8. Cobra Team I Presume?

2547 Words

8 COBRA TEAM I PRESUME? Cobra team activated their flight packs and hurtled across the sky with glowing blue ion trails in their wake. A flightpath designator flickered into view on their HUDS, guiding them to their destination, the ‘Market Near the Wall’ — a popular trading district in the shadow of the North wall. Gideon gazed down at the colourful tents billowing wildly in the freezing winds blowing in from the wastelands. “I know this place,” he called out over the team channel. “We flew over it before, remember?” The memory felt like it was from a lifetime ago, rather than just a few months. Everything had been so different back then. An image of an enormous, winged figure reaching up out of the sleet and darkness forced its way into his mind, but he quickly pushed it aside, there

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