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A few hours ago At the Hospital He moved the Blinds and she was shocked to see Matteo. "Is that Matteo? How is he in this condition? Did you-" "No, I didn't do anything. He was coming to me to close the deal and met with an accident on the way. I knew he was important and had many Enemies so I shifted him to my private hospital with full security." "Thank you Shahmeer. You saved his life. But why did you bring me here? I totally believe you." Shahmeer smiled sadly. "I know Love. He will be conscious within a few days and the injuries will keep healing. This is the key to his room." He said handing over the key of the lock on the wooden door of Matteo's room. "Shahmeer?" "Myra… my Love, forget about the deal. You can take him whenever you want. I know you. If I force you to get married to me because of this, now or some other day you will find some way to leave me. And I will not be able to bear that pain. That betrayal would kill me. I know relationships can't be forced, not at least on someone so stubborn like you. The only way I can keep you, is if you stay willingly. After 10 days I, my family, Quazi Sahab will be waiting at my Mansion for the Bride to come. You will come only if you want to marry me wholeheartedly. Only if your Heart permits you for it. Not because it was some deal or we made a trade." "What are you saying?" Myra asked in shock. "I am saying the truth, Love. I know you, Better than anyone else. And there is no way anybody can force their will on you. And so won't I. I will be waiting after 10 days. If you want to marry me even when you have a choice, you will come." 'Why are you doing this? I don't want to marry you. You know that.' She wanted to say that out loud on his face but her tongue but did not know how to pronounce it. "What if I don't come, Shahmeer?" He replied, "Then I would understand Love. But Always remember, there is one person who loves you unconditionally and will be waiting for you all his life. Even if you come after 10 days, after 10 months or after 10 years you will still find me standing in the place you left." His Obsession was scaring her. "Don't love me so much Shahmeer! I can never give it back to you." She yelled so loudly that if they weren't alone, it would have created a scene at the hospital. "Don't you see, I love someone else." She yelled angrily, shaking him by his collar. She didn't know why she was so angry. Maybe because this man was wavering her resolve, her love for Amaan. "Love... if the person that you love was alive, I would have moved out of your way in a dignified manner and never troubled you again but he is not. I don't want you to spend your life waiting for something that can never happen." "Even if I get married to you Shahmeer, it would be my third marriage. That is awful." "I don't care." "I kill people." "I'm sure there is a reason." "I can't love. The concept of love is void to me." "The love I have in my heart would be enough for both of us." "I spend eight months a year on missions, outside the home. Which family wants such a daughter in law?" "I am proud to have a wife who stays out of the house to protect thousands of lives instead of the one who stays home and lives for one man." "I am stubborn, egoistic and have temper issues." She snapped. "I am easy going, modest and calm. We will work it out." "I carry the love of someone else in my heart and I will never be able to love you with the same passion." "You will. And even if you don't, I will be happy to have you by my side. Safe in the knowledge that he is never coming back. He is never snatching you from me. I accept you with everything you are." And he sealed those words with a kiss on her forehead. Present She looked at the key in her hand and asked herself; "why didn't I bring him back? Why didn't I tell everyone that I know where Matteo is? It would have been so easy. Everything would have ended just now. I would never have to face him again." In confusion, she pulled out her phone and called Shahmeer. She had to talk to him, end this Madness right now. She kept telling herself, 'He should feel nothing for me. It will destroy him. His hopes scare me. His Obsession scares me. The pain of his heart break would keep clawing my conscience all my life but he just doesn't understand. He has to understand. He should not tie me and himself in this bond of pain.' She dialled his number for almost 5 minutes but he didn't receive it. "What is wrong with this man? Usually he receives it at the first ring and now when I have something important he has to do this." The last call was received and she heard Rajat's irritated voice, "hello what do you want?" She hadn't expected this. "I want to talk to Shahmeer." "He is not available." Rajat said flatly. "Rajat, you give him the phone or I am coming there right now." She said, picking up the car keys in anger. "What the hell is wrong with you? Boss cannot talk! He is in the ICU! He met with an accident on the way back after dropping you." She could feel her heart stop in those words. Shahmeer!!! Myra's mind had stopped working at those words. Shahmeer's accident? "Where is he now?" "Why do you care?" He snapped and Myra angrily hung up and followed the phone's location. "Whatever might be going on between them, she couldn't deny that he was a good man and he didn't deserve it. Also Rajat had no right to behave like this. Like it was her fault. She picked up the car keys and drove as fast as possible. The guards recognized her and quickly let her in. Rajat walked to her in anger as he saw her. Myra had resolved not to take anymore nonsense from him. "What are you doing here?" He snapped. "That is none of your goddamn business." She said equally angry."Just because I'm tolerating you doesn't mean I can't show you your place." "Listen Myra I don't need-" "Rajat! Why don't we continue this later on and now just focus on making things better for Shahmeer?" As he heard those words, he huffed and angrily moved to the other side. We both kept pacing out of the ICU waiting for the doctor to come out. "You didn't inform his family?" Myra asked, looking around and not seeing them. "There is no need to bother them about it." "You are unbelievable." She said utterly disgusted. These both were the same. He totally ignored that. *** After a few hours, The doctor walked out and they both rushed to him. "Who's the family member?" He asked, looking between them. "I'm his fiance. This is just an employee." Myra said flatly. She could show him his place too. There was Hurt and anger on his face and he backed off. The doctor turned to her and said, "We've removed the Shards of glass and bandaged his wounds but there are internal injuries and the condition is still critical." "Doctor, Call the best surgeons. Make him alright." She said impatiently. "I have sent a word to the best neurosurgeon and he will be here soon. We have to perform the surgery soon." "Can I talk to this neurosurgeon? I don't know anything about him and it is hard to trust such a person." "Don't worry we are lucky that he is in the country around this time of the year. He will soon come here. Then you can talk to him about your doubts. But I'd like to let you know that he has zero failure records. He is the best I would recommend." "Doctor, if you agree with him, we do too." "Please call him as fast as possible because I cannot see Shahmeer in this condition." She could not deny that she was worried about him. She thought about his family and everyone else who needed him. "Can I meet him?" She asked the doctor hesitantly. The doctor nodded and left. Rajat again irritated her by standing in front of the door. "What are you trying to do?" That's it. It was the end of Myra's patience. "Look Rajat, listen carefully because I won't repeat it again. These people you see around you don't know about anything else. All they know is… I am Shahmeer's woman. His fiance, his beloved and I have the power to throw you out of here if you try to mess with me. Don't mistake my silence for my weakness or I can show you what strength and authority that I hold." She angrily opened the door and walked inside. This is what Rajat was afraid of. A lamb who knows how to exercise power is more dangerous than a lioness who doesn't know how to use it. Now, when she just had a formality, an engagement with him, she threatened to throw him out. What would she do after the wedding? He would be the loser at all costs. Because no matter how much he denied it, Myra would always be more important to Shahmeer than him. *** Myra walked inside. Seeing him in that condition wasn't easy. He looked so weak, so vulnerable. 'Why do bad things happen to good people?' She asked herself. She wanted to listen to her Heart One Time. She didn't want to think about anything else now. Just to worry about him and pray for his quick recovery. She couldn't stop staring at him. He is so different. In everything. A person who can gamble everything in love. Such people were the strongest and most respectable in her eyes, just like her Amaan. She stayed there when her phone rang. She quickly picked it up so that it did not disturb Shahmeer but he didn't move an inch. He was highly unconscious. She picked up the call and it was Sherry. She told him everything. All he said was, "I am coming there right now." She wanted to say no but he hung up before that. *** "I don't know Sherry. Things have changed after the accident." "Mye, things haven't changed. Whatever was there in your heart has come to the surface." "I did not feel for him this way, Sherry." "You did... but you were just very good at hiding it." She held her head in her palms. She had no energy to argue with him now. "I don't know what to do." "Then don't do anything. Just follow your heart. Wish him well and take care of him. I know things will work out. What you think… This is the first time he's facing death? No. He is a stallion. He will deal with it." A slight smile appeared on Myra's lips with his reassuring words. "Thank you so much Sherry." "So, what is the update?" A top class neurosurgeon is going to arrive and I am going to meet him. He will Explain the complications and then we will proceed for surgery." "Mye now we have a solid reason why we couldn't have back Matteo. I have to talk to Jerry to find a replacement or a support system that would work for a month or so." "You are right. Take care of that as soon as possible." "You do not bother Shahmeer with that. Just take care and call me if you need something." "I will." With those reassuring words, he left. *** Myra insisted on calling the doctor the same day. She could not wait anymore. Within a few hours, the doctor was going to arrive. All she wanted now was for Shahmeer's condition to get stabilized. She was worried about him and wanted him to recover as soon as possible. She was waiting in the cabin impatiently for the doctor to arrive. The door creaked open and walked in the man she hadn't expected in her wildest dreams. Her eyes went wide and her throat went dry. "Scott?" And he looked at her with the same intensity, anger and shock. "Sarah?" For a moment, the thought did cross her mind to pretend like nothing happened. But she was guilty and embarrassed. "Oh my God! You are the surgeon?" She spoke in a daze. "What are you doing? Didn't you want to marry that Shawn guy? Isn't that why you left me?" He asked with hatred and confusion. Myra didn't know what to reply nor did she have any reason to give him. She shook her head. "No! There is no way I am giving Shahmeer's life in your hands. I don't need your help. I will find someone else." She said in a sad, broken voice and turned around to move out when he called, "Miss... whatever your name is... I have read Mr Khan's reports. He is in a critical condition and there are very few doctors who can handle it. I don't think you have time to search for another one. And the question remaining about your enmity with me... I am not so cheap to avenge it this way. For me, a patient life is more important than anything else. I don't even care who he is, or what relation he shares with you. For me, you died that very day, when you showed me your real face. Now nothing remains. Not even hatred. I am here to talk about the complications and your doubts. If you are interested, we can continue that." He said flatly, looking around. Myra was speechless. It felt like Karma was hitting her back. The same helplessness that he must have felt when his life, his existence depended on the words coming out of her mouth.
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