Chapter Seven: Littles Injection.

1760 Words
Rosalia POV. I woke up feeling numb like I’ve slept over my hand the whole night and now it’s tingling. You know that feeling, that’s how I felt through my whole body, uncomfortable, tingling, I wanted to move but after yesterday’s injection, I lost all control over my body. Just thinking about yesterday's event made me want to cry, I don’t cry, I’m not a person who let their emotion show, all that is preserved for when I’m in bed alone. That’s what my mother taught me to do, except yesterday I cried, I cried when Lucius forced the bottle inside my mouth and bathed me, maybe the bath wasn’t the worst thing ever. I can’t remember having someone washing my hair with such gentleness, here I go again with the tears, what’s wrong with me!! “Good morning princess,” Lucius says to me, when did he even get here. Where is here, I move my head to the side with some difficulty, to see bars, wooden bars. I’m in the crib! Heck no! I’m not gonna end up sleeping in a crib every night for his sick pleasure. “What’s that frown for,” he asks before picking me up from the damn cage. I couldn’t help but cry, on a regular day I would scream and yell, demand he let me down and that I will never be put in the crib again but I couldn’t I just cried. “Shh shh, no need for tears.” He says wiping my tears away, it took me a minute but his touch actually helped to calm me down. “Now tell daddy what got you all worked up?” he asks in a baby voice. It was ridiculous, I didn’t have to tell him a thing, I didn’t say a word, I just point at the cursed item I’ve been sleeping in. “Ahh, I see my little princess don’t like the crib.” He says in his baby voice again making me angry, I want to scream, well I did except my scream is more like loud sobbing. “Shh kitten the crib is Austin’s you get the bed” He assures me making my cries stop instantly. That’s new and weird, to say the least, crying never got me what I wanted back home, it was always what my parents saw was best.  Lucius carried me toward his room where Austin was still sleeping on his bed, I wiggled out of his arms and he let me go on the bed so I can wake him up. I miss Austin, he’s like mine, my best friend, I don’t want to share him and that’s coming from a girl who never had a best friend and now I’m counting Austin as one and I only knew him for few days. I gave Austin some sloppy kisses on his face making him wake up with a big smile on his face, some of my kisses landed on his mouth and he kissed back. It wasn’t like when Justin kisses me, it was cute and full of love. We heard a growl before we were separated by strong arms, another mouth covered mine, firm lips against my soft ones than a little bite, a pinch of pain on my lower lip followed by a lick. The strong arm let me go for a second and turned to Austin, giving him the same attention like me, if his moaning is any clue he clearly enjoys it. “No playing without daddy's permission. You belong to me. Both of you” Lucius says with a growl. Maybe it’s not so bad, being here, belonging to him, and having Austin, maybe I’m losing it, I’m clearly losing it. Lucius got both of us ready for school, again with the pull-ups but all I could do was tear up and a single shush with a hug from him where enough to make me calm down. Austin was dressed similarly to me too, my hair was brushed and put in a French braid with a ribbon tying it at the end, while his hair was just brushed. We had breakfast first, me and Lucius didn’t fight we had an “agreement” him threatening to get me a bottle if I don’t eat and me clearly stating that I’m not hungry. We were joined by his friend Cecilia and her little girl, the girl was having a bottle complain free, the baby. I ate a few bites from a toast and called it a day, better than having a bottle forced on me. First, we walked Austin to his class, I hugged him before he went in smiling, my turn was next to go to class. I didn’t like the idea of going in alone or staying there without Austin or Lucius, I started crying, I don’t want him to leave, I want both him and Austin to stay with me, all thoughts of having a cold face on, being the b***h that I’m usually am left my head, I couldn’t master a cold face even to save my life. “Rosalia that’s enough. Stop with the tears…” Lucius tries his best to calm me down then pulls me up in his arms while I cry into his chest. He walked into my class and took a seat with me still crying into his chest, the teacher looked over at us and asked him. “You’re staying my Prince?” “Yes I am” he replies making me calm down, he’s staying. “Seem like you’re not the only one,” she said with a smile as Collin walked in holding a girl and a guy's hands. The guy took a seat next to Lucius and pulled Collin into his lap, Collin on the other hand was still holding the girl's hand. She had to forcibly remove his hand from hers while the guy kept a stronghold on him, she kissed the top of Collin’s head, the guy’s mouth then left, leaving a crying Collin behind. “He’s a mommy’s boy” the guy huff trying to calm Collin down. “Today’s class is going to be about Pacifiers. Most of the class use them depending on their age” the teacher starts stating before moving to the benefits of pacifiers for littles. She can explain and talk about it all she wants. I’m not going to use one, Collin didn’t stop his cries either, whoever the girl is, he seems to really want her back. “Kane how about you try and give Collin his pacifier?” Miss Nicolette suggests. The who’s name must be Kane took a new pacie from the teacher and tried to stick it in Collin's mouth, he just closed his mouth shut shaking his head no. Several trials later and still he couldn’t get him to suck on one making me laugh. “He does the same at our room, he’ll only take it if Jane offers it and even then for only a few minutes” Kane explains to the teacher. She nods her head understanding and then turns to me, she offers Lucius another pacie and it’s Collin’s turn to laugh while I shake my head no, definitely not. “Princess at least try it” he tries but my answer is still no. When the bell finally rang, making both me and Collin let out a sigh, we’re done with the stupid pacies for now. The teacher calls both Lucius and Kane to talk with her, we tagged along too. “Since both of you are kind of a special case scenario in this school I think it’s better if you get some special classes to help you with the transition,” Nicolette says and the two vampires nod, I didn’t really understand what they are talking about but okay. Lucius spent the rest of the day with me as did Kane with Collin, I was enjoying Lucius' presence with me, it felt like a safety blanket like no one would dare to mess with me while he’s there. Even at lunch Collin and Kane sat with us along with Cecelia who walked Austin to lunch with her little brat. Austin sat next to me and asked how I was doing and surprisingly I was enjoying my day so far and now that he’s here it even got better. Collin on the other hand was still giving his daddy a hard time making us all laugh. “Mommy, I want MOMMY,” he says holding Kane's face while straddling his lap. “She’s this tall” he starts pointing above his head “She got blond hair and blue eyes and I want HER” “Wasn’t he crying last week wanting you?” Cecelia asks with a laugh. “He’ll ask for whoever isn’t here. Jane got a doctor's appointment” Kane explains. “No you can leave and mommy can stay,” Collin says with a huff. That earned him a slap on his thigh and a stop the attitude look. “I heard you guys are getting moved to a special class,” Cecelia says. “Word travels fast around here?” Lucius ask. “Well, it does especially with me being both your consultant and friend.” She replies with a smirk.  The rest of lunch passed in peace, surprisingly I was hungry and for the first time ate without a fight, after lunch all three of us had the same class meaning I got both boys with me for the rest of the day. Although the classes weren’t that fun and we were informed that practical classes would begin soon, well maybe this school isn’t that bad after all.  
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