Chapter 7 - Eat And Swallow, Little One

1956 Words
THIS DINNER felt different. I knew this dinner was going to be different when I walked into the dining hall and I saw no one. Absolutely no one except the lone King at the head of the table, looking regal and powerful and terrifying at the same time. There was something so alluring about him that made me feel like I was looking headfirst into death. I couldn’t look away, do something, and save myself. The King wore his best attire as if he was hosting some kind of a faraway Queen. He looked completely clean and magnificent. He sat there like this was some kind of ceremonial. I didn’t think that it was only going to be the two of us. Just him and me. And no one else. This would be the first time we had ever done this. Dinner was always a political event for him. There was nothing political about this at all when he beckoned me over to sit right next to him. At the head of the table. Somehow, there were already two chairs and it would look so majestic if someone else were to see this. It would look like there was a Queen sitting next to the King. My heart was in my throat when I sat. My hands trembling on my lap. Lips sealed together. King Larkin didn’t look bothered at all. He didn’t look as if someone was invading his space or someone had taken the seat by force. He prepared the chair for me. He made it so, so I could sit next to him. He took a silver glass and drank whatever was inside. By the time I could breathe right, the King motioned for me to eat. It was hard to move and it was even harder to swallow anything. But I pushed through, just because I didn’t want trouble. “Relax, little one. You look like you are eating with the devil himself,” he tittered. I rolled my shoulders back, as well as swallowed the meat in my mouth. It wasn’t helping how he felt so close. I could actually feel his body heat. His restrained anger. His magnificent muscles. His power. “There is no one else here,” I said. “As you can see.” “Where is everybody?” “Having dinner in their own home.” “They are usually here.” “I don’t want them here now.” “Why?” “I want to spend some time with you.” “With me?” “Yes. Just the two of us,” he said. “Why? Is there a problem with you?” “But why would you waste your time with me? I don’t think it would be very beneficial for you.” “It would be. I would like to know the girl who I would be spending time with getting inside of her again and again until she can give me many children,” he guffawed. I was baffled by his flagrant words. He was very transparent with his plan as if he wasn’t talking about ruining someone else’s life. I could never imagine how he could be that cruel. He was desperate. Yes. But how much desperation could someone have to do this to someone else? King Larkin continued eating like nothing bothered him again. “So, what? Are you going to get to know me better now?” “You are going to be my mistress, so, yes. It would be better for me to have a glimpse of you before I let you have that title.” Mistress. Yes. There was something that made me feel like I was less than a rat in the streets. Even more so, just to be his bed slave. King Larkin, the King of the Wolves, had a second wife. He was married to someone. An actual someone. A Queen, named Morgana Cerovic. So far, I had never met her yet. According to Rosalie, the Queen was evacuated to her pack during the last attack by the rebel pack. She would be more protected there, with her father’s warriors and the fact that her pack was far enough from the Night Pelt pack. I dreaded the time I would meet here. Had she already known I was here? Had she already known that King Larkin was going to take someone to their bed, breed her, and use her to get him more heirs? It was a political marriage, but still. I would hate to be someone’s cause of suffering. I pushed my plate away. I couldn’t eat anymore. My guts were turning inside of me and I felt sick. King Larkin eyed that. He continued eating peacefully, throwing me question after question that I had never even thought about in my head. It was so laugh-worthy to have the Alpha King ask me questions about my personal favorite of everything or how I ended up in the street. “You weren’t abandoned,” he concluded. “I never knew who my parents were. I have no clue to my origin. My earliest memory starts from the street. I’m pretty sure I’m abandoned, Alpha.” “Call me Larkin,” he said. “What?” “Call me Larkin.” “I don’t think I’m supposed to do that, Your Majesty.” The Alpha King nodded, but there was something in his eyes. That something turned heated and then, I couldn’t even blink before I was tugged painfully from my seat and I ended up on his lap. I gasped, feeling his arm secure me in place while the other ripped my dress so easily that it actually took my breath away. “King Larkin!” I struggled to get off him but it only made the Alpha King angrier. He pushed my legs apart, baring me in the middle of him as my heart was sobbing for the first time. This was it. My reality. I was the Alpha King’s property so he could do whatever he wanted with me. My thighs were bruised, my heart beating fast, and my eyes watering. But there was nothing I could do to stop this. He had his hand on my thigh, squeezing them possessively as I saw angry red marks darkening my skin. King Larkin placed my abandoned plate in front of us. He pushed my head to the table and then he hissed, “Eat.” I was stunned. “W-what?” I stuttered. “Eat.” “But I’m done eating.” “No, you aren’t.” King Larkin pointed at the plate. “You barely touched anything and your plate is still full. You are not wasting any food here, little one. Eat. Every single bite.” I was shaking from head to toe as I picked up my fork and started eating. It was scary how he watched me take every single bite, chewing in between the tears in my eyes. While I ate, he rubbed my thigh up and down, feeling my skin and fisting them in his hand. I felt like I was being inspected. Suddenly, his hand trailed too high from my thigh and I could feel him tensing behind me. His hand was going toward the forbidden line. I clamped his hand in mine. “King Larkin,” I croaked. Suddenly, he pushed inside and I let out a scream, which he covered with his other hand. I stilled. I couldn’t move. I was a statue of fear and terror. He inserted some of his fingers inside, making me feel anguish. “It is Larkin,” he hissed. “I told you to call me Larkin. I am your Alpha King and you will obey me, little one.” Tears were actually streaming down my face. “Eat,” he ordered. “You still have some of the food left on your plate.” How could I eat? How could I actually stay breathing? Scared, I picked up my fork again and started eating. While he had his fingers inside of me. I felt so degraded. Once upon a time, I survived the streets and I was able to keep my innocence with me. But here, in the King’s lair, it was so easy for him to take that away from me in less than one second. Just because I didn’t listen to his wants. I actually felt sick to my stomach and I was going to throw up. “Swallow,” he whispered as he saw me struggling. I forced myself to swallow even though it was hard. And as I swallowed, King Larkin pushed more. I squirmed, closing my eyes, feeling him inserting more into me. King Larkin groaned. He was breathing hard next to my ears and I could tell the Alpha King was enjoying this more than I was. “You are so tight, little one. You haven’t met your mate yet,” he said. Angry tears were leaving marks on my cheeks. I did. I did and it was your son, I wanted to scream. And then he moved. And I inhaled sharply. I hated myself. I hated the way my body betrayed my mind and heart and how his fingers affected me. Shutting my eyes tighter, I tried to fight the feeling of him inside of me, but I could tell that some part of me was feeling something. I was sitting on the King’s lap. I ate what he ate. I was playing Queen. Some abandoned little kid inside of me, the one who had to scrape food in the streets, and being kicked out of stalls felt a little bit of pride. Of a forbidden thrill. No. This couldn’t be happening. I was really going to throw up but I felt something at my lips. I opened my eyes and I saw the King giving me the last bite. “Eat,” he ordered. I opened my mouth and he shoved the fork inside violently as he did the same down there. I was stuffed on both sides and I couldn’t do anything about it. King Larkin continued to tease me while I tried really hard to swallow. Before long, I felt myself trembling on his lap. I was sure it would be a terrible sight to anyone who could have seen us. “King Larkin, stop,” I begged as I felt my body going to curse me forever. There was no going back from here. I couldn’t undo this. King Larkin became even more determined. “It is Larkin,” he barked. I clawed at his hand desperately to get him to stop, to get him off me, but he was stronger and I was already reaching that high. King Larkin grabbed me by my throat to keep me still and then I released it. I was a trembling mess on his lap. By the time I was chasing off the moment, the Alpha King was already pulling out. He didn’t say anything as he pushed me off him. I fell off his lap without dignity. Hot tears burned my cheeks. He stood up, looking down with evil eyes. “Say it,” he hissed. I looked up. “Larkin.” “See? How hard could it be?” The King actually smiled and he patted my head before he walked away. “That was just the beginning, little one. If you can be that good to me, then this whole ordeal would be done easily.” I wanted to kill myself when I heard his footsteps going further. I felt hideous. How could I have let myself undone with the Alpha King like that?
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