
1952 Words
By the time Harlow made her way downstairs, her parents had already left for work. Entering the kitchen, she inhaled the lingering aroma of the breakfast her mother had cooked. She walked over to the microwave, where her mother usually kept leftovers. Sure enough, there was a plate for her. Still warm, Harlow scoffed down the meal. Instantly, she regretted rushing through breakfast, as her stomach began to flutter with butterflies at the mere thought of once again being alone with Asani. Glancing at the clock on the wall, it was eight o'clock, and she surmised she better hurry over to his place. Stepping onto the front porch, the rays from the sun warmed her. With the nightmarish images of last night fading into a distant memory, she felt optimistic. It was then she realized she hadn't adhered to her nightly routine of sobbing over Cory and quickly determined Asani was the reason. With a goofy grin on her face, Harlow went to the garage to retrieve her toolbox. Hauling the clunky craftsman to the trunk of her car, she recited to herself how she wouldn’t behave like a horny teenager when she got around Asani. After all, she was the one who wanted to go slow, and he so graciously agreed. Yet, the thought of the sizzling kiss they had shared caused her heart to skip a beat. It was then she wondered if she should even test fate, by going into the belly of the beast and hoping to come out unscathed. Nevertheless, she had made a promise to help him, and if nothing else, she was a woman of her word. Once she had everything in place, she made her way to the manor. As Asani's home grew larger as she drove nearer, Harlow assessed the outer damage in the dawn’s light. She must have passed the property thousands of times, but never did she scrutinize the magnitude of work needed to restore the manor to its former glory. For most, the workload might have caused some trepidation, but Harlow was excited. Her father had remodeled their home and continually had ongoing projects. Some of Harlow's fondest childhood memories were of her assisting her father. Nevertheless. she had always wanted to head her own project, and the added benefit of hanging out with Asani wasn’t a terrible bonus. Harlow's goofy smile made its triumphant return, as she gathered her toolbox. She walked along the broken stone path to the front door. She lifted her hand to knock, but the door opened before she had made contact. “Good morning,” Asani greeted. The word sexy barely scratched the surface to describe the sensual creature who stood before her. Dress in blue jeans that clung to all the right places and a gray wife beater, her eyes were drawn to the contours of his biceps. I'm not a horny teenager, Harlow internally reminded herself. Clearing her throat she questioned, “Do you have a sixth sense or something? How did you know I was here?” “I can sense you,” he answered without a hint of humor. Harlow swallowed hard, as his intense stare settled squarely onto her. Feeling suddenly flush, she fanned herself with her hand. Dear Lord, give me strength. Asani stepped aside, with a smug grin that showcased his pearly white teeth. Harlow couldn’t help but feel as though she was in his lair, and, despite herself, she wanted to give in to him. As soon as the thought entered her mind, she physically shook it away. “Is everything alright?” Asani questioned. Harlow laced her fingers behind her back to keep from slapping herself on the forehead. Which wouldn’t lend any credibility to her claims of being “fine”. Changing the subject, Harlow said, “I see you’ve been busy cleaning the place up, huh?” Gone were the tarps on the furniture, and the woodwork had been polished. Nevertheless, there was still a lot to do. “Yeah, a meager attempt to make the place more livable. Hopefully, you can provide some much-needed guidance. This house has a lot of original wood, which isn’t my forte.” “Oh, really, what are your strong suits?” A dark chuckle escaped from Asani; he then took a few steps towards Harlow. As he did, his bewitching scent wafted until it enveloped her completely. His tongue darted out, to wet his sinfully skilled lips. The same lips that had her panting just a few hours ago. He leaned inward, bending over as if what he had to say was a juicy secret. “As you might remember, I’m great with my hands; but I’m also good at working metal.” Harlow resolved, nearly broke under the weight of his suggestive insinuation, as she felt wetness pool between her legs, she had to fight the urge to kiss him, because if she did, she knew where it would lead. “Harlow,” he practically sang her name. Harlow grew suspicious that he was taunting her, provoking her to meet his seductive challenge. Her eyes connected with his dark irises. They stared into each other’s eyes. Sinfully, she imagined grabbing him by the nape of his neck, bending him so she could capture his perfect lips in a deep soul owning kiss. In her perverse imagination, she visualized completely dominating the interaction, as he moaned for more. As the heat between them had risen to a fever pitch, her last coherent thought was her teeth tearing into his lower lip. Though it was a twisted daydream she could’ve sworn that she could taste the copper of his blood on her tongue. Suddenly, Asani took a forceful step away. Harlow noticed the rapid rises and falls of his chest, as well as the sheen of sweat coating his mahogany skin. With furrowed brows, he suggested, “Maybe you should go.” Harlow narrowed her eyes at Asani. He started this cat-and-mouse game and now that she was invested, enticed, he wanted her to go. She stepped forward, closing the distance between them. Never had she been so bold, so aggressive. Maybe it was his scent or the memory of his kiss. It was also possible she was lonely and desperate for affection. Whatever the reason, she wasn’t going to leave unless he explicitly said so. “Do you want me to leave?” Harlow questioned. Asani, shutting his eyes, stepped forward, the tip of his nose stroked her forehead, as he inhaled deeply. He held that single breath for a moment before, releasing it to answer, “I don’t want you to go, but I think it is for the best.” Within his words she found truthfulness, he was giving her an out. Yet, no part of her wished to not see whatever was blossoming between them to the end. She had played it safe her entire life and where did that get her? The answer was a messy divorce and living at home with her parents. Harlow reached for Asani’s hand and intertwined her fingers with his. His gaze was soft and as vulnerable as hers; she spoke the words, rather as if they were a blessing or a curse, “I choose to stay.” Asani clicked his tongue and smiled. He then wrapped his arms around Harlow’s waist, and said, “I do love a woman who knows when to take charge?” Harlow smirked, then replied, “Good, then you won’t mind what I am going to say next.” “And that is?” “Let’s get started. We don’t have all day,” Harlow joked. Asani chuckled, before asking, “Where do you want to start first?” Harlow looked up to the ceiling, to the potential water damage. She pointed to the spot, Asani followed her finger and frowned. Releasing her from his hold, he then got to work moving the furniture away from the area. Asani’s movements were quick as he rearranged the furniture in the middle of the room. Impressive, especially, when considering the antiques were made of heavy oak. When he was done, he stepped aside so Harlow could stand beneath the stain. She noted how he didn’t seem fatigued or bothered by the strenuous task. Harlow dismissed his show of strength but not before remembering how effortlessly he lifted Jerry by his collar and replayed it throughout her mind. His physique suggested he had one hell of a workout routine. Still, his feats seemed outside of the realm of normal conditioning. Nevertheless, she quieted her puzzling thoughts by busying herself with assessing the damage. “There might be a burst pipe in the wall,” Harlow said. “Above this spot is the- “ “Bedroom,” Asani interjected all too smoothly. Harlow swallowed hard remembering their time together last night. Just like that, she was transported into a heated state from the previous evening. He sniffed the air then licked his lips. Then gave her a seductive smirk that made her wetter than she has ever been in her entire life. Harlow began to seriously question if he could sense her arousal, but the notion was ludicrous. Isn’t it? He offered to escort her to his bedroom, on the second floor. She should have chosen to work elsewhere. Yet, she agreed. It was reckless of her to test the boundaries of her willpower but she followed him. Always the gentlemen he permitted her entry first. Stepping inside she surveyed his dwelling. The room was sparsely furnished, with only a dresser, with its detached mirror haphazardly leaning in the corner of the room. Then there was the bed, Harlow jumped upon her gaze settling onto it as if she had forgotten this was where he slept and where he would fu- “Harlow,” Asani called out to her. Again, her name on his lips sounded like a melody. Beautiful and sweet. She looked at him, and immediately she wished she hadn’t. His stare made her want to strip on the spot, to give in to his advances fully. She turned away forcing the impure thoughts from her mind. Her eyes fell to the floor where the source of the damage should have been, then up. Seeing there was no damage to the ceiling, she smiled. “Good news It is not coming from the roof,” Harlow announced, as she tried to regain her composure by focusing on the job at hand. She took out her hammer, and using the claw, she began removing the nails in the floorboards and then removed the board in sections. The problem was easy to identify, an old copper pipe with a slow leak, dripping at its joint. Harlow informed Asani of the situation, he listened intently, as his eyes drank her in with a lustful glare. It then occurred to her how vulnerable she was, being alone in his bedroom. Perhaps his stare wasn’t lustful at all, but predatory. She had sensed a dangerous vibe radiating from him during their time together, despite his kind persona. “Asani, I need to ask you something,” he politely waited for her to continue. “You don’t need my help to fix this house, do you?” “No, I don’t.” Oh s**t, what have I gotten myself into, “Why am I here?” He took a couple of steps closer; his moments were slow and steady. Harlow stood her ground; he seemed amused by her bravery. He declined to move any further, remaining a few steps away. “You’re here because I have decided I want you.”
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