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'What are you making me do Shahmeer? Making me apologize? You are making me cry? You are making me beg and request people? When you are in my life less than a year? That is why you need to go away. because I cannot be weak.' Myra thought. *** Rajat went home tired and again Nani questioned him. "Sham never goes anywhere without you? Where is he Rajat?" "Nani, I told you he had to go to Maldives for some important work and he will be back within a few days. As soon as he winds that up. You don't believe me?" He asked, making a sad face. "I believe you but I don't know why a mother's heart doesn't? Why do I have this unknown Storm inside my head? Why do I feel like my son is in some trouble? How could he not take his phone with him? Is he crazy?" She scolded. "Nani, there might be a network problem. By now Boss would have gotten a new SIM card. It takes some time to activate." She sighed deeply and placed her hand on her chest. "I hope you're telling the truth." She asked, looking into his eyes." "I am." He lied again. Nani left and he stood in front of the mirror and saw something. He didn't notice it before. His hands moved to his shoulder and he carefully pulled a long strand of hair from there. The whole memory of Myra hugging him, crying in his arms resurfaced. He turned to look up, "God, Why are you torturing me like this? The more I try to stay away from her, the more you make ways to bring her around me." *** —Hospital— 'Letting go means coming to the realization that some people are a part of your history, but not a part of your destiny.' The words Sherry kept telling her all the time finally made sense now. After apologizing to Scott and being forgiven, Myra really felt a heavy Boulder lifted from her chest and she was doing well with her conscience now. A huge chapter was closed from her life. He left a few hours after the surgery. She still didn't know if Scott believed her or not, neither did she care. But she was still guilty for Shahmeer's condition. Seeing his whole head wrapped in white bandages did something strange in the pit of his stomach. She asked all her friends to leave the hotel and go back to Shimla. She had decided to stay here. Everybody was confused and shocked at such a decision but agreed. They all went back and reported whatever happened and Jerry came to the conclusion that he would give them a month's time. Until then, someone else would operate and he would personally see it. A month was enough for them. Shahmeer would come out of coma within 15 days. Seeing her worry and concern for Shahmeer, Rajat asked her to move into their Mansion which was quite unlikely of him. Without Shahmeer, that place would not be home. It would be so dull and lifeless. With that thought she refused. She came to the hospital and visited him everyday. Days passed in silence and sadness and every second just increased her feelings for him. The inner battle was making her weak. It was swallowing her. She could do nothing about it. She kept ruining herself in the conflict of her heart and brain. Myra was sitting in front of Shahmeer holding his hand. She caressed the back of his hand with her thumb and said, "All you care about resting right. And not at all about me. Aren't you done yet? Don't you see I am so tired? Rajat had to lie to your family that you had to go to... I don't know Mauritius maybe… he is tired of lying to everyone. Can't you just get up and tell everyone that you are okay?" "Love?" came a grogged whisper. Her head snapped up to him in shock and she saw Shahmeer had opened his eyes and those coal black eyes were staring back at her with a weak smile. She missed his gaze, his voice and everything about him. Her breathing hitched and she was overwhelmed. She kissed his forehead and said, "I missed you so much! Just a minute." And she ran outside, almost shouting for Rajat. "Rajat! Shahmeer… has… gained consciousness." His happiness knew no bounds and he pulled her in his arms. She hugged him back for almost a minute in happiness. They awkwardly moved away when he asked again, "you're telling the truth?" She nodded. "See for yourself. I'll just call the doctor." It is a miserable situation when you have no one to share your happiness with but one of your worst enemies. They may have hated each other but they were connected by a weird Bond – that is the love for the same person. Rajat walked inside and sat beside Shahmeer. This tall, huge muscular man had tears in his eyes. If anyone saw their bonding, he would think that they were brothers from the same mother. He touched the bandages on Shahmeer and then his face to convince himself that it was not a dream. Shahmeer tried to move a little. He wanted to get up but the doctor said that his muscles are compacted because of such a long bed rest and they need some time to go back to normal. He will be able to get up within a few more days. Also he will slowly retain everything, not to talk too much to him. Myra smiled and called Sherry to inform him about it. It did not escape Sherry's notice how happy she was about the whole thing. He was constantly worried about what decision Myra would make now. Now when he is healed, will she continue to pursue him or forget about his existence just so that no one has power over her? In both cases, she would have to face trouble. Myra called Sherry again. "Hello Sherry? Where are you? You haven't called me since yesterday." "I was going to call you Mye. We have a situation." "What now?" She asked, irritated. "Mye, Sir Leonard called yesterday. We have a mission you have to be here before tomorrow morning." He said in a serious tone. This was the last thing she had expected now. "Sherry you're telling the truth right? This is not someone's plan to call me back." "Oh! Mye can you remind me since when I started doing that because I don't remember." He said angrily. "And you can tell me if your priorities have changed. I would understand." He taunted. "No they haven't. My job is my first and last priority. I will be there." Saying that she hung up. 'Why does this man have to be so irritating? Now I have to go to Shahmeer and explain to him that I have to leave. But is it correct to stress like this? But leaving without any note would worry him more.' After thinking a lot about it she decided to tell Shahmeer that she was leaving tonight. They had an important mission in line and they needed her to come back fast. 'Why was Sherry talking like this? What was he afraid of? Of my growing attachment towards Shahmeer?' Leaving him was the last thing she wanted now. She was thankful that it did not come when he was sick. She wouldn't have the heart to let him go. Now when he was alright she could have the courage to stay away from him. She was sad at departing but maybe this was their destiny. She needed to remind herself of her priorities. Her team, her job would always be before anyone else. She walked into his ward and saw him and Rajat laugh. He was so weak that the loud laughter gave him sharp pain in his head. She had never seen him so vulnerable. She walked in and said, "Rajat, Can I talk to Shahmeer for a second?" He nodded. "Of Course. I was leaving." He replied with a smile and left from there. "What happened Love?" Shahmeer asked. "Shahmeer you are well now. I have been neglecting many of my important works and they need attention now. I have to go. I am sorry I did not plan to leave all of a sudden but it happened. I wanted to stay with you but we do not always get what we want. Try to understand." She said in a requesting tone. She didn't know herself why convincing this man was so important to her. "Okay Love. Try to come soon. I will wait." He said, trying to smile. 'Love' Myra longed to hear that all these days. "I don't know how long it'll take but I'll try." "Love, I will be fine within 5 days. Can I expect you before that?" "I told you I will try. The only thing certain about my life is that everything is uncertain. Always." She said with a dry humorless chuckle. As she was about to open the door, she heard his voice, "Love, All the best." He called back as she reached the door. She gave him a last glance, silently opened the door and walked outside. *** "Are you sure we have to do this?" Shahmeer asked worriedly. "Boss these head bandages are not coming out for around 15 days and I cannot lie anymore to Nani or anyone else. She is so tense. She is in so much pain. I feel miserable when I lie to her. So please have some mercy on me and have the courage to face her." "What explanation am I going to give?" He said viewing his bandages through his front camera but couldn't find a single angle that made it look less worse. "We will say that you met with an accident." "Rajat you know Nani Maa. She is going to freak out. She's going to cry seeing my condition." "You think it's easy for me? But you cannot hide forever. And you know that. The Doctors had to shave your head and that makes the stitches totally visible. How long can you hide it? It's going to be like that for around 4-5 months. Are you planning to hide that long?" Shahmeer heaved a deep sigh. "You are right Rajat. I am ready to face her. Let's see what happens." With that thought, Shahmeer asked the doctor to do all the tests before his discharge. He wanted to go home. The doctor explained everything and asked him to take the necessary measures to stay safe and call them if it was a serious matter. *** They kept walking through the corridor towards the exit and the sunlight disturbed Shahmeer while Rajat was happy. "Finally Boss finally. You have no idea how hard I have been working, hiding it from clients, dealing with them and all the business partners and even your family. If this news had leaked out, we would face so many problems." Rajat said happily. "You know what makes me happier than going home Rajat?" "No. I can't think of anything such." "You and Myra have patched up." "She was never mine to break up or patch up in the first place Boss. She is yours and will always be." Rajat said flatly, wearing his glasses and walked to the car. *** Shahmeer walked inside his house and saw Nani Maa sitting on the couch looking worried. Now he could feel his courage wavering. "Nani Maa?" He called slightly but she heard it. Her head snapped in his direction and her eyes wide in shock and horror on seeing his condition. "Sha-Sham?" She said in shock, taking in Shahmeer's entire appearance. She rushed to him seeing his condition but she couldn't utter any more words as she collapsed, losing consciousness. Shahmeer held her before she could hit the ground. "Nani Maa!" He shouted seeing her condition. Nani couldn't see him like this. His head bandaged heavily, his neck and arms containing slight bandages and scratches. It was too much for her to handle. He carefully lifted her in his arms despite the pain it caused to his healing injuries and carried her to her room. Rajat called the doctor. ***
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