
1460 Words
Patrons came and went throughout the remainder of the workday. Nearing close, Harlow went to turn off the open sign and lock the doors. Just as she reached the front of the store, Mr. Gilbert waved at her through the windowpane and asked permission to come inside. Harlow smiled and moved aside, permitting him entry. He stepped inside, thanking her for his last-minute shopping. “Hello, Dave,” Father greeted him cheerfully. “Good evening, Bill, Harlow,” replied Mr. Gilbert. “I was hoping I would catch y'all before close. I need supplies to reinforce my fences. I heard strange noises around my property last night, something might be trying to get at my sheep.” “Strange noises, eh,” Father questioned. “It is probably just a coyote.” “Yeah, it might be, but I know how a coyote sounds. This thing was loud, cackling at the moon all night long. Truthfully, it gave me the willies, something awful.” To this, her father snickered. Mr. Gilbert was a nervous man, easily spooked and overly cautious about most things. However, he wasn’t the type to over-imagine things. Harlow helped her father to collect the items Mr. Gilbert needed for his project. Once everything had been gathered, her father checked him out. Afterward, her father closed the shop and they all left for their respective homes. The Monroes waved goodbye as they watched Mr. Gilbert pull onto the street, they followed suit heading in the opposite direction. Later that night, they arrived home, and her mother was cooking supper. Her father took up residency on his old recliner and began watching the news, while her mother finished in the kitchen. Harlow offered her mother a quick greeting before retreating to her room. Once there, she wandered over to the window that faced Asani's home. There wasn't a single light on. She leaned onto the ledge of her window as she pondered their interaction earlier in the day. A small smile spread over her lips as she remembered the firmness of his embrace. Suddenly, a light came on, and Asani's outline appeared in front of the window. Harlow spun out of view, pressing her body firmly against the adjacent wall. The last thing she wanted was for Asani to think she was stalking him. I? Harlow thought as she argued with herself about the unlikelihood of him seeing her. She leaned over to sneak a glance. OMG, he's still there? Once again, she slammed herself against the wall and out of his sight. Her heart began to beat a mile a minute. After several deep breaths, she had calmed her nerves. He couldn't have seen me, she reasoned. Besides, at the distance they were from each other there was no way he could've seen anything more than what she could see of him, but she couldn't shake the feeling that he had seen her. Chancing another glance, she leaned just far enough to peer out of the window, keeping her body out of view. Harlow's heart dropped when she saw he was no longer there. Perhaps he was watching the sunset? Harlow thought. Yet another thought countered. Or maybe he was watching me? Foolish thinking was what she said to the idea, or at the very least wishfulness. Annoyed with herself for allowing the thought to enter her mind, Harlow abruptly shut the curtains. She flopped onto her bed, "Siri, play soothing music," she commanded. Soon a calming playlist filled the air. Harlow took out her sketchpad as she thought about Mr. Gilbert's distressing encounter, she began free-styling a drawing. She had lost herself when drawing before, but she felt as if something was directing her hand. With quick, passionate strokes, the creature became more alive every time the lead of her pencil made a mark. With the hum of music in the background, the ferocious beast slowly materialized. Finally, the sketch was complete. Harlow stared at what she had created, a wild beast with dark hypnotizing eyes, much like Asani’s. They spoke to her, beckoning her to accept an enticing and sinful offer to be his. Suddenly, her bedroom door swung open. Maura pranced inside and flopped onto her bed. The sudden interruption gave Harlow no time to put away her artwork. Of course, Maura’s natural curiosity caused her to sneak a peek at her sketch. “What’s that? A wolf?” Maura asked. “No, I don' think so," Harlow mumbled as she hurried to close her sketchbook. She loved Maura, but her drawings were personal. "Mr. Gilbert mentioned he has predator issues. He isn't sure what it is." “Let us hope he has just been hitting the moonshine a little too heavily. I don't want to run into anything like that ever.” “May the church say, Amen,” the two women said in unison. It was a little saying they would say anytime they agreed wholeheartedly on something. “So, have you seen Mr. Too Fine yet?” Maura asked, wiggling her eyebrows for effect. “He came by the shop today.” Maura’s eyes widened with excitement. To calm her enthusiasm, Harlow added, “He's nice.” “And?” Harlow wondered if she should tell her what had happened, or how he made her feel. She began to keep it to herself, but she opted to confess. Maura squealed and began bombarding her with questions, none of which Harlow received adequate time to answer. “Chill, Maura,” Harlow finally interrupted. “Sorry, sorry. I'm just so hyped! My intuition was spot-on. I knew you two would vibe the minute I saw him.” Harlow rolled her eyes. Ever since her divorce and subsequent return home, Maura’s quest to hook her up with every Tom, d**k, and Harry has been exhausting. Quite frankly, Harlow wished to find someone suitable to end her constant attempts. “When do you think he will ask you out?” “Ask me out? Maura, we just met.” “You are right! We need to spark more dialogue between you two,” Maura said with a smirk. Harlow nervously chuckled. Despite her reservations, she was desperate to have a reason to speak to him once again. It was like a seed had been planted in her mind, and she was finding it hard to free herself of thoughts of him. Maura was silent for a moment. Harlow could only guess what devious plan she was constructing. Suddenly, Maura leaped to her feet. She grabbed Harlow by the arm and dragged her out of the room, then downstairs to the kitchen. They rushed by Harlow's parents. Accustomed to Maura's antics, Harlow's parents only gave them inquisitive glances before returning to their meals. “Dinner is ready girls,” Mother announced. “We know," Maura answered. "Did you make an extra plate for me?” Harlow’s mother looked up and smirked. Maura nodded, as she recognized the silliness of her question, she then began placing generous amounts of food onto a plate and wrapped it with aluminum foil. “What on earth are you doing?” Harlow asked. “We're going to welcome the new neighbor.” “No,” Harlow answered, mortified by her suggestion. “Yes,” Maura corrected. The determination in her voice silenced any further arguments. Harlow looked at her parents, who refused to meet her stare. It wouldn’t have shocked her if her parents had been aboard with Maura's crazed proposal. Soon they were out the door. Dusk loomed, Maura advised that they drive the two miles to the manor. Harlow thought about the odd noises that came from the woods the previous night, along with Mr. Gilbert’s tale, and it wasn't hard to agree with her suggestion. Harlow's stomach somersaulted as she thought about what she would say to Asani. In the shop, though she was nervous, they had managed to have a pleasant conversation. Yet, this impromptu visit screamed desperation. What if what I'm feeling is one-sided? She thought, but hadn't he winked at her? Was he flirting or just being quirky? Shortly, they had arrived at the manor, exiting Maura’s car. They approached the doorsteps of his home. Harlow swallowed hard as Maura placed the plate in her hands. She nudged her to climb the steps and knocked on the door. Harlow fussed at her, not liking her pushy nature. Maura, unfazed, continued her strong arm encouragement. Harlow gathered all the courage within herself, reining in her nerves to lift her fist and rapped on the door as she heard the footfalls of no doubt Asani approaching the door. Harlow silently prayed she wouldn't make a fool out of herself.
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