Chapter 15

2251 Words

Chapter 14 I regretted closing the door when I found the room in total darkness, the only light from two windows set low to the floor under gables. They overlooked the back garden, but the lights around the patio were too far away to provide more than a dim glow, and the night sky was overcast. "Edward?" I whispered, brushing my hand over the wall beside the door in a futile search for a light switch. "Amanda?" He didn't sound like he believed it was really me. I tried to follow the sound of his voice but tripped over a chair that lurked in the darkness. "Is it you?" he asked. "Hold on," I said and pulled my traitorous wand out of my beaded bag. Making light was one of the few bits of magic we had mastered together, but we had failed at it just hours before. My only real hope was that

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