Meet Sasha Alfredo

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My eyes roamed around the "ancient" building meant to be my new home, I call it ancient because it looked really old and kind of creepy... This is so bad! How will I cope living in this kind of house? What next ........... Sasha! My mum called distracting me from my thoughts I shifted my gaze to her , she was setting up the dinning table in it's space ... Don't just stand there, assist with something. She instructed and I scoffed Assist! and what is there to assist with! this building look so outdated! I remarked angrily.. Stop that Sasha! my mum was warned, this is your new home and there is nothing you can do about it . She finalised New home my foot! I retorted angrily Oh come on Sasha, this is going to be so much fun. My little sister Kamara joined in the conversation She was jumping around the sitting room in excitement........ I huffed Fun! this is a nightmare I really want to wake up from..... * Climbing up the old looking stairs , it led me to a short passage with four rooms I pushed the door to the first room opened and quickly banged it shut when I saw a King size bed in the room.... That must be my parent room! I muttered Walking towards the second room, I noticed the door to the opposite room was slightly ajar so I walked towards it instead.... I peeped into the room and huffed when I saw my dad setting up my bed at a corner of the room.... Oh yeah! My room at last! I opened the door wider and walked in Seems like someone is trying to change this old box room to a Princess room. I said while looking around and my dad looked up at me hey Princess! When did you get here? he asked with a smile Not quite long . I answered with a frown and he nodded absentmindedly as he was still fixing my Princess bed.... But Dad this is just not right ! I mean out of all the houses , why must it be this old one? I started because I needed a house urgently and this was the only one available. he answered and I scoffed but is it a must for us to move here , why didn't we just stay over at the former house? I continued and he chuckled lightly You know I just got a transfer here and considering the distance , it won't be possible! What ever! I muttered with an eye roll... he stood up from the floor when he was done fixing the bed and moved closer to me... Sasha! I know you are not happy with the whole idea of staying here but I can assure that you will love it later . But how dad! I left everything I cherish most , I left my friends, my title as the "most popular girl", I left Jayden , I f*****g left everything. I yelled and broke down in tears Oh Sasha! he exclaimed while pulling me into a hug It is gonna be alright. he assured, and I believe you will get over it once you start school .he added and I pulled out from the hug School! and when will that be? I asked Tomorrow. he answered with a wide grin But dad isn't it too early , can't school wait? I asked with a frown and he shook his head negatively No Princess but dad it is .... I tried to say but he cut me off Go freshen up and come down for dinner . he instructed and walked out of the room..... School!tomorrow! Is he for real! why can't he and mum just let me just be! I signed in anger Taking few steps to the bathroom, a shiny object hidden behind the cracked wall caught my attention..... What is that? I wondered as I moved closer to it I pulled it out, it was a golden chain with a D2 wordings inscripted on it .... I stared at it in awe , it was made with pure gold .... who would have kept it here? I wondered, Probably the previous owners...... but how is it possible! the chain still looks new.....well! I really don't care , it belongs to me now ...... I tossed it on the bed and walked into the bathroom to shower....... returning to the room , I walked over to a corner of the room where my boxes of clothes were kept ..... I opened one of the box and searched through if for a comfortable pyjamas, I soon found one .... It was a pink pyjamas with flowers design and I hurriedly put it on ... I was about leaving the room when I remembered the golden necklace, I went over to the bed and picked it up...... I stared at it in admiration, I bet it will cost a fortune.... Putting on the necklace, the light bulb went off and then turned on ... I scoffed Even the light bulb is fake ........ oh lest I forget! Let me introduce my self .... I am Sasha Alfredo an 18 years old high school student . I am white , blue eyes, black hair , average height , curvy with a big a*s which I am very proud of. I have an annoying 8 years old sister named Kamara who is sometimes nice ......erm talking about my parent , my mum is a full time housewife which makes my father the bread winner of the family... Dad works in a big company and has just been transferred, I hope this explains why we move to a new house...... * * On getting downstairs, I met my family seated around the dinning table...... Are you done bathing? My mum asked and I huffed Isn't it obvious. I answered with an eye roll be careful Sasha! She warned and I smirked Whatever. I muttered as I sat down beside my little sister I dished out a small quantity of food into a plate and soon began eating..... So how do you like your new room? My mom started but I ignored her I am talking to you Sasha. She retorted and i scoffed What do you expect me to say? Just tell me, how will I like an old looking room with cracked walls. I fired at her and she sighed I know your room is kinda old but I promise ,it will be fixed before you get back from school tomorrow. She assured and I frowned talking of school , must I go to start school tomorrow? I asked in a huff Yes baby, it is a must . My dad answered but it is .... I tried to say but he cut me off You are starting school tomorrow and that is final. he finalised and Kamara chuckled I glared at her and she sticked out her tongue... Spoilt brat! * * * After eating, I said a silent prayer to God for the delicious meal... I stood up and was about heading upstairs to my room when my mum called I turned to look in her direction Won't you at least bade us good night . She said with a light smile Good night! I mumbled and she nodded Good night princess. My dad bade , and make sure you wake early to prepare for school. he added. Oh yeah! I drawled and headed upstairs to my room....... * * Entering my room , i collapsed on the bed I was really tired and needed a good rest . I pulled up the blankets and was about to sleep when the chain on my neck shone brightly.... What is this! I wondered and sat up in fear? I tried to take off the chain but it refused to come off , it was kinda stuck to my neck ..... What is happening? Is this .... I stopped when I felt a strange presence in the room.... I looked around but did not see anyone ..... A chill of fear swept over me and goosebumps sprang over my hand .... Is anyone here? I managed to ask but there was no response With my eyes wide opened, I laid back on the bed I looked around the room again and as expected , I did not see anyone I signed , it is probably just a figment of my imagination... I closed my eyes and was about dozing off when I heard a light footstep , it was moving close to my direction Oh my gawd! It can't be real, it can't be real. I kept on mumbling with my eyes still tightly closed Please help me ! a tiny voice pleaded No! go away!you are not real! I said with a trembling voice ... Open your eyes!the voice said and when I did , I peed on my pants... Right in front of me was a beautiful girl with long black hair ..... I tried to scream but no sound came out , I was so scared Please help me ! She pleaded again ... Who are you? I managed to ask and she smiled That is why I need your help . She answered and I shuddered in fear Just go away please. I pleaded but she shook her head I can't do that because you found me first .... I stared at her blankly wondering what she meant.... The necklace you are putting on belongs to me. She explained and I gasped in shock ........ * TBC
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