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Sasha Alfredo * * The sound of the alarm clock woke me up the next morning. I rolled on and then sat up on the bed Stretching , I looked around the room hoping to see Daphne but was disappointed.... Oh Daphne! Where exactly are you? I dragged myself up from the bed and walked into the bathroom to freshen up.......... Returning to the room , I hurriedly dressed up in a blue gown with white sandals ..... I combed my long hair before parking it into a loosed ponytail.... Slinging my backpack across my shoulders, I headed downstairs to the sitting room........ * I met my mum and kamara seated in the dinning having breakfast...... Good morning mum! I greeted and Joined them in the dinning Morning baby! how was your night? She asked with a smile It was fine mom! I answered and then faced Kamara Please pass me the jam... Can't you take it by yourself. She said with an eye roll Kamara! behave yourself and help your sister with the jam . My mum chided her and she glared at me before passing it to me...... Thanks.. Opening it , i spread a spoonful of jam on one side of each slice of bread and began munching on it ....... * After eating, I stood up and sling my backpack across my shoulders... See you later! I bade and walked out of the house to the taxi station...... * On getting to the taxi station, I flagged down a taxi and got in..... Diamond high school. I called and the driver nodded before driving off..... I rested my head on the car seat as my mind drifted off to Daphne .... I knew she was still shaken by what she heard Poor Daphne! It must be so hard for her, I just hope she is alright...... * The driver stopped in front of the school and I paid him after alighting.... I walked through the huge gate and was about heading to my class when I heard my name .... I looked in the direction to see Racheal walking up to me , smiling I swallowed hard What does she want?I wondered Hi Sasha! She greeted with a smile hi Racheal!how are you? I asked I am fine. She answered with a grin and then moved closer to me.... Let's meet in the empty classroom during short recess.she said in whispers and I scoffed Why? When you come , you will know. She answered and then walked past me to the principal office........ I watched her go and smirked Why exactly did she want to see me? Did she want to confront me about Declan? I guess i will just have to wait till recess........ * Entering my class, I looked towards Declan seat and as expected, it was empty..... I sighed and walked over to my seat hi Cory! I greeted Cory who was writing into her book and she turned back to face me.... hi Sasha! how are you? She asked with a smile I am fine, what about you? I asked as I sat down... I am fine, So are you prepared for the sleepover tonight? She grinned ........ Sure, my mom agreed without any complaints. I informed and she smiled So will you follow me home? I asked and she shook her head No!I will join you , just text me your home address..... Alright! I will do that....... The teacher soon walked into the class and as expected, the class became quiet......... * * Absentmindedly, I stared blankly at the teacher as she wrote on the marker board ..... I was worried about Daphne and at the same missing Declan .... I sighed how I wish he was in school today! bending over, I opened my bag to bring out my phone ... I unlocked it and scrolled down to Declan's number ... I clicked on it and was about sending him a good morning message when a message from him popped in...... Clicking on it , I read it "Good morning babe, how are you? I trust you are in class now,i will call you later " I smiled sheepishly and read the message again.. babe! he called me babe! Declan just called me babe! * The teacher soon left the class and I sighed in relief... It is time to call Declan! I grinned I dialled his number but it rang without him picking... I dialled it again but it was the same thing I sighed in frustration What is wrong with him? Why is he not picking my class? I wondered.... I was about dialling it for the third time when another came in , it was an unknown number ..... Who is this? I muttered as I received it ... hello Sasha! a voice from the other end greeted Who is this? I asked and the person chuckled Don't tell me you did not recognise my voice, it is me Racheal... Racheal! I repeated in surprise Yes !come to the empty classroom, I am waiting for you. She said and ended the call.... I bit my lips in anger Does she think she can control me anyhow she likes? I stood up in a huff and walked out of the classroom.... Climbing up the stairs,I walked through the hallway to the empty classroom........ I walked into the classroom and met Racheal seated on a front desk Why do you want to see me? I asked with a frown and she chuckled Calm down Sasha , we ain't fighting.... I know , just say whatever you want to say and let me go . I retorted She stood up from the desk and moved closer to me I can see you are not the patient type so I will make it brief ,Declan belongs to me so stay away from him. She warned Are you kidding me! Is this the reason you called me out here! To warn me to stay away from Declan.... come on Racheal, Declan belongs to nobody so you have no right to tell me to stay away from him ..... She smirked, is that what he told you! Declan and I were lovers long before you came. She half yelled and I smack my lips ... But what about now , are you still lovers? I asked mockingly and she scoffed Are you trying to taunt me! No, and why would I do that! I am just telling you the truth. I retorted She stared at me for a while and then smiled You are so naive! Do you think Declan likes you!he is just interested in your big a*s and nothing more .... That is a big fat lie! I retorted angrily and she laughed Let's see about that. She said while glaring at me and then stormed out of the class room...... I felt my heard pounding as I watched her go.. Did she just threaten me? Taking a few steps forward, I was about leaving the room when I felt a presence beside me I turned sideways to see Daphne Daphne! I called excitedly, where have you been? Are you alright? I asked in a rush and she widened her eyes in surprise I thought you were mad at me And why would I be? I asked in surprise You know I erm was thinking you won't see me as a friend again. She stuttered and I shook my head negatively That will never happen!You will always be my best friend. I assured her and she smiled softly So where have you been? I repeated and she sighed I was with my family. She answered and my eyes lit up Is your mum alright? What about Declan, Is he alright? yes, but Declan needs help. She said as tears rolled down her eyes help! Why? Is anything wrong with him? I asked rushingly and she shook her head negatively Then why does he need help? because he is a stoner. She answered and I froze Stoner! I repeated with a trembling voice and she nodded Oh my gawd! I exclaimed softly Please You have to talk to him , I believe he will listen to you . She pleaded and I nodded slowly he loves you Sasha so please help him . She added Love? I repeated to be sure I heard right and she nodded I was beside him when he called you yesterday, the way he smiled tells it all ..... But that is not enough reason to say that he love me! It is Sasha!after the call he went back to his moody self , it was like ..erm he smiled because of you. She said trying to explain and I smiled inwardly.... Fine! I will try and talk to him. I said trying to make her happy and it worked Thanks so much . She beamed happily and I smiled Anything for you can we go to class now? I asked and she nodded sheepishly.... * * Getting to the class , I looked towards Racheal seat and met her angry gaze.... Crazy b***h! I muttered and walked over to my seat Sasha! Where have you been? Cory asked Toilet. I lied and she scoffed Liar! I checked for you in the toilet but didn't see you ... I swallowed hard , erm erm I went over. I stuttered not knowing what to say and she smirked Anyways!take Your phone, Declan has been calling. She informed and handed me my phone ... Ooops! I left my phone on my desk Unlocking the phone , I was surprised to see 12 missed calls all from Declan .... I immediately dialled his number and he picked it on the first ring...... Sasha! Why weren't you picking up my calls? he asked I am sorry, I went over to the bathroom. I lied and Cory shot me a playful glare Oh!I was also in the bathroom when you called and I am so sorry for not picking.... It Is alright Declan, I just wanted to check on you .. he chuckled softly, Are you missing me? he asked Yes, I am missing you badly . I answered truthfully and the line went quiet Declan! I called and he sighed I am also missing you babe. he said and I blushed...Babe! he called me babe again .... I will call you later. he said and he ended the call.... Are you both in a relationship? Cory asked and I shrugged I turned sideways to look at Daphne and she flashed me a smile.... * * Declan Davies * * After ending the call, I tossed my phone on the bed and was about lighting up the cigarette I was holding when my mum walked in Mum! I called in surprise She looked at me , the cigarette I was holding and then at the pot starch that was still on the bed .... I bit my lips in confusion Declan! What are you trying to do? She asked with a trembling voice I stared at her without knowing what to tell her. I never expected her to come into my room.. I mean I thought she was still sleeping, when did she even wake? She moved closer and sat down beside me on the bed... baby! what are you trying to do? Don't tell me you now smoke? She asked softly I tried to say something but no sound came out .... Oh Declan! She called and broke down in tears ...... I looked away to avoid seeing her tears I know it is my fault , I know I have not been a good mother , I know I left you to yourself but please Declan you have to quit smoking. She pleaded and before I could say anything, she pulled me closer and hugged me Please baby do it for me . She pleaded and I held her tightly....... It is not easy mum . I said as tears rolled down my eyes and she nodded slowly.... I know and I am going to help you with it ............. * * Sasha Alfredo * * Sitting on my bed , i was busy with my assignment when my phone rang... I checked the caller and as expected, it was Cory ..... Is it Cory? Daphne who was standing in front of the mirror asked and I nodded I received the call hello Cory! Where are you? I asked Erm I am in front of your house . She answered Then knock , my mum will direct you to my room. I said No Sasha, please come outside . She said and ended the call.... What is wrong with her? I wondered I got off from the bed and hurriedly put on a blouse I am coming. I said to Daphne who just nodded Crazy! I muttered.... I walked out of the room and headed downstairs to the sitting room.... I met my mom seated on the sofa watching television.... Is your friend no longer coming? She asked staring at me She is already outside. I informed Then why can't she knock? She asked with a puzzled look and I smiled I guess she is shy! Opening the front door, I spotted Cory leaning on my mum car and I walked briskly towards her .... hi Cory! Why are you standing here? I asked Is this your house? She asked with a trembling voice and I nodded slowly Is anything the matter? I asked and she exhaled deeply before shaking her head Let us go in . She said softly...... Are you sure you are alright? I asked to be sure and she nodded Good! I took her hands into mine as we walked into the sitting room..... Mum! this is my friend Cory . I introduced and my mom flashed her a smile how are you dear? my mum asked I am fine ma. Cory answered while looking around the house , I could tell she was uneasy but why? Alright dear! You both can go upstair, I will call you girls when dinner is ready . My mom said with a smile.... Thank you mom. I appreciated and we both climbed up the stairs to my room....... * Entering my room , I met Daphne singing in front of the mirror........ I smiled..... She looked back at us and then continued with what she was doing..... I shifted my gaze to Cory and became alarmed when I saw her clutching her clothes tightly She could no longer control her hand , they were shaking in an old trembling rhythm...... Are you alright? I asked and she shook her negatively...... I need to go home Sasha , I really need to .she said with a trembling voice .... But why? You just got here! I asked in surprise Nothing, I just can't stay here.she said looking around the room...... Please calm down and talk to me . I pleaded but she kept on shaking her head..... I need to go help my mom at home . She said and before I knew it , she ran out of the room ........ What is wrong with her? Daphne asked and I bit my lips without answering her .............. I was so dame confused about her reaction Why was she scared to come inside my house? Why can't she stay inside my room? Did something happen in here? ..... * TBC
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