Chapter 5

1062 Words
 Alexander Sitting here, pretending to be listening to my parents boring conversation, is pure torture. When I saw Fraya walk back into the room, I wanted to run to her, tell her that we will be alright, that we could figure it out, but I knew that is only wishful thinking. There is just no way for us to be together, at least not with everyone knowing. Maybe we can find a way to be together in secret, at least until I can take over the throne. I watch as she talks to the fox king and feel instantly jealous when he touches her hand and places his lips to it. He gets to feel her hand, to put his lips to her and I want to kill him for it. I wonder what her hand feels like, what it will feel like to have her naked body wrapped around me. I wonder how her green eyes will look like when it is lit with passion. I imagine her fiery red hair spread on the pillows as her I f**k her into oblivion. Will she scream my name as she comes or will she be digging her nails into me? I shake my head and try to focus on the conversation on the table, but every few minutes, my eyes wander back to Fraya. I know the smile she has on her face is fake and forced as it doesn’t reach her eyes. I wonder what it looks like when her smile reaches her eyes, I can just imagine how it would light up a room. I wonder if she will ever grace me with her smile. I am brought back to reality when Rachel moves to sit in my lap. I want to throw her off and tell her to never f*****g touch me again, but that will make a scene and that is the last thing I need. My mother is giving me a disapproving look and I know she has caught me staring at the werewolf queen. I force myself to listen to the conversation and not to keep looking at my beautiful mate. The bear king sitting next to my father is looking at me expectantly and I want to curse myself for not paying attention. “I’m sorry, would you mind repeating your question again?” I ask him and I see the anger flash in my father’s eyes. He hates it when I get distracted, but I know he won’t make a scene in front of the other shifters. “I asked, what do you plan on changing when you take over the throne?” That is a tricky question to answer. If I say what I really plan on changing, my parents will definitely not allow me on that throne, but if I say what they would want to hear, he will be disappointed. “My loyalty is to my people, I will do what I believe is right for them. Making sure my people are happy and we don’t fall into another pointless war is what I will be working towards.” I say, not really giving an answer to his question, but also making it clear that I will be keeping with the treaty. The bear looks disappointed but he doesn’t question me, instead he changes the subject. “How long have you and the lovely Rachel been together?” I can hear the sarcasm in his voice when he called Rachel lovely and I honestly can’t blame him. I want to tell him that we are not together, that she is just an escort forced on me by my parents, but before I can say anything, my mother answers for me. “They have been together since they were little. They will be engaged soon and we are truly excited about them taking the throne over for us soon.” If is had anything in my mouth right now, I would’ve spat it out on the table at her words. My mother is absolutely glowing with pride and she is also absolutely f*****g insane if she thinks I will be making anyone that is not my mate, my queen. My father gives me a look that tells me to not disagree with what my mother said, or there will be terrible consequences. I shut my mouth and just glare at him. I will not agree, but I know not to disagree in front of everyone at the able with what my mother said, but I will not be marrying this b***h in my lap. She doesn’t care for anyone but herself, she will not make for a good queen, definitely not the type of queen that I need. I wonder how Fraya is as a queen. Is she kind and caring, or does she look down on her people. I know they chose her as their queen, and I can't help wondering if it is because of her powers or because they truly love and respect her as their queen. “I can’t wait to be ruling by your side.” Rachel whispers into my ear. She must be truly delusional if she thinks I would ever let her be my queen. I don’t even understand why my mother wants me to mate with her, she knows that Rachel isn’t my true mate and if I were to make her my queen, we won’t ever be able to have an heir to the throne as she will never be able to get pregnant. Dragons can only have children with their true mate and now that I have found my mate, I won’t even get hard for another woman. I grab Rachel’s hip hard and turn her face so that her ear is close to my mouth. “That will never f*****g happen.” I growl at her before standing up with her still on my lap. She quickly jumps to her feet, careful not to fall on her ass in front of all these people. I excuse myself and turn to walk out of here. I cast a quick look at the table I know Fraya went to sit at during dinner, but I see her seat is empty. I look to the door just as I see her green dress disappearing through the door and I quickly follow her, hoping I will be able to catch up to her. I ignore what my parents have to say and focus on catching up to my mate.
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