition. The magical slaying formation was different from the illusion in the entrance trial of Martial Institution. Although both were illusory, there were some differences after all. The illusion could only be frightening. If you were determined and stood still, all the illusions would disappear. But the magical slaying formation was different. If you didn't resist, you would only be sent out of the Inner Combat Cave after being killed. Finally, Scarlet Faced Apparition approached and caught Lin Tian with a claw. Just at that moment, Lin Tian acted, rushing out like a lightning. "Swoosh!" With a light sound, Lin Tian and Scarlet Faced Apparition passed by each other. Then, Scarlet Faced Apparition screamed, whose throat was pierced by the sword. And it fell into a pool of blood. Lin Tian knew the weakness was the throat of Scarlet Faced Apparition when he was at Qingfeng Mountain. Now that he had achieved the ninth layer of body cultivation, he was completely fearless in front of it, not to mention the combat craft he exerted -- Lightning Sword. Rumble! A loud shaking sound appeared, and the space started shaking. Then, there were several third-grade peak monster beasts appearing in front of Lin Tian. "Come over!" Lin Tian said in a deep voice. After the words, Lin Tian took a deep breath. Then he spread his sword and stabbed in all directions. Unconsciously, more than half an hour had passed. During this period, many disciples had been sent out from the Inner Combat Cave. Most of them looked pale and then hid into the crowd immediately. All these people were killed by the monster beasts in the Inner Combat Cave before they were sent out. Although they were not truly dead, they finally experienced a real feeling of death. How could they not be scared? Of course, there were some brave people among them. Although their faces were slightly pale, they were not scared. "It's too difficult. Fighting inside is like carrying a huge stone on the shoulder. No, it's like the whole body is filled with mercury. It's even troublesome to wave. Moreover, the monster beasts keep jumping out. It's really...hard!" Someone complained. Most of these people were old disciples, whose cultivation was at the seventh layer of body cultivation. Although they had honed in the wild wave formation, they were only in the double gravity area. However, the gravity of the Inner Combat Cave was stronger than double gravity. Suddenly, these people were not used to it. In addition, these people had never really fought in multiple gravity. Many factors made it difficult for these disciples to stay inside for an hour in the Inner Combat Cave. In a blink of an eye, an hour passed. In one hour, 23 of the 49 disciples who entered the Inner Combat Cave were sent out. "There are 26 out of 49 disciples that can be up to standard, which is not bad." Mu Qing nodded. Shi Dong said with a smile, "I wonder how long can that boy stay inside." "Me, too." Mu Qing slightly smiled. Standing in the distance, they looked in the direction of the Inner Combat Cave. From Inner Combat Cave, the disciples participating in the trial couldn't see the outside world, and the people outside couldn't see the scene inside either. Mu Qing and Shi Dong stood together and just looked in the direction of the main gate of the Inner Combat Cave because once the disciples in it were killed, they would be sent out from the main gate. Except for Mu Qing and Shi Dong, other people were staring at the gate in all directions at the moment. "He passed the second round." Zhou Hao smiled. But there was some evil under his smile. Now, Lin Tian was facing five third-grade peak monster beasts at the same time, which were no inferior to Scarlet Faced Apparition. He squatted down slightly, shook the long sword in his hand, and finally used the power of the combat craft. "Wind-startling Sword!" Immediately, dense sword lights showed up, "Poof!" "Poof!" "Poof!" These five third-grade peak monster beasts were all slain and fell to the pool of blood. Lin Tian's face moved slightly. In this Inner Combat Cave, one strike consumed a lot more energy than that in the outside world. Looking serious, Lin Tian took a deep breath and stood quietly with his sword. "I should save more energy and strength," Lin Tian said inwardly. With a buzzing sound, the surrounding space trembled. This time, ten third-grade peak monster beasts emerged. ... Outside the Inner Combat Cave, the disciples were sent out one after another. One hour and a half had passed. "Among the 26 disciples, 17 of them have been sent outside, and only 9 disciples are left," Mu Qing said. "Your disciple is still in it. You must be proud of her," Shi Dong said with a smile. Mu Qing was resigned, "There's nothing to be proud of. As long as she can be more calmly in daily life, I will be satisfied." During their conversation, the other four disciples were transmitted outside. At the moment, only five disciples were left in the Inner Combat Cave. "Ah!" A ringing sound appeared. Su Shu was sent out, looked painful. Obviously, she was terrified. Seeing this scene, Shi Dong couldn't help laughing, "She must have suffered a lot in there. It feels bad to be killed by the monster beasts." Mu Qing shook his head and said, "No matter what she is for, it is good for her to enter there once." "Exactly." Shi Dong nodded. Time went on, and soon another disciple was sent out. "Only three disciples are left: Hua Yongchang, who ranked fourth in Exterior Ministry, and Rong Xiu, who ranked fifth in Exterior Ministry, and Lin Tian." Around, mentors were talking. "Speaking of which, Hua Yongchang and Rong Xiu have been cultivating in Exterior Ministry for two years. But after such a short time, Lin Tian has ranked second in the Exterior Ministry and stayed in the Inner Combat Cave for so long. He is so outstanding." "How can he not be outstanding with this nine-star talent?" "Yeah. His nine-star talent helps a lot." Many people nodded. Many people looked in the direction of the Inner Combat Cave. Soon, Rong Xiu and Hua Yongchang were sent out one after another. "Only one left!" Someone whispered. At this moment, it happened to have been two hours since the disciples entered the Inner Combat Cave. "That Lin Tian is still inside!" A mentor said. Su Shu looked in the direction of the Inner Combat Cave and said, "What a genius." Lin Tian had been in Martial Institution for just three months, and he had reached the current level and surpassed her, which made her feel very depressed. In the distance, Shi Dong and Mu Qing stared at the front, slightly narrowing their eyes. "Shi Dong, how long do you think that boy can insist?" Mu Qing asked. Shi Dong thought for a while, "With his talent and strength, he should be able to last for another half an hour." Mu Qing shook his head and said, "I have a feeling that he can last longer than that." "Longer? No way." Shi Dong was surprised. Though he just said that Lin Tian could insist for another half an hour, it was just an overestimation out of his favorable impression ofLin Tian. He didn't expect Mu Qing to say that Lin Tian could insist even longer. "I don't know. It's just a feeling. Let's wait and see," Mu Qing said. ... In the Inner Combat Cave, Lin Tian was surrounded by 11 third-grade peak monster beasts, and his breath was slightly disordered. In two hours, he had killed many monster beasts. Because he fought with the double and half gravity, the energy in his body was consumed very quickly and it was nearly exhausted. However, even so, his look still was calm. "Come here!" Staring at the 11 third-grade monster beasts, Lin Tian said with a deep voice. The monster beasts seemed to feel Lin Tian's provocation. They roared and rushed over angrily. Lin Tian took a deep breath and his steps flashed to avoid the collision of a third-grade monster beast. Then he turned his right hand in the opposite direction to penetrate the middle of the monster beast's eyebrows. At the same time, he squatted down to avoid the attack of another monster beast. Kicking out his right leg, a monster beast coming ahead flew out on the spot. Its throat was kicked to pieces and died directly. "Vigorous Thunder Swordsmanship!" With a low voice, Lin Tian raisedhis right hand, and then the thunderous sword whistling roared through all directions. Vigorous Thunder Swordsmanship was so potent that every strike of it would kill the enemy. "Poof!" "Poof!" "Poof!" The sword in Lin Tian's hand seemed to turn into a beam of thunder, and his movements became faster. With each strike, a monster beast would die under the sword. Soon, 11 monster beasts were all slain. However, as a fierce roar sounded, more monster beasts came into being. Lin Tian did not dodge but went straight to confront them. There were differences between monster beasts and human martial artists. Generally speaking, human martial artists were stronger than monster beasts at the same level. Anyways, in terms of wisdom, monster beasts couldn't hold a candle to human beings. In addition, the monster beasts that evolved from the magical slaying formation were weaker than the actual monster beasts, so Lin Tian could insist until now and kill so many third-grade monster beasts continuously. Of course, human martial artists were only better than those monster beasts that had not been transformed yet. Those monster beasts that had been transformed successfully were another kettle of fish. Most of the successfully transformed monster beasts were stronger than human martial artists of the same level, much stronger! Soon, another half an hour passed. Lin Tian was still in the Inner Combat Cave, without being sent out. "Well..." Staring at the front, Shi Dong was amazed. "How about now? I told you so," Mu Qing said with a smile. Shi Dong shook his head, looking at the front with a bitter smile. Time passed minute by minute, and soon another hour and a half passed. At this moment, everyone outside the Inner Combat Cave was surprised, including Zhou Hao who was not far away. Four hours had passed, and Lin Tian was still in the Inner Combat Cave! "How can this be possible? Before him, many disciples at the ninth layer of body cultivation had entered the Inner Combat Cave, but they had stayed inside for two and a half hours at most, even the cultivation addict Mo Ji was no exception. But Lin Tian is still inside now." A mentor was shocked.
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