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Harlow desiring to be his was a tantalizing notion. His inner hyena purred at the thought of keeping her. Yet, he couldn’t allow hope to blind him to the possibility that she might find his true nature repulsive. However, until that faithful day he wouldn’t waste a precious moment worrying about the big what if. They remained in his bedroom, sitting side-by-side, for a while chatting about everything from the weather to their favorite types of music. He discovered she like to draw, and she aspired to pursue a career as an artist. Asani loved how easy it was for them to hold a conversation. Even during moments of silence things never became awkward. Despite himself, he would occasionally stroke a strand of hair that had fallen out of place or find any excuse to touch her throughout their conversation. It pleased him when she mirrored his attentive gestures. Yet, none of the exchanges were in a provocative manner, but more like two souls familiarizing themselves. It was the first time Asani hadn’t felt the need for physical interaction to spur his craving, with Harlow it all came naturally, effortlessly. However, he could hardly wait until they would freely explore the depths of their passion. Nevertheless, it was already more fulfilling than anything he ever had with Zania. Briefly, he recalled his former life, his tribe, and his unforgivable sins. Lost to his morbid memories, he was relieved when Harlow suggested they should start working on the house. Thankfully, the ruse of needing her to renovate his home didn’t sour Harlow’s affections towards him. It was an underhanded trick, but he was compelled to keep her by his side. Though he still felt his hyena crawling within his psyche looking for a weak point to attack and free itself. It was more placid whenever Harlow was around; subdued by her presence Asani could rest. However, it still attempted to overtake him whenever his lust rose, which was a constant threat whenever he was with Harlow; but it was different as if the creature was willing to cooperate if only to have her. Together they began working. First, they repaired the leaking pipes, then went downstairs and ripped out the ceiling. After patching it they were covered with plaster and dust, but they had at least completed the task. “We make an excellent team,” Harlow said. She then wiped the sweat from her brow and gave Asani a beaming smile. God, I would cross the Sahara Desert for a glimpse of her sweet smile, he thought as he turned away from her intoxicating beauty. Clearing his throat, as well as his mind, he asked, “Are you hungry?” “Sure, what do you have a taste for?” You, He internally answered, but instead, he offered, “We can go into town if you like, my treat.” “We could, or my mom has some leftover beef stew. Trust me it is even better the second day.” “Sounds mouthwatering.” Harlow shudder beneath his gaze, it was then he realized his hyena was peering through. Clamoring for her attention, Asani suppressed its bid for control. He didn't want her to succumb to the casting nature of his hyena; he knew the effect its musk had on her. It took everything within him not to capitalize. Yet, he didn't follow through with any of his wicked needs, shamefully it wasn't for her sake but for his own. Fearing he would never be able to let her go once they had become one. “Um, yes, it is quite tasty,” Harlow replied with a slight tremble in her voice. Asani smirked, as he regarded how she would fumble her words or play with her hands whenever his presence unnerved her, and damn him; but his villainess soul enjoyed every moment. Though he didn’t show it his heartbeat raced whenever she was near, and he liked that he didn’t have to read her mood to know she felt the same. “Where I’m from women don’t cater to males, it is usually the men who do the domestic duties.” Harlow tilted her head, as she mulled over his words, she finally spoke, “That's fascinating, I didn’t know Ethiopia was so progressive.” “Progressive, I never thought about it like that. It is just our way of life.” “So, if we got together, you would be the homemaker, huh?” “I would like to think we can share the duties,” Asani said with a smirk. “However, my role was a bit different within my tribe.” “Oh, how so?” Tell her, you i***t. I’m the disgraced prince of the Bronze Tribe. I’m also half-hyena, and I’m not sure which one of us wants you more. Yet, if we could, we would ravish your little sexy taut body and mark you as ours forevermore. Asani sighed, as he coasted a hand over the waves of his hair, with her expectant gaze set on him he answered, “My role was more of a diplomat, I tended to be bogged down with reviewing policies and societal issues.” “Were you some sort of a politician?” “Something like that. Boring stuff, that you wouldn’t want to know about.” “Oh, on the contrary, I am more than willing to listen whenever you’re ready.” Impossible girl, he thought. Fighting the urge to kiss her, Asani said, “I'll be sure to let you know.” "Please do." Harlow gave him a quirky smirk, as she sauntered past him, and he would have sworn he smelt a faint scent radiating from her. Yet, he deemed it was wishful thinking because humans didn’t possess mating glands. Maybe his senses were muddled by his own secretions. Heaven knows, if anyone of his kind ever chanced upon Harlow, they would smell his scent all over her. It was then it occurred to him that he wasn’t merely infatuated but was beginning to fall for her. The notion caused his heart to constrict, not because he found it unsettling, but because he feared that he would lose her once she found out what he was. What would he do if she chose to leave him? Not only would he be crushed, but his hyena would rage, and without the will to resist, Asani would be lost to the beast’s insanity. It was a slippery slope he was navigating. Usually, such issues never occurred, Boudas usually married amongst tribal members, and most marriages were arranged, so it was more contractual than an emotional endeavor. However, that wasn’t the case with him and Harlow. She wasn't accustomed to his world and introducing her too soon might scare her off. Nonetheless, he considered scaring her off might be for the best, considering the ominous dream-omen of last night. Yet, he discerned that it was possible that he was paranoid and may have misinterpreted the dream. Perhaps it was a simple nightmare. After all, he had traveled so far from his tribe’s territory, who could ever find him? Moreover, if they had located him, they would have undoubtedly revealed themselves by now, right? Of course, he determined. As he considered he was being overly cautious. Asani purged his mind of the troubling thoughts, he followed Harlow as she made her way to the front door. They hopped into her car for the drive over. Upon entering her home. A strange energy bubbled within him, as any opportunity to learn more about Harlow excited him. He walked around the foyer until he spotted a picture of who he assumed to be a young Harlow on horseback, Asani smirked as he grazed his fingertips over the framed picture that hung on the wall. "This has to be you," he surmised. "Yes, that’s me alright. It was my eighth birthday, and my parents took me to the county fair. Oh my gosh, I was terrified, but my mom told me to get on anyway. She said I would never be happy with myself if I chickened out, and she was right. I was so proud of myself that day." "A brave kid. Makes for a brave woman." "No, not really," Harlow said casting her gaze downward. "Don't do that." "Do what?" "Shy away whenever I give you a compliment. I saw how you stood up to that jerk Jerry in the bar. He is two times your size but you never coward. I don't know what this ex of yours did to you, but you're amazing. Why can't you see that?" *** Harlow’s breath hitched as his words challenged her. Despite their tongue-in-cheek teasing, and no matter the ease she felt with him. At her core, she was still insecure. It felt somewhat unfair of him to use what she had told him about Cory against her, but it was the truth. Yet, there was something she had left out, and she didn’t want to say to him that she was infertile. Indeed, he wouldn’t desire her if he knew, just like Cory. Not ready to address her fragile ego, she focused on making their meal. She was glad he didn’t force the issue, but she could feel his intense gaze on her as he followed her to the kitchen. “Please have a seat,” Harlow said, as she waved in the direction of the kitchen table. Asani pulled a chair out and sat, his legs spread out as he reclined in the chair. Harlow tried not to stare but he looked incredibly hot, the picture of cool as he clocked her every move. His mannerism had suddenly shifted, and she dared not to look into his eyes, somehow knowing his dark gaze had returned. She could also smell his alluring fragrance, another sign he was on edge. Is he angry with me? It was plausible, she had all but ignored his question and tried to carry on as if nothing had happened. Yet, there was a sexy vibe that lingered between them. Though his demeanor was intimidating she was also oddly aroused. Asani was an enigma to her an impossible puzzle to solve. As she handed him the bowl of stew, the tremble in her hands caused her to spill some of the soup onto the table. Asani gripped her wrist, and Harlow's eyes shot to his. “Harlow, do I make you nervous?” She thought she should lie but gazing deeply into the darkness of his eyes she knew he would sense any half-truths. So, she answered truthfully, “You do.” He licked his lips, and Harlow’s eyes lingered on how slowly his tongue performed the action. Her breath hitched. “I would like to ease your nerves. Will you allow me to do that for you?” “How?” He tsked, as a wicked smirk spread across his perfectly formed lips. “Harlow," he sang. "It is a simple question. Either it is yes or no. Do you want me to ease your nerves?” Harlow bit her lower lip, as her panties became drenched as the gravity of his words weighed on her. Be brave. “Yes.”
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