Prepared for them

1053 Words

Chapter 51 Alpha takes his seat even more comfortably and wait for him, Alpha Darrel of black horse. He was expecting him after all and finally putting on his best smile since what he had planned since to be coming together. “It’s not nice to see you Alpha Darrel!, juice? Blood? Wine? Name it I will make sure to give you the best possible entertaining” Alpha Leo says to him with a interesting grin. “I’m not here for entertaining and I’m sure you know that already just kidding yourself” Alpha Darrel felt bad he’s starting to see his true color. “What do you mean? I mean you didn’t win the war but their alpha is on their death bed so why don’t you let’s celebrate?” Alpha Leo frown like he’s wondering why he’s taking it the wrong side. “You know I won’t have love this idea if not becaus

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