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Shahmeer's Mansion "Rajat, I want to remind you once again that these clients are important. Don't misbehave in front of them." "When did I ever misbehave in front of the clients?" Rajat asked suspiciously. "No you didn't. But you know, everything has a first time so I was just worried." "And which client is this that you don't even want to discuss with me?" Rajat asked suspiciously . "There is no point in discussion Rajat when I have made up my mind and decided what to do." "Boss, nowadays you are taking too many decisions without consulting me. Have I made a mistake? Or did something wrong?" "It's nothing like that Rajat. It's just that… I can't explain it. You will see." "Where do they want to meet?" "By the coast off the beautiful Mumbai." Rajat nodded. *** A beautiful table with chairs on either side was arranged. Cold winds blew, waves broke at the shore giving a beautiful view. Shahmeer sat on one of them beside Rajat who stood waiting for the Mysterious client to arrive. Shahmeer's restlessness did not escape Rajat's eyes. Finally, a Land Rover stopped and stepped out the one person that Rajat had prayed not to encounter in this life again. "Myra Grey?" He looked at Shahmeer in shock while Shameer just smirked. Rajat looked at them and whispered in his ear, "we are going to talk about this." Shahmeer took in her entire appearance as she walked closer. She was wearing a stand collar top and black jeans completely sticking to her lean self, paired with black sandals, that made her look as tall as Shermon. Her hair was rolled, and falling off her shoulders. She walked to the other side of the table and sat on the chair with the same elegance and Shermon followed. "We meet a lot, don't we?" Rajat taunted. "Don't you worry. It won't happen again. I'll make sure of it." She retorted back and her eyes turned to Shameer. The Deep Blue Eyes which look like the mighty ocean with so many words and secrets in them stared back into his coal black ones. "So let's not beat around the bush. I talked to you about what I want on the phone. We will pay the price and more if you want but we want the consignment and Matteo Moritz immediately." With those words, an understanding look crossed Rajat's until now confused face. "You want Matteo Moritz?" He asked in confusion. "Didn't your Boss tell you anything?" She mocked with smirk while Rajat felt humiliated. Shahmeer leaned forward from his chair and said, "About the consignment, pay the price and have it. Absolutely fair trade." "What about Matteo? What do you want to exchange for him?" Shahmeer smirked. "I would rather have this conversation with you in private." Rajat huffed and quietly walked away. He was humiliated enough. On the other side Myra said, "I trust him with my life." placing a hand in Shermon's. Shameer blood boiled to see this . "I'll wait for it." Sharman looked at her with the same intensity. Shermon wisely said, "Mye, he has an upper hand. We need him." And walked to the other side of the sea shore. "Smart I must say." Myra stared at his retreating figure and then at Shahmeer angrily. "What the hell is this? What do you want that you couldn't say in front of him?" "What do I want? Yet you ask me Myra what do I want?" He said with so many emotions in his voice which was softer than before. "Okay, if you must hear it, I want you. I want you to accept the offer that I presented to you in the jungle." She reminisced his words, 'I love you Myra. You are the one person I want to spend the rest of my life with. Marry me and come back to my house again, from where you left, your memories didn't.' She bawled her hands into fists and whispered looking down, "that is not possible." "Take your time, think." He persuaded. "There is nothing to think of. There is no way this can happen." She shook her head as if reminding herself and not him. "This is the deal. Take it or leave it." He said in a monotone. "What do you mean? This is so unethical and unprofessional." She hissed. "I tried to be fair but that only separated me from you. So I want to be crooked just this one time." Myra didn't know what to say. She was confused. But one thing was sure, she would never put aside her huge sack of ego for this man. "I guess we had enough talking." She got up from her seat. "I need some time to think." She said those words but in her mind, she wanted time to make another plan to get Matteo Moritz out of this man's hold. "Is the deal done?" Sherry jogged to them. "We cannot come to agree on terms." She said putting on her glasses and walking to the car while Shermon followed. Shahmeer only smiled victoriously. He knew she was going to come back. It should be interesting to watch how. "Let's leave Rajat." "Yes, sure." *** Myra angrily drove the car at high speed. "How dare he? How dare he say such things to my face? If you hadn't persuaded me to leave the gυη in the car, he would be dead by now." "You see, that's exactly why I asked you to leave the gυn in the car. Now calm down and tell me what did he ask for?" "He wanted ME in exchange for that worthless Matteo. What does he think? He assumed that man matters to me so much that I will offer myself in exchange for him? He is a fool to think so." "Sure, a very brave fool I must say." "Are you making fun of me Sherry?" "Hell no. I am just admiring his guts. What are we going to answer to our seniors? This case was directly handled by Jerry. And he has entrusted this to us because we have a 100% Success Record. We have never failed. It's a shame that it will be stained today." "So what do you want me to do? Offer myself to him in marriage and have kids with him just so that Matteo comes back? What's the benefit for me?" "Alright there is no benefit. Don't think about it. We will figure out something to get out of this. This is not over yet." "Of course it is not. I will have my win and I will have it my way… without Bending in front of him. *** Shahmeer kept staring at Rajat who was angrily driving the car. "Take the shortcut." Shameer said just to start a conversation. "No no Boss. Now when I am just a driver at least let me do this job properly." He said dramatically and Shahmeer rolled his eyes. "Rajat, the only reason I did not tell you was that you hate Myra and you would create a fuss over it." "It was worth creating a fuss. You saw how she was taunting me." "And you were taunting back. I saw that too." "You see… whenever it is about her, no one is important to you. Not me, not your business, nothing." *** Two days passed and Myra was getting worried. She tried all sorts of plans but none of them seem to be foolproof. All had one or the other loophole. Jerry was going to make a call about the progress of the mission and she had no answer. What am I going to tell him? For the first time, she was left speechless, all because of him. There was no way out of the situation. so she decided she would face Jerry and ask him some more time. Until then she would figure out something. Put a hand on at least one of Shahmeer's weaknesses. The video Call connected and Jerry looked at them hopefully. "Please tell me you have Matteo back. All looked at Sharmon and Myra for an answer. Shermon started to say, "Sir the consignment will be dispatched soon. About Matteo, he made an unacceptable deal and we could not go through with it." Myra hoped that he did not ask for more details but he asked, "what was it? Let me know." Shermon looked at Jerry and said casually, "Too big Sir. His eyes landed on our most precious asset. He wanted Myra to marry him in exchange for returning Matteo." Myra looked at Shermon in shock. She knew Jerry's answer. He would force her to do as Shahmeer says. Because all that matters to him is getting Matteo back, nothing else. How could Sherry disclose that to Jerry? What was he trying to do? "Sir, it's our problem. We will deal with it." Myra said sternly, giving a glare to Shermon. "Yes Sir. Mye is right. Although we had expected something so big from him. But we never knew he could do this. I understand how important Matteo is for us. Don't worry, we will figure something out." Myra's anger knew no bounds. Was he provoking Jerry? Now she sat there waiting for Jerry to utter his part of nonsense. "Hah! That is not something that cannot be done." Jerry shrugged. "Myra, it's not like you have to get married to him forever. This is just a facade like the last time, a piece of paper that gains his trust. Get married and then, as soon as we have Matteo, divorce him. It changes nothing. We cannot risk Matteo's life over something so petty. I think it is a waste of time to reject this and think of another plan. I have always made decisions that benefit everyone without thinking the effect it has on your personal life. Agent Myra, your senior, orders you to accept his offer." He said and went offline while all others just stared. Until now, they didn't know what was going on. They were only told that the deal did not happen because they could not come to match their terms and conditions. "Why did you hide such a big thing from us?" all of them asked. "By the way, congratulations for your marriage!" Nisha yelped excitedly. As they all began discussing the possibilities among themselves, Myra walked to Sherry and said, "who needs an enemy if they have a friend like you?" With that, she punched him in his abdomen and walked away from there. "I don't want to see your face ever again." She snapped before leaving. Sherry rubbed the side of his abdomen to ease the pain and then smiled . 'I will bring happiness into your life Mye. You deserve it and Shahmeer is the right person. He could ask you to be his girlfriend or spend a few Nights with you but he didn't. He wants you officially and forever. This is the guarantee of his loyalty, love and respect for you.' *** Rajat splashed cold water on his face again and again and kept on doing it until the thought left his mind. 'What's wrong with me? How can I be thinking about her? It's been 2 days! She is going to be my Boss's wife!' He leaned back against the wall staring at his dishevelled reflection. 'No this is wrong. I have to control my emotions. I hate her. I hate her so much.' He kept reminding himself but his heart listened not. Every time he closed his eyes, her image flashed in front of them and he couldn't get rid of it. Myra angrily went to her room balcony. She took out her smokes and started puffing one. She thought deeply about the whole thing. She Remembered how after leaving Scott, she felt his heartbreak heavy on her conscience. She had absolutely no right to play with that man's feelings. But she was made to. She is never the person who would make fun of an institution like marriage but these people are making her do it again and again. But Jerry brought her attention to something she never thought about before. 'Of course. How could I not think about it? Shahmeer wants to marry me right? And for that, he returns Matteo. Then so be it. I am going to show him that he messed with the wrong person this time. What does it think? That he can have me this way? I am the person who would die standing rather than spending their whole life on their knees. I will never forget this insult nor will I let him forget it.' With fire of vengeance in her heart and plan in mind she called Shahmeer.
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